I did the grocery thing the other night. Here in the city where no one has any time to do anything, the citizens order their food delivered. (It's actually cheaper because you are in total control of what you buy because you are not standing in the middle of aisles of distractions.
OH, look! Capers are on Special!! It's called Fresh Direct and they have everything any market, supermarket or gourmet market would have.)
Thursday, I went to the website (crap. I have to use her initals to sign in.

I punch up Jonathan's List. (We each had lists of the foods we wanted.)
Next I punched up what we called "The Ususal" tp, napkins, cleaners etc.
Next I went to her list and hit Delete.
Delightful and sad, but mostly delightful.
The total was less than half of what we were spending. Duh.
Then I went to the Money program to change the Budget amount for groceries.
Fresh Direct guy came to deliver last night about seven thirty. Didn't need the handtruck.
Oh, I finally did tell someone. Omar is our UPS driver.
(Always make friends with people who deliver in NYC. Always tip nicely. My mail carrier, Shirley, and I are on first name basis. We have had no screw-ups with the splitting up of the mails. Okay.)
So Omar and I have always joshed about how many packages L used to get. (A lot) He was kidding me Thursday night that he didn't seem to have as many as before and that he needed some more work.
Heh heh.
Omar is great. Once he waited until almost nine PM for one of us to get home because he could tell the package was computer equipment and, unlike the packages from Old Navy, he didn't want to leave it by the door as usual.
I told him she had left.
I told him that everything was okay.
With me.
With her.
I told him that I would try to get more stuff sent to me via UPS.
He was stunned.
He was on the way to another apartment so we just shook hands.
That's New York, kids, you tell the news to the UPS driver before you call your younger brother.
Joe(maybe because my younger brother broke stuff. Omar doesn't)Nation