parados wrote:So. Tico..
Is there a difference between being really proud for the first time in your adult life and being proud for the first time in your adult life?
Yes, but in terms of the damage she did to her husband's campaign, I don't think it's that big of a distinction.
Quote:Is there a difference? If there is a difference then why did you leave out the word "really"?
I didn't leave it out previously, as you can see from my earlier link. But I'd like to hear your spin on her words, parados. Tell me what she
really meant ... and, btw ... I hope you can do a better job than
she did in her effort to "clarify." Apparently, she's proud of her husband ... and the bar moves ... "
It moves!" ... but she didn't really explain what she meant to a degree that would alter my take.
So spin away ...
Revel has provided her spin ... and I think she did a better job than Ms. Obama ... who, when she clarified, didn't say anything about blacks and whites coming together ... but just basically said her husband has won a lot of states (Idaho, Missouri, Washington, Georgia, Maine, Hawaii) ... and "we haven't seen that before ... in a while."