Advocate wrote:
Quote:The point is that you have no trouble with ex-cons
and psychos having easy access to guns.
Thay have that
no matter WHAT. Thay have that NOW.
Don 't u see that??
Do u claim that gun control, even at its most severe,
has ever prevented
even ONE robbery ?
R u so hopelessly Pollyanaish that u believe
that a criminal somewhere has ever thawt:
"Gee, its too hard to get a gun, or to make one
and I don't know any gunsmiths, not a single child
in the neighborhood who makes guns,
so I 'll get a job flipping hamburgers
and thereafter I will not apply any effort
to getting nor to making a gun
and I will not use a bomb nor any other weapon either."
Has that ever happened?
Before guns were invented, did criminals just wait around impatiently
for guns to be invented, pacing back n forth,
or did thay go out and commit their intended crimes anyway?
Will u explain that to me please, Advocate?
Then there is the matter of "
equal protection of the laws"
which all states are constitutionally required to offer.
Constitutionally, Martha Stewart has as much right to personal protection as u or I do.
The only thing that the 2nd Amendment does is put any control,
or even any influence, concerning guns beyond the reach of government,
the same way that government has no jurisdiction to make u go to Church if u don 't wanna go,
regardless of whether government thinks Church is good for keeping crime down.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:This will help these people in their activities.
How is that significant to the result ??
Thay will commit the crimes anyway
even if thay do not get the "help".
Have u heard of any "gun control" law preventing
even ONE crime?
Advocate wrote:
Quote:It will certainly make it easier to get the pocketbook of an elderly woman.
Traditionally, pursesnatching is done with abrupt violence, gunlessly.
In a fully armed populace, if citizens see an old woman being robbed,
thay can kill the robber and have a good laff at his expense.
Advocate wrote:
Quote:It will even make it easier to get Dave's wallet.
(His gun will be in his NYC home.)
not all of them
The answer is to reinstate the
status quo ante
control upon THE CRIMINAL and forget about his tools.
ISOLATE criminally violent recidivists from the decent people.
I suggest that criminally violent recidivists be removed from
the North American Continent with sneaking back being prohibited
on pain of death, without permission.
Thay can have all of the guns and knives thay want
but thay must be 1000s of miles away from us.
OK with the 2nd Amendment
and it will make for a safe, quiet America.