georgeob1 wrote:It seems to me that she has been remarkably honest and responsible in her decision and her expressed motives for it. She is acting in a consistency with her expressed values and a candid assessment of the situation
Look at these paras for example:
Quote:If I have learned one thing: LIFE is about choices!
And one chooses how to react to circumstances. You can choose to engage in things that tear down, or build up. I choose to work very hard on a path for fruitfulness and productivity. I choose NOT to tear down and waste precious time; but to build UP this state and our country, and her industrious, generous, patriotic, free people!
Life is too short to compromise time and resources... it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: "Sit down and shut up", but that's the worthless, easy path; that's a quitter's way out. And a problem in our country today is apathy. It would be apathetic to just hunker down and “go with the flow”.
Nah, only dead fish "go with the flow".
No. Productive, fulfilled people determine where to put their efforts, choosing to wisely utilize precious time... to BUILD UP.
So, uh .. she wants to "work very hard on a path for fruitfulness and productivity", so .. she resigns from the only executive governmental office she's ever held.
She wants to "build UP this state and our country", so she resigns as Governor of said state. In order to, instead ... well, that's a bit hazy. To "work for and campaign for those PROUD to be American", in some unspecified way.
Her "choice is to take a stand and effect change", by .. um ... "effect[ing] positive change outside government at this moment in time, on another scale, and actually make a difference for our priorities". We'll get back to you on what that means, and what she's actually going to do that's so much more "fruitful and productive" than, you know, governing a state.
All she can ask now "is that you TRUST me with this decision " but it’s no more “politics as usual”." So that's OK then.
In case you haven't caught on with the redefinition of what words mean, please note the new, Palinesque logic:
- Remaining in office as Governor is the equivalent of "Sitting down and shutting up".
- Finishing your term as Governor is "a quitter's way out". Actually quitting the office is the opposite.
- "Hunker[ing] down" and finishing your political term would be "apathetic". Quitting the office prematurely to "work for and campaign" for Americans in unspecified, non-executive ways is taking political responsibility.
Seriously - wtf?