parados wrote:I don't recall saying Tico used the word "hate".
I said he comes on a thread that equates "not being proud" with "hate" and then proceeds to leave out the word "really" from her statement.
M Obama said she was "really proud".
Rex says she used the phrase "proud" leaving off the word "really".
Rex says "not being proud" means she hates America.
Tico leaves off the word "really" when talking about what M Obama said.
Does that mean he thinks Michelle hates America? I don't know but I doubt he does.
Does it go part of the way that Rex did to support his final conclusion? Yes.
Does it look like Tico is attempting to support Rex without actually saying the word "hate" himself? I guess I'll leave that to Tico to explain his intent But his defense of not using the full phrase raises some doubt as to his intent in the context of this thread. If it was another thread, it wouldn't matter. Context is everything and this thread has a context that can't be denied.
Parados, Ms. Obama gave two speeches in Wisconsin - one in Milwaukee and one in Madison. In Milwaukee she said, "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of America". Later, in Madison, she added the 'really'.
If you are so hung up on that one word, you can google for both speeches and both are also on youtube.
I agree with whomever pointed out that she hasn't felt this way for 40 years, merely 26 or so.