Thu 6 Mar, 2008 09:59 am
Can you believe it? How dumb is can a guy be? My husband really really asked this question. We have been married over 10 years - he should know better. I immediately told him - you never ask a woman such a question. He acted all surprised and said, "What, I just noticed and thought I would ask." He tried to make up for it later by saying how nice my hair cut looked. I told him that doesn't make up for it and then he went on to say how much he loved me - blah, blah.
I think drawn and quartered is not quite severe enough - what do you think?
Put some Nair in his shampoo and call it even.
You are not just another woman, you are his wife. In my view there are no forbidden questions in a marriage, that is a slippery slope.
Isn't that question a felony in all 50 states? Have you asked him if he thinks his penis is shrinking?
Seriously sweetie, with all the stress you've been under if it didn't show up ON your body it would show up IN your body and that would be even worse.
Still, his comment was insensitive; he doesn't need to add to your worries.
I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and think he was trying to find a way to express that he's worried about you.
Green Witch wrote:Isn't that question a felony in all 50 states? Have you asked him if he thinks his penis is shrinking?
probably because of that extra weight...
hawkeye10 wrote:there are no forbidden questions in a marriage.
you know hawkeye, up until now I had no idea how funny you were.
woo wee, I gotta sit down.
Drawn and quartered, definitely.
I liked boomer's idea of putting Nair in his shampoo
What other information do you women think that you are justified in keeping from your husbands? Surely your weight is not so important that it can be the one and only exception to the rule that husbands and wives need to facilitate communication flow with in the partnership that is marriage.
You have absolutely no clue, hackeye.
Linkat, for that remark he shall suffer eternally, or you could buy a
CalamityJane wrote:You have absolutely no clue, hackeye.
Actually I do, this is no different then the toilet seat control game you women play. If your men fall for it it is their problem though.
No hawkeye, it's just common sense. No women would ever comment negatively on her husband's endowments unless she's on her way out.
For women, weight becomes an issue the minute they can talk, and for
a husband to comment on his wife's weight negatively, it's almost the
kiss of death.
Got it?
boomerang wrote:Put some Nair in his shampoo and call it even.
He doesn't have much hair to begin with - not that he is losing it - he just keeps it real short - he is a Marine
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:well are you?
I knew some one would ask this. I do not think so - we don't own a scale so honestly I cannot say for sure. However, I take a size 2 and my clothes still fit without being tight so if I am it is minimal.
Green Witch wrote:Isn't that question a felony in all 50 states? Have you asked him if he thinks his penis is shrinking?
Nice one - I'll have to try it.
CalamityJane wrote:You have absolutely no clue, hackeye.
Linkat, for that remark he shall suffer eternally, or you could buy a

I need to stock up on coconuts - the all purpose fruit.
Linkat wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:well are you?
I knew some one would ask this. I do not think so - we don't own a scale so honestly I cannot say for sure. However, I take a size 2 and my clothes still fit without being tight so if I am it is minimal.
you know I'm just kidding with you linkat....i'm sure you're the picture of the petite and lovely flower
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Linkat wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:well are you?
I knew some one would ask this. I do not think so - we don't own a scale so honestly I cannot say for sure. However, I take a size 2 and my clothes still fit without being tight so if I am it is minimal.
you know I'm just kidding with you linkat....i'm sure you're the picture of the petite and lovely flower
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks - now I'm gonna chow down on a huge bag of chips with a side of ice cream.