@Joe Nation,
i'm certainly NOT a conservative , but could support a flat-tax system .
i realize that my proposal wouldn't fly with the rich or business , but here it is anyway :
- any and all income below $250,000 (per family) would be taxfree .
- adequate - meaning reliable - health services for all citizens and landed immigrants would be paid by the taxes raised .
- any and all income above $250,000 per family and all business income would be taxed at a standard flat tax rate a/t the budget requirements of the country (canada , in my case) .
- there would be NO exemptions of any kind .
- all residents/citizens earning more than $250,000 and all corporations (domestic and foreign) doing business in the country would be subject to the flat tax .
could anything be fairer than that ???
in the late '50 the canadian government appointed justice porter and his commission to come up wit a "fair and flat" tax .
the solution they came up with was similar to what i posted above . the income tax calculation would have fitted on the back of a postcard - really simple .
as soon as word leaked out about the proposal , the "dreck" hit the fan ... ...
gazillions of corporations , rich citizens and TAX LAWYERS <grin> sent letters to the minister of revenue , the prime minister ... ... because they represented "a special" case and must therefor be given special consideration ... ...
those objecting realized that this was NOT the flat tax they were looking for
<GRIN> - they wanted a tax where THEY would pay less tax !
btw justice porter said that it didn't matter how you made your money : work , investment , theft , inheretance , the racetrack - ANY inflow of money was income .
the proposal went nowhere in a hurry !
brandon : would you favour that kind of "no exemptions" flat-tax ?