Advocate wrote:Quote:Can you cite any authority for saying that gun control is ineffective?
I am not much of a statistician.
I might be able to come up with something; more likely not.
However, I invoke recent historical memory that there
was no observed difference in the rate of crime from the early 1900s,
thru the worst of the most oppressive gun control.
When gun control was rejected in favor of CCW in Florida in 1987, crime dropped.
This continued to be the pattern in other states that followed
in Florida 's footsteps and
No state has ever said:
"we made a mistake in going to CCW, crime rose,
so we are returning to gun control."
Anyway: if
YOU claim that crime declined
after gun control was inflicted upon the populace,
then it is incumbent upon
YOU to prove it.
The burden of proof is on the affirmative side.
Quote:It is not perfect, but has certainly been effective for many, many, people.
Yes, it has gotten a lot of innocent people killed
by disarming them so that thay coud not fight back
against violent predators, be thay human or not.
The penalty for
obaying gun control laws
at the discretion of violent criminals or animals.
Quote:In the UK, as in many other advanced countries, there is very strict gun control.
The severe n oppressive gun prohibition caused increases of violent crime, especially burglaries
of occupied houses. Police later complained of being required to cook the books to make their gun control look good,
e.g. counting mulitiple felonies at the same time n place against several victims as only 1 crime.
Supporters of gun control are
very dishonest.
Quote:Those countries have only a tiny percent of the gun crimes that we do.
Violent crime is also very heavily race related.
When I was in practice as a trial attorney, I saw every morning in court,
a line of prisoners in chains, wrist-to-wrist, looking like something
from the pre-Civil War South, with typically maybe 1 or 2 whites or Chinese
out of around 70 blacks, day after day, on their way to be arraigned. That is just eyesight.
The Europeans do not have as many blacks as we do.