The relationship that you describe is, after much thought over the past few years, the only sort that I believe could work for me, now. You & your love are lucky to be secure & committed enough to have such a sound relationship. I believe it's not that common & that it's quite easy to get swallowed up in the "bubble" that I described in my previous post. The trouble is, that bubble is so intense & so all consuming that one can easily to totally lose your sense of "separateness" in there.
I can tell you, it's taken a lot of work to get a sense of a separate existence/sense of self back, after a relationship like that is finished. Very painful.
Now I think, IF I desire another relationship, it'd be best not to live with the person, to see them only when we WANT to see each other & to be able to have good friends separate to that relationship as well as mutual friends. A tall order? Hope not!