I ain't dissin' no one.
(I'm secretly jealous because I no longer fill his dreams)
So I called her, and to my surprise, she actually answered the damn phone! As I mostly expected, what with me being the worthless lump of crap that I am, she turned me down. But at least I didn't sound like a nervous dick. I got right to the point, saying, "Hi, Esmirelda, this is Kickycan. How are you?" She said something to which I went right into the question. "This is not about work," I said, "I just was wondering whether you'd like to go get a drink or a cup of coffee sometime." She said she was flattered but that she didn't think her boyfriend would like that very much. Now, she could have been lying, and in my mind, I am imagining that she was, just because I like to torture myself, but I guess it is possible.
Oh well, another day, another giant hammer smashing my confidence to little bits.
I don't know why I even bother anymore. Thanks for all the suggestions though. Much appreciated.
TTH wrote:because you are lying to her
i like it. lying is necessary honey.
i just holler at every woman in sight, 1 out of 100 will give it up.
its all about patience hahahahaha
Yeah, I know, it's a numbers game. But it still sucks getting turned down over and over and over again.
It's times like these when a good f*ck buddy would be really nice.
Sorry it didn't work out for you, kicky. Hang in there, kid.
I'm done hanging in there. I am never asking a girl out on a date again, and from now on I'm devoting my life to porn. Those girls never say no.
Your ex governor probably said the same thing.
Ha! The new one too! Do they have porn for blind people? Like a braille version or something?
You know me, seaglass
Kicky, I googled for braille porn, and apparently there is a market for
it. Look (the website name is hilarious)
That's serious business, by the way...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has successfully developed active Braille-like technology that aims to bring a newfound sense of freedom and empowerment to blind folk, letting them "feel" images just like how the rest of us sighted folk see on a video screen. This technology has already been licensed to a commercial firm in order for it to be manufactured into actual products that could be purchased off the shelf by ordinary folk. Sounds pretty interesting, eh - read on for more after the jump.

wasn't about blind porn.
It was about kicky getting turned down.
I know Chai. When I first read Kicky's post, I felt so sorry for him.
He's been trying for a while, and it seems he's gotten the short stick
Frankly, I think it's not Kicky, it's Manhattan. The girls there are something
Chai wrote:I'd go out with kicky.
I hear his mom is a really good cook.
CalamityJane wrote:
Frankly, I think it's not Kicky, it's Manhattan. The girls there are something
True. I'm still from Manhattan, and I'm a former girl. I was and always will be something else.
After looking at that braille porn, all I can say is thank god I can see! That stuff is LAME. I guess there really is no equivalent to porn for blind people. How horrible for them.
Anyway, in light of recent events, I'm thinking of doing something. Two things, actually, but I can't decide.
1. Call up bossy annoying girl I went out with for a little while last summer and arrange for some no-strings sex, even though that would mean having to interact with her.
2. Call up girl who had a crush on me at my last job and ask her out, even though I'm not sure we are compatible at all, since she's a goody-two-shoes and I do a lot of things that she would totally disapprove of.
Or I could go with another option which is easily the safest, least stressful, and probably just as satisfying in the long run as either of the above.
3. Do nothing. Don't bother even trying to interact with any woman ever. Drink. Go out with friends. Watch a lot of reality TV. Chill.
I gotta tell ya, #3 is looking pretty damn good.
no no no....
none of the above...
plan 3..... thinking on it..... c'mon girls - KICKY CAN - just gotta give him the right plan!