Exactly one week ago,
Rasmussen polled the Wisconsin Senate race, showing the Dem incumbent, Russ Feingold, at 46% and Repub challenger, Ron Johnson at 45%. (Primary is in September).
PPP's new poll, just out today, has Feingold up by 2:
Quote:It's looking more and more likely that Wisconsin will be in the top tier of competitive Senate races this fall. Russ Feingold leads challenger Ron Johnson by only two points, 45-43. Johnson is polling closer to Feingold than Tommy Thompson was as he contemplated a potential campaign.
Wisconsin voters are evenly divided in their feelings about Feingold with 42% giving him good marks and 42% think he's doing a poor job. Feingold's reviews are nearly completely polarized along party lines, with 71% of Democrats approving of him and 72% of Republicans disapproving. Independents are also against him by a 39/46 margin, reflecting their unhappiness with most all incumbents across the country right now.
More analysis and link to methodology at the website, linked above.
Fivethirtyeight.com has new Senate analysis out today and rates this race as 'Likely Democrat', although Nate qualifies that with the following comment:
Quote:Wisconsin. The model is not really willing to bank very much money on Russ Feingold being beaten by some no-name based on Rasmussen polling alone, especially with Feingold's approval numbers still being okay-ish. If other pollsters start to show the same thing, as PPP has hinted that they might, it could start to feel differently.