Fri 21 Mar, 2008 11:42 am
So I fell in love with this human resources woman at one of the last interviews I had before taking the job I currently have. I just got a final official rejection e-mail from her, saying that they would keep me in mind, but they had chosen another candidate and blah, blah, blah...
So I responded with a professional thank you response. But I want to see if I can somehow weasel my way into this lovely woman's world, so I thought I would now send her the following e-mail to try to start a more personal dialogue with her.
Subject: One more thing...
I hope this isn't a bother, but I was wondering something, and I forgot to ask you when we last spoke. Do you have any relatives that grew up or live in --------, NY? I I have a cousin named ---- ------- [same last name as she has]. He works at ------. Any relation? Just curious.
So this is of course a bunch of BS. I don't have any cousin with her last name. I'm just trying to get her into a personal conversation, if possible.
What do you think? Pretty good idea, don't you think?
No, I don't think it is a good idea.
One of your best.
Just text and ask her if she'd like coffee and a new f-buddy.
because you are lying to her
ehBeth, you really think it's good? And thanks for the other idea. I guess I should have some type of future plan, just in case she actually does respond to the e-mail.
TTH wrote:because you are lying to her
Point taken. However, I don't have any qualms with a little white lie in order to grease the wheels of romance.
Are you nuts? of course I don't think it's a good idea.
Just call and ask her out for a drink after work - adult beverage or caffeine.
You're a nice guy, you make a decent first impression, women are always complaining they can't meet nice guys - be one.
What do they say on the cop shows?
Reach out.
P.S. I would not be interested in an f-buddy situation here. This girl is my dream girl and I want nothing less than true and everlasting love.
kickycan wrote:P.S. I would not be interested in an f-buddy situation here. This girl is my dream girl and I want nothing less than true and everlasting love.
Then my suggestion is not to start a relationship based on lying.
I have lost all respect for kicky
ehBeth wrote:Are you nuts? of course I don't think it's a good idea.
Just call and ask her out for a drink after work - adult beverage or caffeine.
You're a nice guy, you make a decent first impression, women are always complaining they can't meet nice guys - be one.
What do they say on the cop shows?
Reach out.
I can't just call her. I have tried that and she, being director of human resources, is usually not there. I'm not going to leave her a message asking her out. I have learned from experience that asking new girls on dates doesn't work on e-mail or in a voicemail. At least for me it doesn't. I think I would have my best chance of getting a date only by actually talking to them.
So the goal here for me is to eventually get into an actual phone conversation with her. I thought this would be a subtle step towards that. But yes, I guess I could still use this approach, only I could leave the phony story in a voice mail. Yeah, maybe I'll do that instead. What do you think about that idea?
Hi gus

Does that mean you had respect for kicky in order to lose it
TTH wrote:kickycan wrote:P.S. I would not be interested in an f-buddy situation here. This girl is my dream girl and I want nothing less than true and everlasting love.
Then my suggestion is not to start a relationship based on lying.
It wouldn't be
based on lying. It would just be using a lie as a catalyst.
Would it be wrong for a guy to go out of his way to show up at a place where he knows that a woman he likes will be at a certain time, and then pretend to have just run into her serendipitously? That's a lie too, but I know people who have actually met and fallen in love this way.
Don't let Gus fool you, TTH. He worships me like a god.
The phony story's just goofy.
How about being innovative and telling the truth in the message.
Not necessarily asking her out, but saying that if you could talk to her you'd ask her out.
Did you know/are you related to ... most women can spot those a mile away. If they like you they'll let you get away with it.
The showing up/hanging around thing doesn't always work out smoothly either.
I would think your best bet is a premium quality thank you card, with no more than three lines written thanking her for what she did for you, a complement, and asking to buy her a drink. If she bites then you can get some face time and learn enough about her to lie to (seduce) her.
kickycan wrote:Don't let Gus fool you, TTH. He worships me like a god.
You bastard! You expose me like that?
Toss me out like carrion?
Kicky holds Gus down so he can feast with A2K impunity....
ehBeth wrote:The phony story's just goofy.
How about being innovative and telling the truth in the message.
Not necessarily asking her out, but saying that if you could talk to her you'd ask her out.
Hmmm...I really don't think this will work. In the past, I've tried doing this kind of thing, only to be completely ignored. I think a voicemail mentioning true dating motives has a good chance of making the girl nervous about calling back. Again, this has been only my experience. Gus, with his pictures of disgusting dead rodents being eaten probably wouldn't have to worry about this, but I have yet to make this type of approach work for me.
ehBeth wrote:Did you know/are you related to ... most women can spot those a mile away. If they like you they'll let you get away with it.
This is exactly what I'm hoping will happen.
gus you crack me up
I agree with what ehBeth said about using the truth.