How many people is it acceptable to have.....

Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 05:58 am
Oh yeah, make no mistake, there are women who understand the power they possess and use it for negative gain. It's an ego thing.

That's an evasion Becks. Fulvia had the chance and the choice. How do you know that all women are not like that deep down and are inhibited by religion or economic circumstances or lack of knowledge? That given an understanding of the power they possess and the choice they would all be like that. That's what Germaine Greer thought as a young woman. Read The Female Eunuch.

What do you mean by "negative gain"? Had Antony defeated Octavian at Actium, which he might have done if Cleopatra hadn't deserted him, things would be different. Positive gain some might say.

Not an ego thing at all. A perfectly natural phenomenom. The Matriarchy, which only religion can stop.

I'm at work though. I'll come back later.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 05:58 am
Oh yeah, make no mistake, there are women who understand the power they possess and use it for negative gain. It's an ego thing.

That's an evasion Becks. Fulvia had the chance and the choice. How do you know that all women are not like that deep down and are inhibited by religion or economic circumstances or lack of knowledge? That given an understanding of the power they possess and the choice they would all be like that. That's what Germaine Greer thought as a young woman. Read The Female Eunuch.

What do you mean by "negative gain"? Had Antony defeated Octavian at Actium, which he might have done if Cleopatra hadn't deserted him, things would be different. Positive gain some might say.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 01:37 pm
Right-- where were we?

Your mate Tito. I'm right eh? Well-I knew I was. On one small thing too

You're right. Most people didn't like him. I didn't like him at first. But then we worked together everyday and I saw the guy behind the facade and he was hysterical. He was dead serious when he said that - he really wrestled with himself to figure out if he could perform that favor for her. He saw it as his calling as a man.

What a prick. What a male chauvinist pig. What assumptions he must have made about a lady to have arrived at that position. Could he have been hinting that you only had to beg him yourself? That he was available on request to any frustrated lady who was "passable".

I saw him this summer before I left as he was leaving the US to teach in Ecuador. He had a girlfriend and he was telling me that she was really hurt that he was leaving and asked him, 'Did you even think of me before you made this decision?'
He said, 'I told her, No, I didn't. Why would I have thought of her? This is something I wanted to do.'

Dearie, dearie me.

Imaginative with what - a whip?

Oh no--I said imaginative. It would be the place to start with Tito though. He obviously needs putting in his place. I hope your matchmaking on behalf of Queenie is working on better principles than those you used with Tito. If you had had sex with Tito I imagine 30 seconds would be about par for the course. He would want to make the most of the time available to talk about himself.

And prisons are hardly typical.

You know - put you on the spot like the girl who said, 'ANYTHEEEEENG?'.

She did but she hadn't the courage of her convictions so she never discovered whether I had the courage of mine. It was good fun though. She obviously enjoyed toying with the idea. She was a perfect English Rose. Stupid, plain and built like a Goddess. And quite demanding.

I'd rather buy a plant or some cd's.

That can get out of hand just the same.

Yeah - safe - but boring. Too bad it seems so difficult to find a middle ground.

I like boring. There is only a middle way in the short term. Sex is mentally dynamic. See Prof Greer again. There's safety in lots of conquests.

Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 03:05 pm
Spendius said:
What a prick. What a male chauvinist pig. What assumptions he must have made about a lady to have arrived at that position.

He knew he liked sex and he figured this woman might like sex but didn't have anyone to give it to her, so he thought he'd have liked to have been able to give her the opportunity to have sex.
I don't think that's being a male chauvinist. I think that's more like being an equal opportunity employer (or employee).

Could he have been hinting that you only had to beg him yourself? That he was available on request to any frustrated lady who was "passable".

Oh no - he's not a hinter. He's very direct. It was a fairly well known fact that he was available upon request to any frustrated lady who was passable.
But isn't that what you intimated you've been at various times? Isn't that what most guys are at various times in their lives?
Isn't that what you're intimating Professor Greer would say when she advocated safety in numerous conquests?
Oh no--I said imaginative. It would be the place to start with Tito though. He obviously needs putting in his place. I hope your matchmaking on behalf of Queenie is working on better principles than those you used with Tito.

I never played matchmaker for or with Tito. I had one friend about which he stated , 'I think Linda's really sexy.' So I told Linda. She was like, 'Really...would you be jealous if...' and I was like, 'what do you mean, jealous? And she said, 'You guys are so close' and I said, 'I'd never go there with him - if you're interested, go ahead. But then she asked why I wouldn't and I told her - he's too self-absorbed and totally into his athletics.
If you had had sex with Tito I imagine 30 seconds would be about par for the course. He would want to make the most of the time available to talk about himself.
Laughing Laughing
Well, he is a pretty interesting guy. He was in Pakistan when Benazir Bhutto was shot - he was at Obama's inauguration. He's like ninth in his age group in the WORLD as a triathlete.
But he is obsessed - he went on weight watchers to lose enough weight to get in the weight class below his or something because he wanted to have a higher level of competition. And he did it at the school weight loss club- so all these overweight middle-aged women are getting weighed in front of this extremely fit slim athletic man and when they tried to kick him out of the club , he refused to leave. He said, '**** 'em' - I have the right to get weighed wherever I want.' And then when they all stopped talking to him, he stopped talking to all of them - even in department meetings or if they were the only people walking down the hall, and he said, 'I only have a limited time on this earth and I think to myself, 'What if the last thing I say is 'Hello' to someone I can't stand?'
No, he's much too entertaining to have as a friend - I'd never wreck that by having sex with him.

She was a perfect English Rose. Stupid, plain and built like a Goddess. And quite demanding.

so is that what an English rose is? I always thought it had something to do with a perfect, porcelain complexion.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 03:15 pm
That's an evasion Becks. Fulvia had the chance and the choice. How do you know that all women are not like that deep down and are inhibited by religion or economic circumstances or lack of knowledge? That given an understanding of the power they possess and the choice they would all be like that.

Okay, now that's bordering on sounding slightly misogynistic. Are all men conniving and power hungry opportunists?

What do you mean by "negative gain"? Had Antony defeated Octavian at Actium, which he might have done if Cleopatra hadn't deserted him, things would be different. Positive gain some might say.

Yeah - negative gain-what did I mean by that? That doesn't make any sense at all does it?
I think I meant to say negative effect.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 04:33 pm
Are all men conniving and power hungry opportunists?

They have to be to offer any sort of competition for the passable females. Almost all the significant writers I have read have linked the immorality of women to degeneration of society and so I would guess they would link the degeneration of society to female immorality. But I suppose you would say that the were "his story" writers and not "her story" ones. The male is restricted in his immorality by his physical weakness after sexual satisfaction and the female isn't. But it is women's demands that causes men to have those characteristics. And men being besotted.

Which might cause them to borrow too much in their eagerness. Okay--blame the bankers, the regulators, the politicians and the sales drives. Well- you would wouldn't you? Once you grant your favours for presents and treats etc the sky's the limit until gravity brings it back to earth with a crunch.

It's not rocket science. It's the two times table of sociology.

What is a "negative effect"? The decimation of the American aboriginals by white man's diseases has led to their present relative immunity from them and thus what was once a negative effect is now a positive one.

It has been supposed that had Octavian been defeated by Antony and Cleopatra Christianity might never have happened. The centre of the Empire would have been shifted east.

And the anti-IDers would have mullahs to deal with. Which would have kept them quiet I should think.

It's pub time. Let's hope there's some leering tackle in tonight.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 06:21 pm
Gee--I'm in a good mood.

We've worked out the way forward in the pub.

Bachelors over military age get one vote up to the age of 40. Over 40 they get two votes. Married men get two votes. Men married to a divorced woman get 1.5 votes. Men married to a woman who has been divorced twice get 1.25 votes and men married to a woman who has been divorced three times or more get shot to put them out of their misery. Men with a wife and a registered mistress get three votes. Men with a wife and more than one mistress get the O.B.E. and five votes.

And registration to vote is organised by the Licensed Victualler's Association and the Landlord's decisions are final.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 06:55 pm
He was in Pakistan when Benazir Bhutto was shot

I was on the couch watching a Test Match. Had I been in Pakistan without being ordered to be I might have consulted a psychiatrist.

And it was minus 5 at the inauguration and there's only one place to be when it's minus five and that's in bed with the blankets on MAX. What's the bloody point of electricty generation if you're going to stand around at minus 5 waiting for hours to watch a henpecked husband weave the winds.

He's like ninth in his age group in the WORLD as a triathlete.

Were he ninth in his age group in football he would be on £200 grand a week and shagging the groupies when his agent stamped their requisitions. He probably went into the Trialthalon because the competition is at a very low level compared to the big money sports. That event only tests insane dedication. Talent doesn't come into it. I bet Monte Panesar could bowl him middle stump 5 times an over.

I have never been known to question the judgment of overweight middle-aged women.

Tito is one serious prick.

so is that what an English rose is? I always thought it had something to do with a perfect, porcelain complexion.

Obviously. She had two feet as well. I didn't think that worth mentioning. She had not one blemish. No zits on her bottom.

She could climb over a five-barred gate in a evening gown and think nothing of it.

I think you should have tried Tito out in the interests of scientific research to try to discover what absolute uselessness is. Asymptoting -273 Becksin I should guess.

Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 07:10 pm
To PQ - Spendius and Aidan aren't the only people on a2k.

Personally, I skip Spendi's posts and occasionally am interested in Aidan's. I've no interest at all in a thread dominated by them - and so what, that's my point of view.

I do wish you'd look around and participate in other threads than your own present cruxt of the problem moments. Then you'd be apt to get a more well rounded response for your own questions.
Presumably you're not interested in other threads ... well, that leads to an enclosed universe.

This is not a crit, just an observation.
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 07:11 pm
From a telescope or a microsope?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Feb, 2009 07:13 pm
Hey Becksie--osso is occasionally interested in your posts. How does that play?

Does it give you a warm glow of satisfaction?

You've been used to get at me.
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 01:15 am
Me - used? Well, we know that can't be allowed to happen.

Osso - PQ said a few pages back that she'd come to a satisfactory conclusion about this particular issue and thanked everyone for their input.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 01:43 am
Spendius said:
Almost all the significant writers I have read have linked the immorality of women to degeneration of society and so I would guess they would link the degeneration of society to female immorality.

Now that's somewhat interesting. But I don't understand how that would work unless you ARE admitting that there are two different moral codes- one for each gender.
That's never been my understanding- and as someone who states that you're a Christian and espouses the continued emphasis on Christian morals and ethics in society and even in public education-I'm surprised you'd give such a theory any credence- no matter how significant the writer who posited the link.


But I suppose you would say that the were "his story" writers and not "her story" ones. The male is restricted in his immorality by his physical weakness after sexual satisfaction and the female isn't. But it is women's demands that causes men to have those characteristics. And men being besotted
Spendius - be honest. For what small part of history-how many centuries or even generations have the majority of women been in any position to make demands of any sort on men? And for how long have they been even entitled to deny his demands?
Don't you think that she being the repository for his demands had an effect on her view of herself as a sexual being and eventually affected how she went about enacting that changing view?
Take responsibility.
I think the male influence in society has had a huge influence on who woman has become in society.
Unless you really are misogynistic and think women are born with a manipulative gene.

What is a "negative effect"? The decimation of the American aboriginals by white man's diseases has led to their present relative immunity from them and thus what was once a negative effect is now a positive one.

Yeah, tell that to the people who were decimated and didn't live to experience 'immunity'.
The intitial effect of the action was devastating. Fulvia's intent was not beneficent to Marc Antony's initial cause, just as the white man's intent was not beneficent toware the aboriginals- no matter what the net effect ended up being.
So I guess I meant, 'negative intent'.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 01:44 am
Landlord's decisions are final.

But of course
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 01:54 am
aidan (Post 3564127)
He was in Pakistan when Benazir Bhutto was shot

I was on the couch watching a Test Match. Had I been in Pakistan without being ordered to be I might have consulted a psychiatrist.

He was attending a wedding.

And it was minus 5 at the inauguration and there's only one place to be when it's minus five and that's in bed with the blankets on MAX. What's the bloody point of electricty generation if you're going to stand around at minus 5 waiting for hours to watch a henpecked husband weave the winds.

Are all husbands henpecked?

He's like ninth in his age group in the WORLD as a triathlete.

Were he ninth in his age group in football he would be on £200 grand a week and shagging the groupies when his agent stamped their requisitions. He probably went into the Trialthalon because the competition is at a very low level compared to the big money sports
This is actually really funny. He went into triathalon because his wife tried to get him to do ballroom dancing and he was so bloody (that just came out so naturally - probably because I'm talking to you) out of breath that he determined he better start working out. So he just did- and in fact worked out so much that he ended up divorced.
That event only tests insane dedication.

And lung capacity.

I have never been known to question the judgment of overweight middle-aged women.

Besotted, are we? That might be your problem right there.
Tito is one serious prick.

As I said, I can only imagine.
so is that what an English rose is? I always thought it had something to do with a perfect, porcelain complexion.

Obviously. She had two feet as well. I didn't think that worth mentioning. She had not one blemish. No zits on her bottom.

Sounds like you did more than imagine. I thought she chickened out so you didn't have to pay up. But you saw her bum, did you?

She could climb over a five-barred gate in a evening gown and think nothing of it.

Sounds like my kind of woman (as in woman-friend). I'd like to meet her.

I think you should have tried Tito out in the interests of scientific research to try to discover what absolute uselessness is.

He's my friend and as such is not useless. He's also a really good teacher and an excellent father to his son.
Asymptoting -273 Becksin I should guess.

Can you tell me what this means?
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 02:05 am
Spendi wrote:
Asymptoting -273 Becksin I should guess.

Aidan wrote:
Can you tell me what this means?

Aidan wrote:
I'm not ignorant Francis.

Someone talked about humility?
The Pentacle Queen
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 02:06 am
'Asymptoting -273 Becksin I should guess. '

Wheres the quote tool gone?
-273 is absolute zero, atoms stop vibrating.
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 02:13 am
@The Pentacle Queen,
thanks pq
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 02:14 am
Francis - ignorance is not being able to admit what you don't know.
I could have googled it and pretended.
That would have been lack of humility.
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2009 02:16 am
Now you see why I don't participate on the science threads. Shocked Laughing Laughing
0 Replies

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