Sarah Palin will NEVER be president.

Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 06:56 pm
Just so you all know. I know you republicans got your dicks all hard over her during this campaign, and you actually think that she could run again and win, and I understand that. I'm just letting you know that it will NEVER happen.


And we should all be very thankful.
Debra Law
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:00 pm
Praise the Lord! Amen.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:02 pm
After President Bush, I would never believe it couldn't happen again, with someone as equally screwed in the head, like Palin. It doesn't have to make sense for it to happen.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:03 pm
Ill bet shes up there hiring new "makeover consultants", "diction and elocution consultants", Civics, PAD, and Constitutional law consultants" and "World history teachers" . Shes gonna be involved ina 2 year makeover and then rolled out about 2010 with a whole new personna.
In PA she cost McCain whatever cred he had. He got whupped like 65-45 in PA. I assume that she had a similar effect in other rustbelt and borderline states.
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:10 pm
I predict that after four years of Obama, this country is going to have a whole different sense of what a president should be. I think the overwhelming trend in politics is going to be away from faith-based ignoramuses who you might want to have a beer with, and towards rational, intelligent and reasonable people who seem competent and knowledgeable. In that world, she will have no place.
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Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:23 pm
yeh but its politics . In Alabama they elected a pig for a house seat. Look at Jessie Ventura.
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Green Witch
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 07:46 pm
I don't know, Kicky. Those Conservatives sure like their presidents to be ignorant, incompetent and arrogant. Palin seems to fit their needs perfectly.
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 08:34 pm
@Green Witch,
Those Conservatives sure like their presidents to be ignorant, incompetent and arrogant.

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Merry Andrew
Reply Thu 6 Nov, 2008 11:07 pm
What Debra Law said.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Fri 7 Nov, 2008 11:54 pm
@Green Witch,
Yeah we do Green Witch!

We're so effin stupid that we want the absolutely worst President we can get!

Your posts as well as those of your like minded asses are truly intellectual detrius.

How you mental midgets love these Liberal Circle Jerk posts!

Keep on keep'in on MM!
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 10:21 am
Just so you all know. I know you republicans got your dicks all hard over her during this campaign, and you actually think that she could run again and win, and I understand that. I'm just letting you know that it will NEVER happen.

I voted for Sarah and I am a homosexual... so my dick had nothing to do with my decision.

I guess some can take the sex out of it and still find something useful in a woman unlike you Bill Clintonesque democrats who see only one use for a woman.
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 07:11 pm
I don't know . . . i learned a lot from Palin . . . now i know that Mexico is a part of NAFTA, and that Africa is a continent . . . who knew ? ! ? ! ?
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 07:13 pm
she was certainly an intellectual boost to the campaign...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 07:38 pm
RexRed wrote:

Just so you all know. I know you republicans got your dicks all hard over her during this campaign, and you actually think that she could run again and win, and I understand that. I'm just letting you know that it will NEVER happen.

I voted for Sarah and I am a homosexual... so my dick had nothing to do with my decision.

I guess some can take the sex out of it and still find something useful in a woman unlike you Bill Clintonesque democrats who see only one use for a woman.

I meant that metaphorically, though I can understand how you could see it the way you did. I just meant that she got you guys all jazzed up (god only knows why).
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 10:13 pm
Kicky - she sure scared me. And I'm straight AND most of the planet away from her. The only thing 'naked' about Sarah Palin was her naked ambition to grab the reins. Christ, at least in the POW camps John McCain ended up in, his captors weren't likely to gain much from his demise. I'd be hiding the heart pills if I was President McCain and the Veep 'dropped in' for a weekend.....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 10:26 pm
I'd be curious as to how many of the women on a2k were ever star athletes while winning beauty pageants... that is, prior to any sort of a rise to national political prominence.......
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 10:30 pm
and that matters, why...


(seems a freaky mix to moi)

where did she graduate in her class again??
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 10:43 pm
farmerman wrote:

In PA she cost McCain whatever cred he had. He got whupped like 65-45 in PA. I assume that she had a similar effect in other rustbelt and borderline states.

Does seem like Palin had more of an impact on the election results than VP candidates normally do - and in a bad way.

According to the exit polls, just 38% of voters thought Sarah Palin was "qualified to be president should it become necessary". 66% thought Joe Biden was.

Half of all voters (49%) thought Joe Biden was qualified - and Sarah Palin was not; and those went for Obama by 91% to 8%. In comparison, just one in five voters thought Palin was qualified and Biden was not.

There's a bit of a chicken/egg thing going on here - did they go for Obama because they didnt trust Palin or did they not trust Palin because they were Obama voters? But either way, those who saw a difference between the two VP candidates overwhelmingly thought better of Biden, and those who did so overwhelmingly voted for Obama/Biden.

Basically, if a full half of all voters think your VP candidate is unqualified, you have a problem.
Reply Sat 8 Nov, 2008 10:49 pm
Yeah, but there's room for hope, Habibi . . . room for improvement. She now knows that Mexico is a part of North America and that Africa is a continent. Who knows what gems of arcana she can assimilate in the next four years?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Nov, 2008 05:24 am
Sarah needs a good language coach. Her voice is really annoying.

Ill bet she names herself as Stevens replacement when he gets turned out by Congress. Betch a new wood chepper (Everytime I hear Palin talk I think of MArge the SHerriff from "Fargo")

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