Michelle Obama has hated America for over 40 years?

Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:03 pm
Well my dear Cherry Picker, you asked me why I wasn't repulsed by Rev. Wright......I told you I was......I added a few more folks including child molesters to stave off any more silly questions about what I do or do not believe in. I'm not attacking McCain over his choice of religious leaders, I was however trying to satisfy your nosiness regarding my faith and attempting to curtail your grab-bag list of bull crap you want to hang on me. Let's leave it at this, you don't know me and I don't know you. I don't recall anything you have ever written here because it probably didn't register as positive or negative with me.

I can't speak for you, but I don't have a cause du jour regardless of how attractive that idea is to you. You must be very young or very inexperienced when it comes to people. No one can point to anything I have ever written that would indicate I don't believe in the freedoms this country was founded on. I don't know if you are old enough to remember the "Iron Curtain", but while I was working for DOD I had the rare experience of traveling to Eastern Europe on U.S. business. I have seen close up the appalling conditions of the "former" Communist regimes and I didn't feel safe the entire time I was there. I saw custom officials shaking down tourists for bribes in order to board their flights on time and that was only a small example of discracefull behaviour in a tolitarian state. I was lucky to be traveling on a Diplomatic passport, but I did have it taken from me by an armed official at the airport when I was leaving and It scared the living bejesus or bebuddha out of me. So save your generalizations for somebody else, I certainly don't want to hear from you or any other yahoo about my love or respect for this country.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:26 pm
ehBeth wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Michael Richards Court Speech



Thank you for the correction... Smile
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:29 pm
glitterbag wrote:
RexRed wrote:


8 years of hate Bush lies from the left have emboldened the repubs to tell it like it is...

Wow, I haven't heard such vile crap in years...the last time was when I was forced to endure someone's wedding celebration while seated next to a John Birch Society maniac. Don't get me wrong, I was fascinated....but fascinated in a way you tend to be when you are talking to a truely disturbed person.....although it is useful to know what kind of hate-filled claptrap some folks cling to.

I would urge the poster to remember (on Memorial Day) that we are Americans regardless of party affiliation. I am grateful to the service my Father provided to this country during WWII and I still mourn the loss of my relatives lost during the Viet Nam conflict. Many serve and many more sit in arm chairs and fret over issues that have nothing to do with patriotism. I would further urge the poster to avoid such poisonous sites as you should reject kiddie porn.....it doesn't do anything useful. But because of the service my Dad and many other Dad performed we have the right to read anything we want regardless of the paucity of virtue, with the rightful exception of criminal material such as kiddie-porn and snuff films. However is Lorne Baxter is just another comic writer like the folks at the Onion or Landover Baptist Church, pardon me for being shocked, I may have missed the joke (sic).

Yes we have a right to read and say what we want, even when it is wrong... Thus rights are not always the right thing.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:45 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
RexRed wrote:


8 years of hate Bush lies from the left have emboldened the repubs to tell it like it is...


I can no more disown my racist hate filled pastor than I can disown my racist grandmother.

Why is it so hard for Barrack to discern racism for what it is and "disown" it? Why disown people when we can disown their actions and deeds directly? WHY HAS IT TAKEN HIM 20 YEARS to JUST NOW SPEAK UP??? Did Obama attempt to disown any of Wrights comments before NOW (absolutely not! Years of silence...) And I will tell you something, if you think reverend Wright's church is a Christian church then you have no conception of the message of Jesus Christ and the unity and peace he represents (not just for black folks)...

I liken Wrights Church to that of the polygamist colonists.

Did Jesus Christ build his church on hate or faith?

By perverting the message of Jesus Christ reverend Wright's doctrine is "anti-Christ". Thus Barrack's spiritual "mentor" (of 20 years) is the harbinger of false prophecy.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:57 pm
RexRed wrote:
I liken Wrights Church to that of the polygamist colonists.

Then you are truly a fool.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:57 pm
eoe wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I liken Wrights Church to that of the polygamist colonists.

Then you are truly a fool.

Then a fool I will be... gladly.

I have no friends when it comes to God's word.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 01:59 pm
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 02:06 pm
People only condone the hate of others when they share that hate.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 02:10 pm
And others blind themselves to truth because they can't bear the truth.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 02:20 pm
Ephesians 4:3
Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Ask yourself a question? Seeing reverend Wright scream "God damn America" repetitively in a state of apparent demonic possession (if there are even legions) does that reflect the heart of the scripture above? 2000 years ago people in the middle east had it right, what happened?

Is it Christ Jesus who liberates us or is it reverend Wright?

1Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order.

Does the Reverend Wrights performance fall within the boundaries of what would be termed as "decent"? Were his comments "out of order"?

It seems the reverend Wright has read every book about liberation theology and skipped over the most important holy book that deserved more study and scrutiny.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 05:00 pm
RexRed wrote:
glitterbag wrote:
RexRed wrote:


8 years of hate Bush lies from the left have emboldened the repubs to tell it like it is...

Wow, I haven't heard such vile crap in years...the last time was when I was forced to endure someone's wedding celebration while seated next to a John Birch Society maniac. Don't get me wrong, I was fascinated....but fascinated in a way you tend to be when you are talking to a truly disturbed person.....although it is useful to know what kind of hate-filled claptrap some folks cling to.

I would urge the poster to remember (on Memorial Day) that we are Americans regardless of party affiliation. I am grateful to the service my Father provided to this country during WWII and I still mourn the loss of my relatives lost during the Viet Nam conflict. Many serve and many more sit in arm chairs and fret over issues that have nothing to do with patriotism. I would further urge the poster to avoid such poisonous sites as you should reject kiddie porn.....it doesn't do anything useful. But because of the service my Dad and many other Dad performed we have the right to read anything we want regardless of the paucity of virtue, with the rightful exception of criminal material such as kiddie-porn and snuff films. However is Lorne Baxter is just another comic writer like the folks at the Onion or Landover Baptist Church, pardon me for being shocked, I may have missed the joke (sic).

Yes we have a right to read and say what we want, even when it is wrong... Thus rights are not always the right thing.

I don't have a clue what you are trying to say here, but I will give you points for your efforts to become the Betty Bower of A2K. If you are suggesting we become a country governed as a theocracy, let me remind you that the last time we experimented with that, they burned "Witches" in Salem. My comments regarding freedom of speech and religion were prompted by a poster who seemed to be confused as to what I supported. Usually, profoundly confused individuals don't post as much here........they tend to frequent another site I belong to, but if you really want to get a minority of A2K folks hot under the collar, all it takes is a mention of one or more of the numerous Christian faiths to bring out the beast.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 05:49 pm
glitterbag wrote:
RexRed wrote:
glitterbag wrote:
RexRed wrote:


8 years of hate Bush lies from the left have emboldened the repubs to tell it like it is...

Wow, I haven't heard such vile crap in years...the last time was when I was forced to endure someone's wedding celebration while seated next to a John Birch Society maniac. Don't get me wrong, I was fascinated....but fascinated in a way you tend to be when you are talking to a truly disturbed person.....although it is useful to know what kind of hate-filled claptrap some folks cling to.

I would urge the poster to remember (on Memorial Day) that we are Americans regardless of party affiliation. I am grateful to the service my Father provided to this country during WWII and I still mourn the loss of my relatives lost during the Viet Nam conflict. Many serve and many more sit in arm chairs and fret over issues that have nothing to do with patriotism. I would further urge the poster to avoid such poisonous sites as you should reject kiddie porn.....it doesn't do anything useful. But because of the service my Dad and many other Dad performed we have the right to read anything we want regardless of the paucity of virtue, with the rightful exception of criminal material such as kiddie-porn and snuff films. However is Lorne Baxter is just another comic writer like the folks at the Onion or Landover Baptist Church, pardon me for being shocked, I may have missed the joke (sic).

Yes we have a right to read and say what we want, even when it is wrong... Thus rights are not always the right thing.

I don't have a clue what you are trying to say here, but I will give you points for your efforts to become the Betty Bower of A2K. If you are suggesting we become a country governed as a theocracy, let me remind you that the last time we experimented with that, they burned "Witches" in Salem. My comments regarding freedom of speech and religion were prompted by a poster who seemed to be confused as to what I supported. Usually, profoundly confused individuals don't post as much here........they tend to frequent another site I belong to, but if you really want to get a minority of A2K folks hot under the collar, all it takes is a mention of one or more of the numerous Christian faiths to bring out the beast.

What rules your life? Is it you, God or your government? Your answer will perhaps judge your future.

A government is better "under God" rather than above God. When we take under God out, then we may forget who rules us. We are not ruled by people or governments we are ruled by God first. Then by "ourselves" (the people) then by our government. A people when they let other agents usurp rule over their lives then they lose sight of the unity between creation and creator.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 05:52 pm
Mr Red has hated america for over 40 years?
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 05:55 pm
RexRed wrote:
What rules your life? Is it you, God or your government? Your answer will perhaps judge your future.

A government is better "under God" rather than above God. When we take under God out, then we may forget who rules us. We are not ruled by people or governments we are ruled by God first. Then by "ourselves" (the people) then by our government. A people when they let other agents usurp rule over their lives then they lose sight of the unity between creation and creator.

Wow, a post from RexRed that is calm, rational, and contains the superior argument...unexpected.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 06:03 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
RexRed wrote:
What rules your life? Is it you, God or your government? Your answer will perhaps judge your future.

A government is better "under God" rather than above God. When we take under God out, then we may forget who rules us. We are not ruled by people or governments we are ruled by God first. Then by "ourselves" (the people) then by our government. A people when they let other agents usurp rule over their lives then they lose sight of the unity between creation and creator.

Wow, a post from RexRed that is calm, rational, and contains the superior argument...unexpected.

I have my moments of clarity. Smile
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 06:29 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Mr Red has hated america for over 40 years?

Not a valid assertion... I do not dislike my country and never have felt dislike for my country that I can actually recall.

I do not judge the whole country based upon the mistakes of the past.

I do not think past injustices (sins of the fathers) need to be imposed upon innocent people of today.

I did not agree with the way Bush walked out of Kyoto treaty but I sill loved my country then.

I would like to see much more stem cell research expanded. I think it is very important to understanding life. But I am not going to transfer that frustration into hatred of my country. The Iraq war could have been executed without so much corporate greed, waste and lawless fraud... But I still do not hate my country. My country is an "ideal" to me. I do not associate myself with the reality of America because that is not America, those are just the few people who cause their corruption and then the media magnifies it and makes the majority of law abiding good citizens look and feel bad. Then Michael Moore makes a documentary to rub it in...

I am not that naive to lose site of the ideal of what America is. I am not such a blow by night kind of person that I can be convinced that we need to "change" what is not broken.

Modify, improve maybe but I believe "change" is too drastic and rather insulting. As if America is not good enough now the way we are...
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 08:55 pm
Are you actually asking me what rules my life?????? What are you hoping to hear, I'm ruled by politics or devil worship or Madonna or Jerry Springer?????? You seem to be in a delusional state where you are the only person here who loves their county as well as loves their creator. I know what is important to me...... my faith, my country and my family. I am not interested in imposing my religious beliefs or the pop culture version of religious belief on anyone and I will not assume that the rest of the people posting here are dupes devoid of any moral or ethical beliefs.

If it makes you more comfortable to believe that you are the lone holdout in loving this country, have at it. That's been the big effective divisive lie perpetrated by rabid partisons who need to quash opposing opinion. Don't agree with my political views????, well then I guess you hate America or you love the terrorists. I believe you do love this country, but I also believe you harbor dangerous suspicion of those you suspect hold differing views and fear they may pointy-headed intellectuals or liberal elitists. The reason I say it's dangerous is because when you close your mind and relie on a tid-bit of information to box people in, you cease to be able to understand the other person's point of view. You don't have to be swayed or converted to another point of view, but it's helpful to understand why certain issues are hot buttons for some people.

At least I think it's useful to understand what motivates reasonable people. Just in this country alone, we have many cultures based entirely on the States people live in......what passes for polite in New Jersey can be considered a rash insult in Georgia. We come from all over this nation my friends and the sooner we realize that even here in God's Country customs and comfort levels differ drastically the better off we will all be. I'm not talking about the important things like morality or patriotism or honesty, I'm talking about what is customarily served at Sunday dinner, or what color shoes people wear to Church in different regions. If you don't think this type of silly crap actually affects people's comfort level then I'm betting you have never traveled more than 10 miles away from home.
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 08:56 pm

For blacks ONLY!
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 09:04 pm
This latest post makes me very sad and very disappointed with you mr. red. Didn't you just get busted for the false story on Michael Richards?
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Reply Thu 29 May, 2008 09:20 pm
glitterbag wrote:

Sorry Okie, I didn't know we were talking about Rev. Wright. You are asking about the man that Obama denounced a while back for his radical statements? Would you like a list of everyone who I find repulsing because I do find more than the Rev. you mentioned to be a tad nuts. Just for starters Rev. Hagee, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell (God rest his soul), Carl Rove and Ollie North of Iran Contra fame. I was responding to the Lorne Baxter fantasy, but let me know if you need anymore examples of twisted individuals in this thread I assumed was about Michelle Obama's patriotism. Oh, I almost forgot, I find child molesters vile as well, don't want anyone confused over where I stand.

In case you haven't heard of Hagee, he is the pastor that Sen. McCain pursued to endorse his run for the WH. Hagee is the loving Christian pastor who refers to the Catholic Church as the "Great Whore of Babylon". Apparently the Episcopalians, Lutherans and Methodists aren't on his list of acceptable religions either.

Last I checked, McCain has never been a member of Hagees church. And are we going to bring in everyone that endorses a candidate now, is that the way the game is played? Why not examine the record of every voter that votes for a candidate then? That would take a while to examine a few tens of millions of people.
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