These clowns never think of the unintended consequences of the stupidity they recommend.
Take this incident. Guy is stomping toddler--if you've got a child under
the age of two, it is unlikely that he or she will survive a single stomp,
let alone more than one.
that Mr. Setanta is an
on the subject of stomping on babies.
No doubt that he studied this
at great length and depth.
I heard that he took his master's degree in that subject !
Quote:Nevertheless, one or more jokers[?] in the crowd pull out their guns and shoot the idiot.
Sounds good for the baby,
but thay have no need to
JOKE about it.
Quote:What is the likelihood that one or more bystanders will be shot?
Very low, except perhaps by overpenetration.
The witnesses were getting shoved away by the stomper.
From that we know that there was direct face-to-face contact,
at point blank range. Obvious.
Quote:How could anyone guarantee that the people packing guns will have
sufficient training to assure that they hit the target and no one and nothing else?
If it wud make Mr. Setanta more comfortable,
thay cud put the muzzle against his heart,
front or back aspect; lateral shot, upper thorax
: even better.
That's a lethal shot.
A downward angled shot into the ground,
thru the stomper 's lower intestine with a hollowpointed slug wud slow him down.
I think the baby wud approve of that.
Some folks might be inclined to put the muzzle behind the stomper's medula oblongata.
That wud be the end of his biography for the stomper.
Quote:This **** got trotted out after the Virginia Tech shootings.
As well it SHUD have been.
U really have a
filthy mouth and mind.
Quote:What is going to happen if a police SWAT team shows up,
HISTORICALLY, what has happened
at Columbine,
thay prove their cowardice by
PROMISING to come in (by telephone)
while thay wait safely outside for several hours.
Quote:knowing only that there is a shooter,
and they might not know if it were more than one shooter--
what is going to happen when they encounter some tinhorn hero with a gun in his or her hand?
It is obvious that no one has any reason
to keep his gun in his hand after ending the threat
to the baby.
The heros (who r unlikely to be possessed of any horns,
TIN, or otherwise) just put their guns back in holsters, where thay got them.
Is THAT too hard for u to understand ? I don 't think it is.
It astonishes me that anyone wud think that thay 'd stand around
with their guns in their hands, after killing the stomper. Strange thinking.
Quote:Once again, ten or twelve idiots
Observe how Mr. Setanta assumes
that the people who rescue a baby from being stomped to death must have
very LOW I.Q.
Quote:running around with loaded guns in their hands
See how Mr. Setanta,
in an effort to denigrade anyone who 'd save a baby from being
stomped to death goes "running around". He does not tell us
to WHERE anyone is running, nor does he indicate any need to run.
I see no reason to believe that the witnesses,
if thay shot the stomper, wud find a need to be running.
Even if thay chose to leave the scene to avoid contact with police,
thay cud as well walk to their cars; no need to run.
Quote:dramatically increases the risk to bystanders.
There is no evidence of this.
When police shot the stomper, no one got hurt.
Quote:When the police show up,
they are unlikely to miss what they are shooting at,
Observe Mr. Setanta's
childlike faith
in government employees !
If thay r wearing BADGES, we know thay r OK !
Isn 't he
CUTE ???
Quote: although there might still be some risk to bystanders.
But how are they to tell the alleged criminal from the alleged citizen heroes?
U think maybe thay might ask around ?
Quote:What if they call out to someone to put down the gun,
What if he just takes his gun out of his holster
and puts it down ?
Quote:that person turns to face them, not understanding, confused or just frozen with fright?
Again, because anyone who 'd save a baby from getting stomped
is a joker and an "idiot" (he
LOVES that word).
Quote:What is the likelihood that the police will shoot down one or more of the would be heroes?
I think the correct answers are:
minuscule and ridiculous.
Quote:How are they supposed to tell the "bad guys" from the "good guys" without a scorecard?
Do u think there 's any chance
that thay have any experience of investigating crimes ? (like baby stomping)
Is there a maximum amount of time,
or do thay have a quota as to how fast thay must figure everything out ?
What is really disgusting about I'msickDavid is that he exploits the tragic
and horrifying death of this child.
U wud have the same circumstances of witnesses
unable to help because thay obeyed anti-gun laws happen over n over again,
to further your goal of having the citizenry helpless
and government as progressively more powerful.
He doesn't give a rat's ass for that child, i'll guarantee it--
all he cares about is pushing his sick, dim-witted and ill-considered hand gun agenda.
OK, I call upon u to
PAY on your guarantee !