Then that'll be the time!
Then that'll be the time!
msolga wrote:And I sincerely hope you gave him the boot, eoe! :wink:
I sure did. He did his usual disappearing act one summer, tried to make a comeback in the fall and I wasn't having it. Finally, finally, after six years, I came to my senses and put him out of my life for good.
The threads finally unite - you put him out like a cat, it seems, Eoe?
No more milk for HIM! And he was the one who pushed me into my six year self-imposed solitary confinement. I needed to figure out why I kept falling for these clowns. I never figured out why but I did figure out how NOT to.
Lol! I can prolly help with the why - but who needs it if you have broken the pattern????
wow, 51 pages, couldn't read what everyone is talking about, but i guess am bore so i just answer the question
good thing about solo life....umm!! more freedom to go everywhere and do anything you want, spend lesser money i guess, live in a house by yourself, no worries, works, wake up, sleep, come back anything you want, no tie down or commitment.
bad thing about solo life....... sometimes you can feel very lonely, time goes by fast, its doesn't wait for you, 10 years past by is like a blink of an eyes, when you see little kids grown up, that when you releaze that you geting old, and it is time for you to find someone before it too late or before you get too old
Hello & welcome, td!
As you didn't read the previous 50 pages, it seems one of the worst things about being alone is getting seriously ill. Old & sick =
Currently going through the "depressed" phase of Singledom's emotional cycle. Is anyone else sick of it just now? I'm just gonna ride it out and wait for the "don't care" stage to come around again!
I'm in the "relationships suck" phase, and would like some space!
It's crazy isn't it? Spend all that time and effort finding, getting and keeping a partner, then get bored and want space! How long have you been seeing each other?
(PS. I'm in the middle of cooking so please excuse any delays in my replies!)
Almost a year and a half. We practically lived with eachother since the get go, and the last 5 months we've actually been living, living together. Makes it way to easy to reach bordom at that rate! And yes, it is crazy, I complete agree!
You're pretty independant pessy, helps in those arid months.
StandUp - your situation seems broadly similar to one I was in a few years ago. I met a girl through some friends, started seeing her, and started spending alot of time (ie. nights) at her place. After a few months we moved in to a new place together (she hated her house-mates and I was living with my folks). Total time from "first contact" to moving-in was about 3 months. The first 9 months or so were pretty good - sex on tap and lots of clubbing - then we just got bored of each other, once the initial attraction had gone, and both of us smoking loads of weed didn't help much. Finally split after 14 months, but continued sharing the house for 2 months after that. We even shared a bed for most of that time because both of us were too stubborn to move to the sofa!
That stuff happens as you try to eliminate the kind of mates you don't want to spend the rest of your life with
True, Panzade. Unfortunately my "love" (or probably "lust") for her made me shut-out some good friends who I never really got back after the dust had settled. Which was a shame. I've been single ever since.
The chances of your finding the best mate in a 30 mile radius are pretty slim. The chances of finding her in the first 20% of your life are also small. I'd say you're doing quite well Duke
Alas, at 28 I'm probably now into my middle third and still no sign of a decent lass who thinks I'm a decent lad.
One thing I did learn was not to move in with a girl until after you've found out whether or not she lives piles of tissues on the floor at the side of the bed!