Good discernment on your part, K. And what about the "l"? Was that ever explained... I've pondered it and am at a loss. I think it must just be a freak.
blatham - good plan!
Piffka - Never ask him about the one 'l'.
ohhhhhhhh, l'k, you didn't!
sure i'll see you again. :: rollie eyes:: <the pic ones just don't say it strongly enough>
Do you mean I shouldn't ask him because of what I'd hear, or you forgot??? Rats. Why would somebody not use both "L's"??? he!!
Bil for Wilhelm. Bil for Wilem. Bil for Bil. Bil for showiness. Lotsa options.
Hmmmm. Still an oddity, but you're right.
Though who would name their son a beautiful name like Wilem and then call him Bil?
Put his hand on you 4 too many times...
that man is lucky he still has a!
oiy, jeesh...gosh
keep up the good work k gal, sounds like you're having fun and enjoying the meetings with a nice clear head...thats always good!
the 4 too many times is intriguing. was 6 times the right number of times? 0? i'm very curious about this.
Zero is way too high if you don't like the guy
. . . four times is too few if he's the one for you.
Maybe it is like Jon instead of John.
Piffka has it right. It was about 4 times he laid his mitt on my thigh. It was icky.
He is a william - two 'l's.
So I am vicariously attuned here. I have plenty of savvy on how to act as a young vibrant woman, but I am not that now, am an older seasoned interesting woman, heh. I am listening for behavior clues for someone of my age, which let me warn you, comes on faster than you expect, and am also open to giving opinions for allye of earlier years, should you ever want those, oh never mind.
Maybe I am just listening for universal truths.
Well, Little k, better luck next time. These are the dangers of blind dates. Sometimes it would have been much better to have stayed at home. But they won't all be that way. So, next time, slap that boy's hand and say, "do that again, and I'll hit you with a brick."
Or you could always happen to spill your drink on him!!!
<imagining this with an unseemly glee>
No good, Pifka. She says she usually picks up her own bar tab.
Well, how 'bout the ice cubes... Anyway, sometimes you just have to make a sacrifice for the better good. (Cheap beer is nice and sticky!)
<still smiling at own ingenuity>
Hot cocoa is hot and sticky.
Roger, I love the way you think... aren't we just sooo much help for Little K????
S'ok all, there are still two guys I did like enough to see again. And there are some I haven't seen yet.
Osso - fire away with universal advice.....
littlek, Mark Twain said "Moderation is fine ... if not taken to excess." Have fun, be cautious and circumspect, but not TOO careful!
Perhaps, when meeting one of these on-line acquaintances for the first time in person, it might be wise to wear a National Rifle Association LifeMember Pin ... without further comment.