Quote:How about the smear campaign the media has launched against Cindy McCain? The NYT actually instigated an email campaign trying to get her daughter's friends to dig up or reveal any dirt they could find about Cindy. This is journalistic integrity? What or who is being served by this kind of thing?
Is the NYT attempting to locate, for comment, the folks who sold Obama pot and cocaine?
Somehow I doubt it.
Did the NYT launch an effort to dig up dirt on Michelle Obama?
Somehow I doubt it.
There is no such thing as journalistic integrity within the MSM, and there is certainly no such thing within the walls of The Grey Lady.
This election has revealed just how far the MSM is willing to go to influence a national election.
Fine and dandy but I for one am sick unto death with the utter bullshit that the MSM is not biased.
Let the MSM pursue its political agenda, but let's make sure that the American public realizes that the "news" they get from it is in no way objective and not highly filtered.
Herein lies the lack of integrity of the MSM: They peddle the propaganda of their favored ideology and yet, dishonestly, insist that they are objective.
Obviously they are not confident that they can convince voters of the correctness of their editorial opinions, and so they attempt to underscore these opinions with deceitful and highly skewed "news reporting."
It truly is shameful, but it requires the American public to correct.
The MSM, however, is a failing dinosaur, and this is their last hurrah. Four years from now they will either be irrelevant, or reduced to niche ideological news sources.
My bet is that their shameless behavior in this election will, eventually, hasten their extinction.
I have for many years been a subscriber of the Sunday Times because I enjoy reading the various specialized sections, however with each passing week it has become more and more apparent that the Times is working diligently to impose it's political agenda upon all of sectional publications: Books, Arts & Leisure, Sunday Magazine, and even Travel and Style.
Frank Rich was, at best, a mediocre critic, but his willingness (if not obsession) to connect all things problematic to the flaws of the Republican Party, and more specifically, George W Bush caused him to be elevated to the Op-Ed page where he continuously drones on with his hackneyed negativity, just like the One Trick Pony he truly is.
My wife has been pestering me for years to discontinue my subscription, but I am finally reaching the point where I may. Not because I can't stand to be exposed to the NYT's highly biased view of all things, but because I am growing increasingly reluctant to financially support its propaganda machine.
I wish I could say it amazes me that the Left is so vociferous in its hatred for FOX, but when I realize (as with the context of this thread) that they have no tolerance for opposing views and no interest in objectivity I understand.