Yes - it does - but you know, being neurotic as I am, I always feel like I ought to be doing something more dramatic!
Hi all, glad you made it through the season. One more solo hurdle and we're on to valentines day! Oy.
I envy all you Ozites with your beach days and vacation time!
Not getting many beach days Kris. Christmas day was great, but since then it's been overcast and cool. I'm really getting sick of it.
For example? Hmmmmmm - organising the drinks party for my birthdy - that was in August....painting the apartment - reading edifying literature - exercising - making wild love in the surf - (well, I sorta did that, but.....well, heehee - not ALL the time) - seeing lots of films - catching up with lots of people - cleaning out ALL the junk from my place, swapping bedrooms, scrubbing the balcony tiles, decifding what wil hang on the balcony wall, deciding once and for all where my furniture is going, getting all the proper artwork up, and culling the rest (place is too busy with this and that) - getting the loo fixed, sorting out the water features,.... get the picture?????
Yes, I get the picture .... But how much time do you actually have off work? All that house stuff would take so long to do!

The fun in the surf stuff sounds like fun, though ...
Hi littlek
Yep, we all survived another Christmas! How was yours?
How's the cold?
Until the 8th - so far I seem to be able to drag myself out for social things, do a bit of washing and housework, exercise MOST days - and sleep!
Wow, deb, you're busy!
MsOlga, my xmas was actually very nice. It was a family affair, all of us at my oldest sister's house. This means I stayed at home and drove the 2 towns to the house for 3 days running. All the other people in my building of 3 condos were gone which was interesting and not as lonley as I'd thought it'd be. And, I saw a guy I was dating a year ago and had a really nice time with him.
Mixed in with the above was a fun birthday dinner and a leak that sprung in the condo above me and flooded my kitchen.
Cold's finally eased up. I had a sore throat for a week!
I keep dreaming that I have to move house again - what is THAT about?
That sounds good, littlek. You got to see your family but you weren't all cooped up together for 2/3 days. That's how I like it!
I actually love that time here in summer when everyone evacuates the city for the beaches, etc. It's very peaceful, much less hectic & you can park outside your favourite cafe for a change!
I love living far away from a large city, where it's always peaceful and less hectic, and you can always park outside your favourite cafe.
dlowan wrote:I keep dreaming that I have to move house again - what is THAT about?
More transition ahead? (Dammit!)
How did you go with that job application, Deb? Maybe it's to do with work?
I can see why you're concerned about getting through all those jobs. Not a lot of time to do them all PLUS have fun, is there?
Not many good cafes around here though, I must admit. But at least we don't have one hour parking meters at the beach.
Sounds very soothing, Wilso.
There are always pros and cons of a solo life or with a partner, but I think, generally speaking, people that have a partner live longer.
Msolga - I was too lazy and stressed to do the application! - thing is, we are in the middle of learning some very important techniques at work - which will mean lots of co-work, and video-taping sessions, and tele-conferencing supervison, for the next six months. The stuff, once learned, would be incredibly useful in the other job - but one can never guarantee getting the time - so I sort of decided to let it go for now.
I read an article not long ago about some research on the state of happiness of single & married people, c i. It appeared (as best I can remember) that men were much less happy single than women. Marriage seemed to have a significant affect on mens' state of well being, while a significant number of womens' state of happiness actually improved after leaving marriages.
I can understand that. Some times I can't face the thought of doing an application for a job I'd really like. Anyway, you sound treally involved where you are, so ...?
That narrows "transition" theory, doesn't it? Hmmmm ... Romance then, I predict!