dyslexia wrote:Mr Red has hated america for over 40 years?
Not a valid assertion... I do not dislike my country and never have felt dislike for my country that I can actually recall.
I do not judge the whole country based upon the mistakes of the past.
I do not think past injustices (sins of the fathers) need to be imposed upon innocent people of today.
I did not agree with the way Bush walked out of Kyoto treaty but I sill loved my country then.
I would like to see much more stem cell research expanded. I think it is very important to understanding life. But I am not going to transfer that frustration into hatred of my country. The Iraq war could have been executed without so much corporate greed, waste and lawless fraud... But I still do not hate my country. My country is an "ideal" to me. I do not associate myself with the reality of America because that is not America, those are just the few people who cause their corruption and then the media magnifies it and makes the majority of law abiding good citizens look and feel bad. Then Michael Moore makes a documentary to rub it in...
I am not that naive to lose site of the ideal of what America is. I am not such a blow by night kind of person that I can be convinced that we need to "change" what is not broken.
Modify, improve maybe but I believe "change" is too drastic and rather insulting. As if America is not good enough now the way we are...