Michelle Obama has hated America for over 40 years?

Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 08:02 am
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
If someone is NOT "really proud" does it mean they hate the object of their lack of being "really proud?"

I didn't say anything about "hate." You are tying to put words in my mouth, and only making yourself look foolish -- more foolish than you did before, I should clarify.

Yeah, but Rex said it, and that was the entire point of his rant. So you are ignoring context, probably so you can take a cheap shot at Parados.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 08:25 am
Setanta wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
If someone is NOT "really proud" does it mean they hate the object of their lack of being "really proud?"

I didn't say anything about "hate." You are tying to put words in my mouth, and only making yourself look foolish -- more foolish than you did before, I should clarify.

Yeah, but Rex said it, and that was the entire point of his rant. So you are ignoring context, probably so you can take a cheap shot at Parados.

No, I'm not "ignoring context" ... and Parados is the one taking a shot at me. Please try and pay attention to what is going on.

snood tried to insinuate I believed he (or Ms. Obama) was, "not a good American for saying I haven't been proud of my country every day of my life." I clarified that was not what Ms. Obama had said, but that she had been proud for the "first time" in her adult life. The point of my response to snood went to his attempt to spin what she said to be she'd only not been proud "every day."

Then Parados tried to attach meaning to the fact that I'd not repeated the word "really" ... and somehow is now extending that to attempt to insinuate I think she hates America.

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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 08:37 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Yes, but in terms of the damage she did to her husband's campaign...

HA! You wish! Laughing
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 08:39 am
Can we go back to the argument about Chamberlain? It held my interest better.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 08:56 am
Ticomaya wrote:

parados wrote:

Can someone ever be proud without being "really proud"? Yes, you agree that is possible. Anyone that simply applies the English language would say "yes."

If someone is NOT "really proud" does it mean they hate the object of their lack of being "really proud?" No. Yet you want to come on a thread using the word "hate" and leave out relevent words when discussing what she actually said. I would say such action does damage to your reputation but then your reputation isn't really stellar to begin with.

I didn't say anything about "hate." You are tying to put words in my mouth, and only making yourself look foolish -- more foolish than you did before, I should clarify.

Put words in your mouth?
What is the title of this thread? Does the title of this thread use the word "hate"?

Just in case you didn't bother to pay attention - here it is..

Michelle Obama has hated America for over 40 years?

I think the thread uses the word "hate", don't you? The title takes the premise that if you aren't "really proud" then you have to "hate." Nah, I don't look foolish for claiming the thread uses the word "hate".
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 09:03 am
Parados, you're all wet with the "hate" accusation you're directing at Tico.

Do we all have to start a new thread if our opinion is somewhat nuanced?

Get a grip.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 09:16 am
I don't recall saying Tico used the word "hate".

I said he comes on a thread that equates "not being proud" with "hate" and then proceeds to leave out the word "really" from her statement.

M Obama said she was "really proud".
Rex says she used the phrase "proud" leaving off the word "really".
Rex says "not being proud" means she hates America.

Tico leaves off the word "really" when talking about what M Obama said.
Does that mean he thinks Michelle hates America? I don't know but I doubt he does.
Does it go part of the way that Rex did to support his final conclusion? Yes.

Does it look like Tico is attempting to support Rex without actually saying the word "hate" himself? I guess I'll leave that to Tico to explain his intent But his defense of not using the full phrase raises some doubt as to his intent in the context of this thread. If it was another thread, it wouldn't matter. Context is everything and this thread has a context that can't be denied.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 09:26 am
parados wrote:
I don't recall saying Tico used the word "hate".

I said he comes on a thread that equates "not being proud" with "hate" and then proceeds to leave out the word "really" from her statement.

M Obama said she was "really proud".
Rex says she used the phrase "proud" leaving off the word "really".
Rex says "not being proud" means she hates America.

Tico leaves off the word "really" when talking about what M Obama said.
Does that mean he thinks Michelle hates America? I don't know but I doubt he does.
Does it go part of the way that Rex did to support his final conclusion? Yes.

Does it look like Tico is attempting to support Rex without actually saying the word "hate" himself? I guess I'll leave that to Tico to explain his intent But his defense of not using the full phrase raises some doubt as to his intent in the context of this thread. If it was another thread, it wouldn't matter. Context is everything and this thread has a context that can't be denied.

Parados, Ms. Obama gave two speeches in Wisconsin - one in Milwaukee and one in Madison. In Milwaukee she said, "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of America". Later, in Madison, she added the 'really'.

If you are so hung up on that one word, you can google for both speeches and both are also on youtube.

I agree with whomever pointed out that she hasn't felt this way for 40 years, merely 26 or so.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 11:13 am
Ticomaya wrote:
No, I'm not "ignoring context" ... and Parados is the one taking a shot at me. Please try and pay attention to what is going on.

Why don't you pay attention? Read the title of the goddamned thread . . .

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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 11:16 am
DrewDad wrote:
Parados, you're all wet with the "hate" accusation you're directing at Tico.

Do we all have to start a new thread if our opinion is somewhat nuanced?

Get a grip.

Anti-Obama makes for strange bedfellows.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 11:43 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
DrewDad wrote:
Parados, you're all wet with the "hate" accusation you're directing at Tico.

Do we all have to start a new thread if our opinion is somewhat nuanced?

Get a grip.

Anti-Obama makes for strange bedfellows.


Er... WTF?

Anti-shrill, I'll accept.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 11:52 am
Black Leader: Democratic Party Architect of Racism NEWSMAX
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 11:57 am
nappyheadedhohoho wrote:

Parados, Ms. Obama gave two speeches in Wisconsin - one in Milwaukee and one in Madison. In Milwaukee she said, "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of America". Later, in Madison, she added the 'really'.

If you are so hung up on that one word, you can google for both speeches and both are also on youtube.

I agree with whomever pointed out that she hasn't felt this way for 40 years, merely 26 or so.

Interesting nappy.

Can you post a link to the one that you think only contains the word "proud" without "really'?

I can only find references to "really proud" in both Madison and Milwaukee.
I found a couple of sites that contain the words "really proud" that say they were "corrected."

Of course there is this site where they edited the video. Watch her lips move to say really but the sound cuts out.

Why on earth would a website edit the word "really" out of the video if it doesn't matter?
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 12:11 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 12:59 pm
Setanta wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
No, I'm not "ignoring context" ... and Parados is the one taking a shot at me. Please try and pay attention to what is going on.

Why don't you pay attention? Read the title of the goddamned thread . . .


Why don't you read DD's rather cogent and sage advice on this topic.

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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 01:03 pm
parados wrote:
nappyheadedhohoho wrote:

Parados, Ms. Obama gave two speeches in Wisconsin - one in Milwaukee and one in Madison. In Milwaukee she said, "For the first time in my adult life I am proud of America". Later, in Madison, she added the 'really'.

If you are so hung up on that one word, you can google for both speeches and both are also on youtube.

I agree with whomever pointed out that she hasn't felt this way for 40 years, merely 26 or so.

Interesting nappy.

Can you post a link to the one that you think only contains the word "proud" without "really'?

I can only find references to "really proud" in both Madison and Milwaukee.
I found a couple of sites that contain the words "really proud" that say they were "corrected."

Of course there is this site where they edited the video. Watch her lips move to say really but the sound cuts out.

Why on earth would a website edit the word "really" out of the video if it doesn't matter?

Which website edited the work "really" out of the video?

The Breitbart.tv site has video with an audio glitch in that portion of the video as well: "[Please note there is a slight audio glitch during the word "really" and so the full quote has been included in this caption.]"

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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 01:04 pm
The point of this thread is that a REALLY true American does not ever even consider varying degrees of their pride in country.

Chamberlain had the choice to stay in Maine and teach school and be with his wife that he loved so much. So set you point is completely groundless. Chamberlain answered the call to God and country out of pure pride for this land and a principle of equality among all men (and hopefully woman too). He sacrificed this cozy life in Maine to liberate blacks and to keep the union together. He didn't make himself into a hero… That is done by historians and rightfully so in his case I think.

He knew he could have died trying to accomplish this and that is enough to make any man a hero and should be enough to provide pride in country that sustains through an entire life time.

One doesn't wear pride like a coat that they take off and on when ever it suits one or it is not really pride at all, IT IS PREJUDICE.

Chamberlain who came out of a predominately white state to potentially and probably die for blacks, That IS something to be proud of!

How much more white (red) blood was needed to make Michelle Obama proud?

One never knows the outcome of a battle of this type and the north had suffered MANY defeats. None of Chamberlains battles were a SURE THING… So since historians "may" (which I will side with FarmerMan on this one), have been wrong about one "white" general we should simply scratch the entire war and the white sacrifice all together?

I am also proud of Grant and Sherman (even though Sherman burnt half of the south!). Some white people happen to actually love black people. That is when blacks are not so racist and obsessed by COLOR that they cannot get over their own color and return the sentiment.

I will not stand for racism toward any colored individual and white is also a color. I have met some pretty racist black people and I have no problem saying that. There are also plenty of lily white SOB racists too! I will not add one bit to the pile in either regard and I will stand up proudly against ANY person who uses color as a weapon.

This alone is one of the greatest things about America that one can REALLY be VERY proud of. The melting pot is not a "chocolate New Orleans" that statement by the mayor of New Orleans certainly made white people feel really welcome to return home. (Cynical) Should I be ashamed of America for that asinine comment? That comment in reverse about a "vanilla city" would never have come out of me (I would not have even been capable of thinking such a racist thing and I take offence over such a comment.)

I would have joined Chamberlain with a gun to fight for black emancipation from slavery. I would have joined the FBI to investigate and bring to justice and end lynching and the KKK. I would have picked up and gun and given my life to stop Hitler and his "white supremacy race" against the Jews. My grandfather fought in both world wars. And my father in the second world war. I proudly count myself among those people.

I am also very proud of Martin Luther King, (using Michelle's own logic) since he had affairs and cheated on his wife should I retract that or be less proud of black civil rights? I am not a fan of adultery either. Figure it out!

Every country had a few bad apples YET, those with an ENDURING pride are those that have nothing THEMSELVES to be ashamed of. The fiber of America takes individuals to make it work. My advice to Michelle Obama is, stop waiting around for someone else to make you proud of your country!

Michelle needs Barak to make an open honest retraction of her words? I do have to give him credit but was his retraction of her words for the power or for the principle? We do not know the man enough to know his character and for that reason he needs more time to prove himself before he gets my vote. Though I do like him the problem is, I do not know him enough and I do not like either of their health care plans (Hillary or Barak). Their health care plans are too radical and too much government. They (on the left) are complaining about wire tapping while they are trying to make Uncle Sam into a fatso! (also no offence to obese people but…) Not allot of consistency in the policy not allot of believable integrity. The health care plan is just a ploy to get the votes of vulnerable Americans and that is unethical politics.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 01:04 pm
nappyheadedhohoho wrote:

A choppy video of part of a sentence on a Fox Blog?

Where is the rest of her speech?

I find it interesting that the video clip doesn't match the reported transcripts from Milwaukee.

She had told an audience in Milwaukee that, "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change."


"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country," she told a Milwaukee crowd today, "and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."


And so on and so on..
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 01:13 pm
Parados, compare the two videos on this page:


The first one is her appearance in Milwaukee, and the second video on the page is her in Madison. Notice the different backgrounds on the videos and the different styles of speaking from Michelle?

I know you want to see this as some of conspiracy, but she said what she said - twice. Once without the 'really' and then edited her prepared speech later to include the word.
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Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2008 01:21 pm
RexRed wrote:
The point of this thread is that a REALLY true American does not ever even consider varying degrees of their pride in country.

The point of this post is that only a REALLY stupid person believes that emotions don't change over time.
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