Foxfyre wrote:
How does one's standard of living make a difference and what authority does the government have to decide what standard of living a person may have?
One's ability to survive definitely makes a difference. You can take much more in taxes from the rich, than the poor, for taxing the rich does not materially impact their lives the way that taxing the poor does; many who ride the edge of viability, as citizens, would be severely impacted by rises in their taxes; the rich suffer no such problems and will live lives of luxury even under higher taxation.
What criteria is used to define 'fiscally sound' and what authority does the government have to benefit any individual as a part of that?
The US government is entrusted with the authority to make those decisions by the citizens who elected representatives into office. We have granted them the ability to make decisions that benefit our society as a whole, not individuals.
I am one of the American people and I can find no justification for you to have the ability to take what I have lawfully earned and use if for your own benefit.
Tough titty, Fox. The American people disagree with you and have done so for a long time. It is immaterial if you wish to be a tax denier, in the fashion of ICan; you will abide by the decisions of the American people because they have the force of law behind them. And nothing you can say or do will change our progressive tax scheme. Which you know. So why this waste of breath on your part? Railing against reality is the new Conservative way.