sceletera wrote:You accuse me of playing word games? The English language is sometimes imperfect but for you to pick out one word and attempt to use it to make an argument is disingenuous on your part after you argue
Quote:I made a mistake by using the term mental disorder when I should have said mental illness.
My main point, that this monstrosity was targeted at people who are not mentally ill remains valid.
Hardly disingenuous. Claiming that
no one has ever pointed out something that I'm wrong about is quite different from pointing out that some loudmouth pipsqueak who is making false accusations about "me always being wrong" can't point out any of my errors.
sceletera wrote:Here you go.
I made a mistake using the word "no one". I should have filled it in with names such as maporsche, farmerman, MontereyJack, izzythepush, olivier5, etc, etc.
My main point is still quite valid.
I'm a bit unclear about what your main point is then.
Can you restate your main point without the words "no one" so I can address what you really meant?
sceletera wrote:You seem to think this is a useful dodge. I would beat you up if I felt like it.

When people make untrue statements about me, I am much less inclined to devote the same energies to digging up cites than I would if engaged in a respectful discussion.
sceletera wrote:I am hardly complaining. I am pointing out that your attempt to justify that response only makes my statement truthful.
I reject the truthfulness of the statement with the "no one" in it.
I'll have to address your clarified statement when or if you offer such clarification
sceletera wrote:You do it constantly.
Depends on your clarification as to what exactly you are saying that I do constantly.
sceletera wrote:And yet, you haven't been able to show any of my statement to be lies.
If you want to make claims about me, the burden is not on me to disprove them. The burden is on you to prove them.
sceletera wrote:If only you had taken that advice to heart before you gave it to others.
I live by that statement. That is why I always provide you with facts instead of concocting lies about you.
sceletera wrote:Yes, they are. And they stand even taller when one bothers to give links to sources that support them. That would as be opposed to those that claim they would support them if only they felt like searching for some supporting evidence. I wonder who did that?
If you start being a bit more respectful instead of making untrue claims about me, maybe I'll be more inclined to see what I can dig up.
sceletera wrote:It's a good thing or you would end up in hospital.
Big talk, but I notice you didn't try to poke any holes in my logic.
sceletera wrote:My point is still valid.

Hard for me to agree or disagree without hearing your point stated without the untrue "no one" in it.
sceletera wrote:Blaming others for your actions? You clearly made the statements. I can only assume you weren't forced to make them by someone holding a gun to your head.
What I was objecting to was the "no one" words.
I'm a bit unclear what your point is exactly, until you state it without the offending "no one" accusation.
sceletera wrote:Your excuse for doing it doesn't change the fact that you do it quite often. Nor does your excuse make the many times you did it disappear.
As above, I need some clarification as to what "it" is (if it doesn't involve the words "no one") before I can respond properly.