How many people is it acceptable to have.....

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 11:04 am
Spendius said:
I find it hilarious and any woman who gets upset at it simply lacks confidence in herself despite it containing so much that is obviously true

Yeah, this is definitely true about me:
Women are suited to being the nurses and teachers of our earliest childhood precisely because they themselves are childish, silly and short-sighted, in a word big children, their whole lives long: a kind of intermediate stage between the child and the man. One has only to watch a girl playing with a child, dancing and singing with it the whole day, and then ask oneself what, with the best will in the world, a man could do in her place.

Did I ever tell you my eyes are like 20/-475? I'm blind without my contacts/glasses.

In the girl nature has had in view what could in theatrical terms be called a stage-effect: it has provided her with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years at the expense of the whole remainder of her life,

some girls are late bloomers though- awkward when young and then they blossom into swans and remain swanlike through middle-age all the way into their sixties and seventies. I see women like that every day. They inspire me.

Thus nature has equipped women, as it has all its creatures, with the tools and weapons she needs for securing her existence,

And rightly so - what -should she feel guilty about it?

Female truth
The fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflexion but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies: for, as nature has equipped the lion with claws and teeth, the elephant with tusks, the wild boar with fangs, the bull with horns and the cuttlefish with ink, so it has equipped woman with the power of dissimulation as her means of attack and defence, and has transformed into this gift all the strength it has bestowed on man in the form of physical strength and the power of reasoning. Dissimulation is thus inborn in her and consequently to be found in the stupid woman almost as often as in the clever one. To make use of it at every opportunity is as natural to her as it is for an animal to employ its means of defence whenever it is attacked, and when she does so she feels that to some extent she is only exercising her rights. A completely truthful woman who does not practice dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility, which is why women see through the dissimulation of others so easily it is inadvisable to attempt it with them. " But this fundamental defect which I have said they possess, together with all that is associated with it, gives rise to falsity, unfaithfulness, treachery, ingratitude, etc. Women are guilty of perjury far more often than men. It is questionable whether they ought to be allowed to take an oath at all.

hmmm...no comment except to say that if I were more cynical, I'dhave to agree to a certain extent, although I'd extend this to the majority of human beings- not just women.

Feminine charms
Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up.

Was he gay (or homosexual- sorry)? If he wasn't known to be gay, I'd have to guess he was closeted.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 11:16 am
But the whole point of this debate is to expose how weak the cultural and societal forces have become under the influence of Ladymedia.

Spendius - who controls media?
Those forces are now so weak, as we have seen on here, that the biological urges, which are known to be periodic, are often overwhelmed by rebelliousness and invidious comparisons with peers and, as you showed, the only way to feel attractive.

Sadly, I can't disagree with this (except to say that during sex was/is not the only time I felt/feel attractive - that was my friend- the one who used to lock me out of our room.).
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 11:39 am
Thank you vikorr for your nice post.

(Quote button isn't working) 'I will say what is folly. If you haven't the nerve and wish to be all things to all people that's your affair and not mine. It was folly what Queenie did. If she doesn't like me for saying that I'm not about to put what I think are her best interests second to her approving of me. Or you. Or anybody else.

We were all invited to be a judge when Queenie put the post up. Some posters approved. It's odd you haven't addressed your strictures to them. Approving is just as much judging as is disapproving.'

Well 'folly' is questionable.
Regardless of how well we got on/ how much I liked him/ whatever, I am perfectly aware it is not the most sensible idea to invite people you've known for about 4 hours back to your house. I do not contest this may well considered 'folly.' What I am rebuking is that actions such as this now give me some kind of negative status in society.
You are right, I put this out there, I invited both good and bad judgement, and I received good and bad judgement. The main thing I've learned is that it's pointless to care what judgement you receive. It's WAY to much effort to sit here and defend myself to the hilt.
I can't do what I like and whinge when society isn't on my side. It's not as bad for me as some people. I dress tastefully and have dark hair. Some women get judged as soon as they step out the house.

As for the schopenhauer... to rage at it would be fruitless.
All I can say is that at least the authority of such thought structures has been displaced in recent years. No opinions are unmediated. He was a product of his time, and no doubt had a vested interest in keeping the world patriarchal.

The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 11:46 am
@The Pentacle Queen,
Those forces are now so weak, as we have seen on here, that the biological urges, which are known to be periodic, are often overwhelmed by rebelliousness and invidious comparisons with peers and, as you showed, the only way to feel attractive.

Nope. I'm not underconfident and I haven't been since I was 18. I'm not saying some women don't do what you suggest, but not me. Thats just another way of presenting a woman as a victim when she chooses to have sex.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 12:12 pm
Spendius - who controls media?

Women of course. They watch it most and finance it with the purchases they make. The agenda is set to flatter them so they watch the ads. Not many women, numerically, watch BBC. But even that is sold out to them in order to compete. It's just the same with newspapers. TV and newspapers are in symbiosis. Especially Sunday newspapers. Nearly all the so-called provincial newspapers are owned by the conglomerates. They are all run by what A.A. Gill calls Tristrams. Mummie's little darlings he means. Blokes who tuck their shirts inside their underpants like John Major was said to do.

It's like asking who controls the beer production. Beer drinkers do.

I'd love to hear a woman commentating on the Ebor Handicap. Or the Ayr Gold Cup.

Sadly, I can't disagree with this (except to say that during sex was/is not the only time I felt/feel attractive - that was my friend- the one who used to lock me out of our room.).

I knew that. I would never have expected you to say that about yourself.

Sgt. Rock is going to help me
make the girl mine
keep her stood in line
Sgt. Rock is going to help me
make the girl mine
keep her stood in line
make the girl mine, wave the victory sign


Johnny Rotten referred to "can I **** you now" songs. And I've been told that his Irish Butter ad has increased sales by 70% . And if he eats it himself, as I am confident he does, his integrity is undiminished.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 12:15 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
If ever we need an example of the charming feminine characteristic of dissimulation we need look no further than this little gem radiating its surroundings with innocence.


All I know is that I could sit and have my eye on someone and pine and pine, but I wasn't supposed to show any sign of having chosen him until he indicated he'd chosen me first.

and then:
Those forces are now so weak, as we have seen on here, that the biological urges, which are known to be periodic, are often overwhelmed by rebelliousness and invidious comparisons with peers and, as you showed, the only way to feel attractive.

to which you responded:
Nope. I'm not underconfident and I haven't been since I was 18. I'm not saying some women don't do what you suggest, but not me. Thats just another way of presenting a woman as a victim when she chooses to have sex.

PQ - Spendius has a problem with me waiting to be asked and he has a problem with you not waiting to be asked and actively pursuing the guy (if that's in fact how it happened - I can't remember because it doesn't really matter to me).
We can't win.
What he doesn't realize or won't admit is that we are both products of the times and environments in which we were socialized.

He chooses to ignore that, and attribute our two very differing behaviors to the same manipulative and self-serving feminine gene he believes exists and is an integral characteristic of every female.

The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 12:20 pm

PQ - Spendius has a problem with me waiting to be asked and he has a problem with you not waiting to be asked and actively pursuing the guy (if that's in fact how it happened - I can't remember because it doesn't really matter to me).
We can't win.
What he doesn't realize or won't admit is that we are both products of the times and environments in which we were socialized.

He chooses to ignore that, and attribute our two very differing behaviors to the same manipulative and self-serving feminine gene he believes exists and is an integral characteristic of every female.

You're right. What a shame.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 12:23 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
All I can say is that at least the authority of such thought structures has been displaced in recent years.

Which is tantamount to saying that a "new woman" has come into the world. And with her a "new man". And what a sorry mess he is. He actually accompanies his wife shopping. Holds her hand too. I bet she wishes he would vanish. Some of them seem scared of letting her out of his sight. It must be very trying when all the propaganda is telling her how wonderful it is. She'll have to pass by the cream-cake cafe.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 12:26 pm

Spendius - who controls media?

Women of course. They watch it most and finance it with the purchases they make.

which are in answer to what they believe men desire or command them to be.
I'm not saying that they should be held unaccountable for caving into expectation, but again- what does the unpassable woman do for love and companionship if she refuses to succumb and aspire to the male ideal of passability?
And I'm talking about straight out sex and affection. I'm not talking about bagging a meal ticket. I'm talking about the basic human need that every person has for closeness and sex.
The agenda is set to flatter them so they watch the ads

Another male manipulation. Because they know how desperate women are to appeal to and please men.
It's disgusting - I agree...but men TRADE IN IT and rely on it.

I'd love to hear a woman commentating on the Ebor Handicap. Or the Ayr Gold Cup.

and if she did you'd misongynistically (if that's a word) either call her a dyke or make fun of her for standing there with her cleavage showing as you did a few posts back.


Sadly, I can't disagree with this (except to say that during sex was/is not the only time I felt/feel attractive - that was my friend- the one who used to lock me out of our room.).


I knew that. I would never have expected you to say that about yourself.
Why not? I know why I wouldn't, but I'm curious to know why you think I wouldn't.


Sgt. Rock is going to help me
make the girl mine
keep her stood in line
Sgt. Rock is going to help me
make the girl mine
keep her stood in line
make the girl mine, wave the victory sign


Johnny Rotten referred to "can I **** you now" songs. And I've been told that his Irish Butter ad has increased sales by 70% . And if he eats it himself, as I am confident he does, his integrity is undiminished.

So you guys are just as manipulative as you say women are.
Like I said - it's nothing more than a reciprocal arrangement. Men have what women want and women have what men want and sometimes they can cooperativaly and respetfully fulfill each other's expectations.
Quid pro quo - what's wrong with that?
I think it's a pretty good system when it works.
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 12:40 pm
Which is tantamount to saying that a "new woman" has come into the world. And with her a "new man". And what a sorry mess he is. He actually accompanies his wife shopping. Holds her hand too. I bet she wishes he would vanish. Some of them seem scared of letting her out of his sight. It must be very trying when all the propaganda is telling her how wonderful it is. She'll have to pass by the cream-cake cafe.

Largely, people concieve things in dualisms, one dominant over the other.
Masculine-Feminine, etc.
It is so ingrained in western thinking that we cannot even comprehend a subject, such as gender without the dualism. If men aren't dominating women, then women are dominating men. We should really just scrap the whole thing.
How about the couple both go shopping ('new man' is more than capable) and both decide what to put in the basket.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 01:26 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
the queen wrote:
spendy wrote:
Which is tantamount to saying that a "new woman" has come into the world. And with her a "new man". And what a sorry mess he is. He actually accompanies his wife shopping. Holds her hand too. I bet she wishes he would vanish. Some of them seem scared of letting her out of his sight. It must be very trying when all the propaganda is telling her how wonderful it is. She'll have to pass by the cream-cake cafe.
Largely, people concieve things in dualisms, one dominant over the other.

While I agree Queenie I can't believe you've refrained from putting the boot in. No-one doubts Spendy's intelligence, but this statement says volumes about his preconceptions and conditioning.

To propose that one group cannot attain dignity without another group losing it I find abhorrent. I don't find Spendy abhorrent but that idea, so easily transferred to race, class, sexuality (choose your own prejudice), betrays a mindset that is a source of much of our inhumanity to each other.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 01:41 pm
which are in answer to what they believe men desire or command them to be.

Which suggests they have no compass of their own.

I'm not saying that they should be held unaccountable for caving into expectation, but again- what does the unpassable woman do for love and companionship if she refuses to succumb and aspire to the male ideal of passability?

Society has many roles. The eminently passable woman nearly always finds her way to the catwalk and the show and the flashest chap. She is the body fascist. There are dinner ladies, the Salvation Army, fruit bottling exhibitions, nunneries and not so flash blokes. One assumes that a magical transformation into eminent passability would place them all in the other place. I didn't invent passability.

And I'm talking about straight out sex and affection. I'm not talking about bagging a meal ticket. I'm talking about the basic human need that every person has for closeness and sex.

We have to accept that some, often most, of our basic human needs go unfulfilled.

and if she did you'd misongynistically (if that's a word) either call her a dyke or make fun of her for standing there with her cleavage showing as you did a few posts back.

No. Not that. It would be amusing to see her get all confused and cover the six-in-a-line finish in a squeaky voice on full bat.

Why not? I know why I wouldn't, but I'm curious to know why you think I wouldn't.

I don't think you would reveal such a side of yourself.

So you guys are just as manipulative as you say women are.

Yes. But not as good at it. In general I mean.

Quid pro quo - what's wrong with that?

You concede the position I'm taking with that. It's a deal. Hence a battle.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 01:54 pm
@The Pentacle Queen,
. We should really just scrap the whole thing.

Now wouldn't that be boring? There would be no serious literature. And it would be just as boring if either of us won as it would if Chelsea played a pensioners eleven. This thread wouldn't exist as well.

How about the couple both go shopping ('new man' is more than capable) and both decide what to put in the basket.

How awful. If they are a proper couple she would know what he wants bringing home. And she wouldn't be able to flirt so freely with the divorced chap in shorts with quality muscle definition. And he wouldn't be able to go to the races with his mates. Or redecorate the dressing room again.

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 02:02 pm
PQ said:
How about the couple both go shopping ('new man' is more than capable) and both decide what to put in the basket.

Spendius said:
How awful. If they are a proper couple she would know what he wants bringing home. And she wouldn't be able to flirt so freely with the divorced chap in shorts with quality muscle definition.

and if he kept talking to her, she'd walk out of the store forgetting the very thing she walked in for.,,
nope it would never work - at least not with me - I shop alone.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 02:18 pm
We have to accept that some, often most, of our basic human needs go unfulfilled.

I have to admit, I have trouble accepting that. I don't see why it should have to be so. I see wonderful women alone and I see wonderful men alone and I always just want them to find each other.


I don't think you would reveal such a side of yourself.

Not to just anyone - no I wouldn't-(if it were true).
But again, think about when I was coming of age as compared to when PQ is coming of age (this very moment).
very different times in terms of socialization and conditioning and what and how things are appropriate to be communicated and to whom.

So you guys are just as manipulative as you say women are.

Yes. But not as good at it. In general I mean.

You don't believe men are as good at it, because you're a man and you don't want or need what men have to offer. You're not genetically programmed to be prone to a male's manipulation. Thus you find it ineffective.
Just as I can watch a woman's manipulation and be just as unimpressed or unaffected as you would be by a male's.

You concede the position I'm taking with that. It's a deal. Hence a battle.

I think you just like it to be a battle.
(And that's fine -we all have our own predilections).
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 02:21 pm
While I agree Queenie I can't believe you've refrained from putting the boot in. No-one doubts Spendy's intelligence, but this statement says volumes about his preconceptions and conditioning.

To propose that one group cannot attain dignity without another group losing it I find abhorrent. I don't find Spendy abhorrent but that idea, so easily transferred to race, class, sexuality (choose your own prejudice), betrays a mindset that is a source of much of our inhumanity to each other.

I don't think I've said anything to justify that hinge or to draw such conclusions from. I have conceded our inferiority on numerous occasions as, I think, Schopenhauer, does. I think feminism is rendering women uninteresting. And un-natural.

But there are more serious aspects to Schoppy later in that essay where he shows how multitudes of women have to suffer for the indulgencies of the few. I even think that is the basic cause of the financial crisis.

Have you read the thread. One post is out of context.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 02:34 pm
PQ, you are welcome.

They are what they are. It is men who need reformation in their approach to them. They have forgotten, probably in the service of them posturing as Mr Nice Guy, that they are dealing with an elemental force which is itself a serious beneficiary of being properly managed. Women have been exploited against their own interest.
Spendius, by and large I agree with this.

I'm sorry vik. You seem to want to bring an end to conversation. No labels. No advice.
I'm not surprised you arrived at this conclusion, as you appear to want to ignore anything that doesn't meet your view. Moral lables have never been necessary to conversation. Advice is welcome, but what you offer isn't advice, though you may believe it is - what you have been offering, is judgement.

Everybody to find their own way. No leadership.

Leadership, espescially in the form of 'advice on forums', is not taken, but is earned.

Anybody who offers advice, particularly that you don't like, is simply labelled, judgmentally, a Svengali. Bullshit.

If I say "you are judgemental', then that is label, and a judgement of you. If I say "that is judgemental' that is a judgement of the behaviour your are exihibiting.

Judgement differs from advice through it's wording, it's intention, and the reason for it being said.

I will say what is folly. If you haven't the nerve and wish to be all things to all people that's your affair and not mine.

I'm fairly sure you didn't mean that you want to be all things to all people, and that what you meant was "If you havent' the nerve NOT to be all things to all people". Going by what I think you meant to say ...If that was the case Spendius :
- if I was insecure - I would have attacked you by (though it does appear you feel attacked, which is understandable), felt the need to be rude, to label, to put you down or some similar.
- if I wanted to please you - I would have agreed with you by now
- if I was wishy washy - I'd alternate between views
- if I hadn't thought about them - I'd not be able to reason my views
- if my views weren't grounded - the views would be contradictory in differing circumstances

It was folly what Queenie did. If she doesn't like me for saying that I'm not about to put what I think are her best interests second to her approving of me. Or you. Or anybody else.

This is the issue - it appears you have little to no care for Queenies best interests, and everything to do with your own. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is how it appears to me.

We were all invited to be a judge when Queenie put the post up. Some posters approved. It's odd you haven't addressed your strictures to them. Approving is just as much judging as is disapproving.
I think you are spouting rubbish and dangerous rubbish.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 02:35 pm
But again, think about when I was coming of age as compared to when PQ is coming of age (this very moment).
very different times in terms of socialization and conditioning and what and how things are appropriate to be communicated and to whom.

Not that much different. Not basically. Superficially maybe. It's all a pretend on the part of those media women. A few of them are in recantation mode. They won too many arguments and now don't know what to make of it. Taking candy off babies is unsatisfying. They want a worthy opponent. One they can feel proud of having successfully exercised their guile upon.

I once said to one--"what do you do these things for?" She said-"I like tormenting you." One has to provide them with the opportunity for that sort of thing. They get bored otherwise and that costs money.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 02:43 pm
We were all invited to be a judge when Queenie put the post up. Some posters approved. It's odd you haven't addressed your strictures to them. Approving is just as much judging as is disapproving.
I think you are spouting rubbish and dangerous rubbish.

My apologies, this last part of my last post was meant to be a quote of spendius.

Your first sentence is literally the difference between the advice that you claim you are giving, and the judgement that you have (mostly) been giving. "We are all invited to comment" would be more accurate?

The problem with judgement is the way in which it is passed. Reworded, and with a different attitude, it can come out as helpful advice.

As everyone justifies their actions to themselves, what I spout may be interpreted as rubbish by you. If you see me as dangerous, you may believe you mean 'dangerous to society', but what you in fact mean is 'dangerous to you'...which is the same problem you have with the way you talk to PQ.
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2009 03:06 pm
I'm not surprised you arrived at this conclusion, as you appear to want to ignore anything that doesn't meet your view.

Like what?

Moral lables have never been necessary to conversation.

What sort of conversation. Conversation is much more than yakking in platitudes. And I have the morals of an alley cat regarding matters of this sort.

My advice, such as it is, is based on society's reaction as I perceive it would be. And on the risks Queenie took which I didn't bring up. Becksie did. I don't think she had much to gain from the event and a great deal to lose. It was a poor deal from her point of view and an excellent deal from the cad's point of view.

If I say "you are judgemental', then that is label, and a judgement of you. If I say "that is judgemental' that is a judgement of the behaviour your are exihibiting.

I am what I say. I stand by everything. Judge what I say and you judge me.

Judgement differs from advice through it's wording, it's intention, and the reason for it being said.

My intention is simply to offer Queenie other ways of looking at things. To make her think. She does with that what she sees fit. I would say the same things to a girl in the pub in a similar discussion.

I will say what is folly. If you haven't the nerve and wish to be all things to all people that's your affair and not mine.

I think it's obvious what that means. It means I am prepared to say what is folly and back it up.

I would have attacked you by (though it does appear you feel attacked, which is understandable), felt the need to be rude, to label, to put you down or some similar.

Help yourself. Attack. Be rude. Label. Put me down. I can take it.

This is the issue - it appears you have little to no care for Queenies best interests, and everything to do with your own. Perhaps I am wrong, but that is how it appears to me.

I have no interest apart from trying to persuade Queenie to think before she does anything like that again. Do you approve of what she did? Would you advise her to do it again?


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