Sarah Palin, too weird.

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:06 pm
Nothing wrong with being emotional on threads! But really, Wilso, you've been uncharacteristically histrionic lately. I like you so much more when you're laid back and funny. If this guy gets under your skin, just put him on "Ignore." Works like a charm!

Ignoring a direct challenge is not the way of men. To ignore is to play the submissive, and with men that usually acts like an engraved invitation to more bullying. Women have got to let men be men, this is why men sometimes need to be by ourselves without women folk around, because you all don't understand and can only see enough to criticize us.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:10 pm
Well, thank you! That's the nicest compliment I've gotten all day! I certainly hope there is more to me than that! No self-respecting woman wants to be thought of as a "trophy." It's insulting.

You have got that backwards. Any trophy wife will tell you that she wants the best of everything, and that she is good enough to get the best of everything. Trophy wives are the exact opposite in the belief in themselves from what you describe.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:20 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Well, thank you! That's the nicest compliment I've gotten all day! I certainly hope there is more to me than that! No self-respecting woman wants to be thought of as a "trophy." It's insulting.

You have got that backwards. Any trophy wife will tell you that she wants the best of everything, and that she is good enough to get the best of everything. Trophy wives are the exact opposite in the belief in themselves from what you describe.

Well my wife definitely is not a trophy. But she is an amazing woman. When our daughter was sick, she slept on a chair in her hospital room for 5 days. She's not well educated, but already speaks 3 languages fluently, and is quickly gaining mastery of her 4th. She is resilient in ways that I (and in fact most westerners) could never be.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:28 pm
Sometimes women also need to be by ourselves without menfolk around, and this sort of adolescent "who's-got-the-biggest-dick" silliness is one good reason why.

Also, for your information, ignoring a direct challenge is not natural to either sex. Women often enjoy a good fight, haven't you noticed that right here on A2K? (Where are Chai and Shewolf when I need them!)

But mature adults (of both sexes) don't feel the need to dignify some things with an answer. The most successful and respected men I know are masters of knowing when to speak and when to shut up. It's a real talent.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:31 pm
Well my wife definitely is not a trophy

oh please, you wave a picture of her around like a talisman, and then want to claim that she is not your trophy??!!. Be honest with yourself for God's sake.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:32 pm
But mature adults (of both sexes) don't feel the need to dignify some things with an answer. The most successful and respected men I know are masters of knowing when to speak and when to shut up. It's a real talent

Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:38 pm
Wilso wrote:

Well my wife definitely is not a trophy. But she is an amazing woman. When our daughter was sick, she slept on a chair in her hospital room for 5 days. She's not well educated, but already speaks 3 languages fluently, and is quickly gaining mastery of her 4th. She is resilient in ways that I (and in fact most westerners) could never be.

I knew you were proud of her for the kind of person she is. That's exactly why posting her photo in that manner bothered me. I knew it wasn't representative of how you really felt about her. You've told us, again and again, how much you admire her. We've all been so happy that you found each other.

There is a huge difference between being well educated and intelligent. (I know this firsthand: my first husband was the opposite of your wife...extremely well educated but not very smart. I'll take intelligent any day of the week!)
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:41 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:


Good! Let's stop here! (It's late.)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 10:45 pm
You've told us, again and again, how much you admire her

Why yes, we men do love to admire our trophies, wives and otherwise.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:03 pm
I believe it's nature that made us that way.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:09 pm
Fuckwits like that just need a reality check. I have been guilty of being emotional on threads, but this worthless little loser's only output is sorry little attempts to make others feel bad. He needs to know that he can't do it. It doesn't get through, but you can tell by reading his drivel, that he simply doesn't have anything else. He's a loser who obviously doesn't have a friend in the world, and his only outlet is to go on the internet and spew hatred.

As for someone elses reference to money, I don't really give a **** about money. It's nothing more than a means to an end. But for right wingscum money is god. Just look at piss boy's rabid output since my post. He knows he's a loser who can't touch me, and he's foaming at the mouth over it.

My plan is simply to make enough to retire to Thailand. Get a job teaching kids English for a $1000 a month. Every couple of weeks head off to the islands to do some scuba diving in the tropical waters.

And it all seems to be about "you", doesn't it,Wilso? Posting your wife & daughter's photograph proves you're better than H2O man. Stating what your income is, more of the same. Rolling Eyes
What does any of this have to do with the original discussion ... even the ridiculous "discussion" about who was the biggest loser between the two of you? You think you gave H2O man a reality check? I think you descended to his level of "debate".
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:12 pm
You think you gave H2O man a reality check? I think you descended to his level of "debate"

they acted with honor and dignity, you are all pissy because they refused to act like women.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:18 pm
UhHuh. Honor & dignity. Sure they did.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:22 pm
according to men's rules....you women play a different game...
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:27 pm
Whatever, hawkeye ...
And I'm sure you believe your version of "men's rules" rules is vastly superior to what you perceive "women's rules" to be. Why don't you start a thread about it? Then anyone who cares to discuss this topic with you can do so.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2009 11:58 pm
Wilso wrote:

Intrepid wrote:

Exactly what does it say and why? What happened to the Sarah Palin discussion?

Are you suggesting that Palin is worth discussing? She's not much fun.

Are you suggesting that the schoolyard childishness being exhibited by hawkeye and yourself is worthy of discussion? Neither of you is much fun. You should both grow up. You both talk about being men and neither of you seem to know what that is all about.
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 12:00 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Eva wrote:
Well, thank you! That's the nicest compliment I've gotten all day! I certainly hope there is more to me than that! No self-respecting woman wants to be thought of as a "trophy." It's insulting.

You have got that backwards. Any trophy wife will tell you that she wants the best of everything, and that she is good enough to get the best of everything. Trophy wives are the exact opposite in the belief in themselves from what you describe.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 12:03 am
You both talk about being men and neither of you seem to know what that is all about
Standing up to bullies is important and serious work, it is not child's play and is not an endeavour for amateurs. If you don't know then you don't know, but you should consider keeping your ignorance to yourself.
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 12:10 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

Intrepid wrote:
You both talk about being men and neither of you seem to know what that is all about
Standing up to bullies is important and serious work, it is not child's play and is not an endeavour for amateurs. If you don't know then you don't know, but you should consider keeping your ignorance to yourself.

Standing up to bullies is man to man / face to face. Hiding behind a keyboard and blustering and pounding your chest is not standing up to anything. A two year old could do that.

Coming from one who posts about women the way you do makes you a bully in your own right. Cowards can act like they are all that behind anonymity. Why don't you post a picture of yourself and let the world know who you are? Of course you won't. You prefer to act like the tough guy in secret.

You should apologize to every woman you have posted to on this thread because you have done nothing but belittle them. Of course you won't. You don't see your abhorrent behaviour.
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2009 12:17 am
Standing up to bullies is man to man / face to face

are you denying that there is such an animal as an Internet bully? Or are you rather saying that there is nothing that can be done about them because standing up to them requires face time? I remind you that there are several teens dead of suicide during the last year because of Internet bullying. You might reconsider your position. It does not conform to reality.
0 Replies

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