My Bohemian gypsy blood, my perma-tan and black eyes do not really qualify me for the ideal Arian race anyway.
Butrflynet wrote:No, I'm building a case that you have a double standard when it comes to people who have associated with Farrakhan.
Have you figured out why that is?
Are you saying because Hillary accepted a donation she is anti-blue eyed white?
That is ludicrous. She is also not defending him and dodging the question when asked about it by the press.
I could have sworn I wrote what I was saying.
You say she's not dodging questions when asked about it by the press? Really? I'd like to see what she answered. Have any links?
Butrflynet wrote:You say she's not dodging questions when asked about it by the press? Really? I'd like to see what she answered. Have any links?
I don't think the press is pushing the question of her being anti white and her super delegate IS openly supporting a white woman, (though in general should not be required too) I would think that this would pass any acid test of scrutiny concerning their character and past affiliations with "racists". I also believe the press could figure that out on their own too.
RexRed wrote:
DID I say Law "or" Liberty?
NO! I said "Law of Liberty" BIG difference.
The statue has nothing to do with the bible so it's irrellavant is what I'm saying.
You're wrong about this and it's been confirmed, serveral times.
Diest TKO wrote:RexRed wrote:
DID I say Law "or" Liberty?
NO! I said "Law of Liberty" BIG difference.
The statue has nothing to do with the bible so it's irrellavant is what I'm saying.
You're wrong about this and it's been confirmed, serveral times.
That is the whole point is that I disagree with you that the statue DOES have to do with the Bible and the "law of liberty". You have to literally be BLIND to not SEE that. Why not let society as a whole decide what is "relevant"?
Law = tablets
Liberty = The lady's name
(secret biblical symbolism of the French (free thinking) Masons)
Other than "the law OF liberty" spoken of in the Bible, law (conservatives) and liberty (liberals) are otherwise seemingly diametrically opposed forces of society.
I have put much thought into this NEW law of liberty referred to and LIVED by Jesus and detailed in the Epistles of Paul and the other apostles. I suggest you do the same before you attempt to simply knock it down.
Mr Red wrote:Why not let society as a whole decide what is "relevant"?
I don't really think you want to go there Mr Red, the whole of society would just as likely as not brand you as unfit for citizenship and exile you to some island in the Bearing sea.
Fact: It's not a biblical statue. You can't rewrite history.
This country doesn't write it's laws on tablets.
Its Bering Sea you shwantzkopf. The Bearing Sea is over in the automotive department.
Does baiting REd give you some thrill, cany tou see hes a bit off bubble.
farmerman wrote:Its Bering Sea you shwantzkopf. The Bearing Sea is over in the automotive department.
Does baiting REd give you some thrill, cany tou see hes a bit off bubble.
I'm a glutton when he comes to bear baiting; not so much into bear hating but when I see a bear coming down the street I usually cross to the other side but some times I just get an urge to toss some bacon. Bering uh? well speeling never was my strange forte. spreaking of speeling how ya doink Framerman?
farmerman wrote:Its Bering Sea you shwantzkopf. The Bearing Sea is over in the automotive department.
Does baiting REd give you some thrill, cany tou see hes a bit off bubble.
I do get a great satisfaction for baiting Rex in this way. I have nothing but contempt for this thread and it's original post. It'a absurdity is without measure. If Rex wants parade around his idiotic propaganda, I'm going to illustrate who he is. This thread has no real merit. I view it as being disposable.
He took the bait beautifully though.
Quote:Other than "the law OF liberty" spoken of in the Bible, law (conservatives) and liberty (liberals) are otherwise seemingly diametrically opposed forces of society.
So where does Falwells Liberty University and Liberty school of law fit into this?
Well folks, you most all know that I don't have a great deal of time to spend on forums on the internet, and while I admit I think Redwhatever is short a few bricks of a load.......I will indeed tell him what I like about our country (not just his, but ours). We welcome immigrants, frankly we would not be the county we are with out all the French, Irish, German, Polish, Greek, and dozens of other countries emigrees. Now I lived in an area where many immigrants decided to settle, what this means is that I was exposed to many different cultures and learned to love the food the music, the family life that was typical in many first generation homes. This meant that I did not live in exile with only people who had always lived in the same county since the Mayflower. I do pity Redface, because he/she is so fearful of diversity......and in some areas it would be considered racism,,,,But you never know, the old pain in the butt with all the African-American issues might eventually get an education. I know it's not something that Red thinks he needs, but isn't that be so afraid of diversity that you rail about race issues.
I notice that the poster doesn't rail about Wall-Mart, McDonald's or any of the other 1000 points of light that were supposed to buoy this economy, so I don't really know what else I can contribute at least to him/her....that person is locked in and focused on a target. Just very sad that they are after the wrong target. My advice to Red....get help and get back on the meds.
How DAre you make snidely comments on my spelling you bullshit rangler.I do admit that youre about half smart, so you may have somtehin about my spellin, but to bring it up in public like the spney toad you are , is downright uneducated.
Im here to add sanity to this interesting ,albeit pointless discussion. I still firmly assert that Chamberlains 20th Me was the advance brigade of STrongs forces because to come up in lines from the backside of LRT ones troops would encounter a series of short steep precipices of diabase rock. One would find it difficult to march up these shallow sheer faces only a few feet tall but daunting nonetheless.So the battaglioni advances were in order from the North and West, on the West flank of LRTand would thus , in order to preserve some degree of order, have to be the first ones in lione.
Isnt that what this entire thread was about?
The negative facts are piling up and the are smelling like crap! Mr and Mrs Obama have a history of America hater pals.
Obama Attended Hate America Sermon
Im thinking that the real "America HAter" is our present oligarchic administration which has tried to smash the middle class, fund a war of attrition under fraudulent circumstances, wreck the currency by inducing hyperinflation, and a couple of other tidbits of treasonous activities. Hows that for idocy equal to yours?
I dunno FM . . . Rex is using Newsmax as a source . . . when it comes to idiocy, they have no peers . . .
Setanta wrote:I dunno FM . . . Rex is using Newsmax as a source . . . when it comes to idiocy, they have no peers . . .
The same stories are also circulation in the NY times also. All over youtube too.
If it was a non story Barak would not have tried to quell the flames and firestorm. Barak according to Rasmussen polls is now trailing McCain by 6 points. Back in Ohio he was tied with McCain.
I (as ordained clergy) once walked out of a church.
It was a church in Dallas Texas. The name of the church was called "Souls Harbor" A Baptist minister friend of mine at the time begged me to come to a gathering. I was shocked at what was going on there. the church was full of dirty people with obviously very low I.Q.'s (reminded me of gamblers) considering there could stand there for twenty minutes with their arms up in the air while the fire a brimstone preacher kept repeating and screeching the words "Touch the hand of God "! There were no scripture readings or intellectual reasoning shared with the congregation just repeated words over and over like some modern trance music with people on ecstasy. Brainless dumb stupid people herded like cattle by the hundreds all in none building!
I saw the white preacher bang a ninety year old lady to the ground and say "Your back it healed!"
Then the same "white" preacher went over to a black man and said Jesus told him that this black man was using drugs again. The preacher bopped the black man on the forehead and knocked him down on the ground and the black man began to froth at the mouth in total shock and wreathing on the floor in total embarrassment and shame.
I thought to myself, "So this is how God loves our problems out of us!" I got up and walked out of teh circus chruch never to return again. I will keep my Bible to my side and reject any and all of this type of false religion.
I don't need to sell my soul for a voting block!
False prophets! BEWARE!