I Am A Nervous Wreck - So Talk to Me Please!

Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 07:25 pm
@Arella Mae,
Is she lying down and getting up a lot? . Is she grinding her teeth as if shes in some pain?
See anything at her teats is there a discharge yet?

IM SO EXCITED TOO. We may have to put the World Series on DVR and go out to the barn and watch the horsie.
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 07:30 pm
No, she doesn't seem to be getting up and down anymore than usual. Haven't seen her grinding her teeth either. I did not get close enough to see if she had any discharge. Up until today I could see her teats behind the milkbag but, it has gotten full enough to where I cannot see them. Tomorrow, when I feed them in the morning I am going to go in and see if her teats are waxing or dripping.

The only thing she has done a bit out of character so far is to come to the fence and whinny pretty much constantly. Usually, she only does that when it's time to eat.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 07:58 pm
@Arella Mae,
she is probably a bit confused as to whats happening to her. Go out and give her some comfort and talk quietly to her and assure her that youre around. Dont leave her just alone for a long period when hes so close. I cant tell from all weve heard whether shes gonna drop tonight, tommorrow or some later day. So, keep an eye . Dont overfeed her cause, we have sheep that, when they are erady to drop , will just eat out of nervousness and that can cause some problems if she is the same.

Im not a big source of anything on horses but have helped deliver a few foals and have spent lots of "neighbor time" in the barn with neighbors (especially my one neighbor who has a herd of Belgian draft horses). Keep writing, well get through it , just dont lose contact with the momma for long pweriods. You should be up and check her through the night to be safe. REmember if you dont know the sire, could he be a much larger horse and could make a lamb thats too large for her to handle by herself.
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 08:02 pm
Okay, that just helped something make perfect sense! She usually whinnies when she wants me to feed her! So maybe that is why she did it today, out of nervousness. As soon as hubby is finished his music practice we will go out there and check on her.

I will let you know how she is in a bit.
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Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 08:57 pm
Okay, the hubby and I just got back in from checking on Little Miss Joy. No baby yet and she is still standing up and we did not see her grinding her teeth and it didn't appear she is too nervous. Her milkbag is definitely filling up. It is larger even than earlier today. I couldn't see her teats so I still don't know if they are dripping or are waxy.

I will check that first thing in the morning. I swear, if she doesn't have this baby soon I'm gonna go nuts. I'm still scared to get too excited since I've been wrong all the times before now. I keep telling hubby "this has got to be a trick!"
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 09:14 pm
@Arella Mae,
I will check that first thing in the morning. I swear, if she doesn't have this baby soon I'm gonna go nuts.

And so will we, Arella!

We're waiting, we're waiting ...! Smile
Arella Mae
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 09:19 pm
Thank you, Msolga. I just hope she really has it this time. I feel like the boy who called wolf if you know what I mean?

Oh Farmerman, if she doesn't have the baby by the end of the week, I should probably have the vet back out? I mean, of course, unless she shows signs of some distress before then?

Surely she can't just keep having these signs and keep putting the birth off? I read that horses can put the birth off for a bit. I guess I am just worried because she is a rescue horse and had been so neglected. I know the vet said she is healthy and all but I still worry.
Reply Mon 2 Nov, 2009 09:24 pm
@Arella Mae,
Id check some more during the night. It may be no biggy and shes still not due, but Id hate for you to not be available if she needs assistance. We always keep the vets numbers in the barn at a medicine cabinet .

Im sorry I cant give any sound advice about how long youve got since we dont know about the dates when the stud was with her.
Good Luck and , hey, if we dont get no sleep during lambing season, YOU dont get any sleep during horsie season. Good Luck!!
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2009 01:32 am
LOL! Yeah, I am still up and have checked on her a couple more times. She is doing just fine. I kind of get the impression she's wondering why I keep coming in there. LOL

I wish there was some way I could find out when she was bred that's for sure but I haven't been able to find out. I'll just call the vet Monday if she hasn't had it yet. LOL He probably thinks I'm like a stage mother or someting but that's okay. I'd rather be overcautious than not cautious enough.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2009 01:56 am
@Arella Mae,
Thank you, Msolga. I just hope she really has it this time. I feel like the boy who called wolf if you know what I mean?

Yes, in a way. Smile

But let's all hope this birth is a good one. A beautiful foal.

Is there no way you can get some idea of when your horse was impregnated? This could alleviate some of your anguish about the timing of the birth.
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2009 06:00 am
Nothing eh? Well, just keep watching. I feel its close
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2009 06:12 am
Heres something of a possible timeline when stuff happens in foaling. I think your within a few days but keep your eyes on her teats and demeanor.

Distension of the Udder 4-6 wks before
Relaxation of teh Croup, Jelly-like 7-10 days
Filling of the Teats, 4-6 days
Dripping of Milk, 24-48 hours

You can get some water hardening test strips from a water company. Check to see calcification in the milk and if so, 24-48 hours definitly. DONT squeeze milk. Only do it if it is dripping to make sure this isn't false. Some mares can drip twice, but only one will be true milk.

Different things to know

False Labor, ing, groaning, getting up and down, may last 3-4 days

Actual Delivery 15-30 minutes. Streaming milk, sweating, Colic like symptoms, water breaking, see parts of foal, Heavy breathing, groaning, tail up and over.

Post delivery takes 3 weeks.

Labor and Contractions are SO powerful, rarely will a mare have delivery problems. Foal WILL come out regardless.

2 front feet will present first, soles pointed down. Chin should be laying between knees and pastern.

Mare can and will stand up sometimes after you see the feet, and foal will slip back down. Will resume.


If disturbed during labor, can cause mare to stand up and STOP labor. At this time, call a vet if she is still standing 10 minutes later. Labor has stopped completely and complications will probably occur.

DO NOT DISTURB MARE!!!! Total labor should take no more than 30 minutes. If longer, CALL VET!!
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 3 Nov, 2009 12:51 pm
Farmerman, thank you so very much for this information! This really helps. Okay, there is no baby as of now. Sorry, I just got up. I was up most of the night checking on her and fell asleep when it got light out.

The dip at her hindquarters is still a bit visible, but if you look at her straight on, she doesn't look like a boat as much anymore. I guess that is because the baby moved toward the hindquarters?

Her teats are not waxy, nor are they dripping. Milkbag is about the same size as it was last night. She is definitely not in any kind of pain or feeling nervous today.

Unfortunately, she will not let me lift up her tail without wanting to kick me so I cannot check that point. Farmerman, exactly what do you mean by Distension of the Udder?

Msolga, there is no way for me to find out when she was bred. My friend, Pam, bought her at a rescue horse auction about three months before I got her from Pam. Pam doesn't know exactly where Little Miss Joy and Lulu came from other than the town so I have no way of knowing. I know that if I had any clue about it my anxiety would definitely lessen!

This is my first ever mare with a foal and I am such a novice at this. I think that is pretty evident since I got everyone so excited MONTHS ago thinking she was in labor. I have to laugh at myself for that.

All of you are being so kind and supportive and it means so much to me. Farmerman, your sharing all this information is really helping me. Now, when I breed my Tobiano Mare in February, I will know what is going on pretty much through the whole process!

My friends keep telling me they think Miss Joy is going to have a clydesdale and it's just taking longer to develop. LOL
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 5 Nov, 2009 10:18 pm
Absolutely nothing has happened yet. No milk dripping or teats waxing. She still has the smallest of dips at her hindquarters and she is acting like nothing is going to happen! The foal inside is pretty active inside her. I can see quite a bit of movement.

I called the vet and told him what was going on. I have to laugh. He said, "Would you stop worrying about that mare? She is healthy and knows what she is doing!" I said, "Yeah, I know, I just want her to DO it faster!"

I will keep you all updated!
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 7 Nov, 2009 08:43 pm
Today I took Mac on another big trail ride. It was probably the most exciting, scary, and strenuous ride I've ever been on. One horse hit a bog and fell in up to its stomach. Thank God horse and rider were not hurt. All this rain we had! The top soil was dry but once a horse hit it, down it went! Mac got tangled up in a thorny vine but he was so good. He just stood there calmly while another rider got down and got him free. Mac loves to go fast down hills. That's where the strenuous came in. It was pretty muddy in a few places and him going fast down a hill is like suicide, so it takes a lot to hold him back. But, we had a great time and there were 84 riders.

I talked to Pam, the lady I got Miss Joy from. She had talked to the people at the auction where she got Miss Joy and Lulu from. As best we can all figure, Miss Joy is at the very least nine months along and at the very most eleven months along. I'm guessing eleven months since the vet says he doesn't see her lasting until February.

I took a nap after the ride today and woke up at ten after five. It was already getting dark. I went out to feed the horses and Lulu was in the yard! I had totally forgotten to lock the gate yesterday after my ride on Mac. Lulu nosed that gate open and got in the yard. It was open all night last night! Talk about a stupid mistake! It is definitely one I will not make again.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 07:54 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 07:59 am
Mac loves to go fast down hills.

But the man from Snowy River let the pony have his head,
And he swung his stockwhip round and gave a cheer,
And he raced him down the mountain like a torrent down its bed,
While the others stood and watched in very fear.

He sent the flint stones flying, but the pony kept his feet,
He cleared the fallen timber in his stride,
And the man from Snowy River never shifted in his seat -
It was grand to see that mountain horseman ride.
Through the stringybarks and saplings, on the rough and broken ground,
Down the hillside at a racing pace he went;
And he never drew the bridle till he landed safe and sound,
At the bottom of that terrible descent.
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 08:30 pm
LOL I guess I should just trust Mac and let him do what he does best.

No change in Little Miss Joy. I swear she is keeping that foal in her on purpose!
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Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 09:44 pm
That is beautiful dadpad. Who wrote it, I am impressed.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2009 10:36 pm
No baby yet! I am thoroughly convinced this horse is doing this on purpose. She just gets wider and wider! So, since November and January are foaling months around here, I'm going with January and even hesitate to do that. I am so anxious for the baby to arrive but Miss Joy doesn't seem to be in any hurry at all.

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