Ticomaya wrote:glitterbag wrote:This is just flat sad. I am not a Snood expert, but ... I don't think he has a chip on his shoulder.
Then I am afraid, my dear, that you are not paying attention.
Well, with 19,142 posts I agree you must be playing close attention and a looooooooooooot of time online, however snookums, are you reading carefully or are you reading selectively in search of some pre-conceived notion. I'm actually very happy that I don't have as much time as you do to play on the computer, but we all have our hobbies.
And for Lash, now that I read you comments again, I realize how incredibly funny they are.....are you happy now?????? Michelle Obama's eyebrows, what a knee slapper.
I almost forgot, Happy anniversary to Snood and his wife. I'm not active enough on any of the forums to state I remember everything ever written. so I missed the mention of your wedding. I will say that I agree with you in your comment about decisions, because marrying mr. glitterbag was the best decision I ever made.