@Frank Apisa,
Thats why I'm worried about Joe's knee.
Also you have to feel the damn pain....but Joe knows what he's doing.
Sorry, not to be ironic yet, since I don't know what I am talking about.
My own thought is that with luck we all grow into being ourselves, which makes all of us odd.
@Frank Apisa,
I am back on the road...barely....two miles to three miles ...Haven't missed a day in the last ten.
The knee's doing alright with it.
We, C and I, sure had a lot of fun in those two and half years.
Joe(for sure)Nation
@Joe Nation,
I remember the look on your face when you told me you were in lerve again....after I so very rudely asked.
It was a lovely look.
Love....can't live with it, can't live without it.
Sorry to hear this, Joe. Sighing for you.
You can live without it but it is tough.
There's all kinds of love, Osso...as a certain dog and a number of friends might remind you. ; )
I have that clue, and to you too.
Thanks everyone for gathering round. It means a lot.
Yeah, Dee, I was swept away, but I've been thinking, I spent so long in that other relationship, always in doubt, never much passion~~ and this woman was crazy passionate and affectionate and ~~you know~~ like love is supposed to be.
Okay.....deep breath, ~~~go back to bed (It's 4AM here) and sleep until dawn.
I like seeing the sunrise from the roof.
Someone teach the new Jennifer how to post pictures, please.
Again, you are all the best.
I offer you flax seeds and love.
I may be outta flax seeds.
@Joe Nation,
just thinking
sunrise has taken on a Joe Nation meaning - can't see one out in the real world without wondering what JoeN has done with it
sort of like full moons (big howl in the rain last night) will always be connected to Noddy
and big heavy rainy downpours always tie Noddy and Joe Nation together in my head
thanks for being part of our lives Joe Nation
sending a hug from my real world to yours
Thank you, ehbeth, for that I'm going to post this morning's right here.
Joe(thanks for the hug)Nation
@Joe Nation,
Aww, no. I just now read your news.
I'm so sorry. How are you doing...really.
I'm still reacting. Hard to believe.
On the other hand, maybe not, the way we humans are together.
Longer post tomorrow, I'm tired tonight. I'd like to sleep all the through a night, but I've been waking up at three AM.
I'll just say I'm better than I was a week ago, but that's not saying much.
Joe(thanks for caring)Nation
@Joe Nation,
As Lieber and Stoller once memorably said, the common cold can fool ya, and I am walking testimony to that this morning. I thought it had gone, after an uncharacteristically short stay, but this one's back.
Mc(where's my next box of tissues?)Tag
<passes tissues to Taggers, feel better soon love - leafpollen is taking me out right now - dang sneezing and eyes watering>
makes way to Joe's carriage, takes a seat quietly by the window watching the world go by
Iz<anyone for a cuppa?>zie
A cuppa...yes...tea and sympathy (double bergamot earl grey) ((hugs))