yitwail wrote:on the other hand, she's not qualified to be an Obama delegate if she didn't know that monkey is not an appropriate term of reference to African-Americans.
Ok, now this annoys me.
Sorry snood for bringing up your name again, but you're the only example I can think of....
If Snood can light heartedly refer to him and his sister in his childhood photo as monkeys, why can someone else, black or white? BTW, it was a totally adorable picture, much glee in their eyes.
Are you implying that only a black person can call another black person a monkey? Like the N word?
Bottom line is, the woman didn't mean a damn thing except that the kids horsing around where acting like a bunch of monkeys....high spirited, active, and doing something risky.
What if she had said "hey you kids, stop horsing around" Would we be having this discussion?
Would, for instance, butterfly be saying why didn't she go to the neighbors door, etc. etc.? Sure that woman could have, or should have, but by that time, a kid could have been on the ground with a broken arm.
The woman could have said....stop climbing those trees like cats, or squirrels....quit making that noise, you sound like a pack of dogs......watch it or you're going to fall out of that tree like an apple (I'd rather be called an intellignet monkey than a brainless piece of fruit), stop running around like herd of elephants, charging rhinos, a bunch of chickens, jumping around like a bunch of fleas, squaking like a bunch of hens.
Why are those expressons, and more, ok, but not monkey? Same thing.
This is a really stupid discussion.