Michelle Obama has hated America for over 40 years?

Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 08:06 am
Louis Farrikhan recently coined (Judas) the phrase "Blue Eyes Devils".

Actually Louis the devil has black eyes! Allah/God dislikes racists! NO VIRGINS FOR EITHER OF YOU! Isn't it enough that the pupil is black?



Meet Miss Wachira, a 100% Kikuyu girl with blue eyes.

While I am at it I might also mention we have black entertainment TV (BET) on cable. I wonder what would happen if some equally racist color discriminating people started a cable channel CALLED "white entertainment TV" (WET)? Regular TV is (supposed to be) balanced by the population but it also does not go by the name WHITE TV!

We now have a "black dating service" too where blacks can meet blacks. I am so sick of black reversed racism. As a child of God I deplore any type of RACISM!

These "BLACK" bigots carry black pride to the point of a sickness. Someone needs to slap a good lawsuit on these services and at least have them change their name to something that is not obviously separatist and racist!

Can't people just get along? Blacks will look back on this BLACK TV and BLACK dating service and it will be a source of SHAME not pride.

Louis, the serpent also has a forked tongue and whispers division in your ear.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 11:33 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 11:46 am
Comment: While I'm on a roll...

Obama, Hillary in Civil War

Thursday, March 6, 2008 9:39 PM

By: Newsmax Analysis

With Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's decision to stay in the Democratic race to the bitter end, she has signaled a delegate fight all the way to the party's convention in Denver this August.

Both candidates appear in something of a stalemate.

Political strategists have concluded that Clinton cannot overcome Sen. Barack Obama's pledged delegate lead by winning additional primaries.

And despite his lead in electoral and delegate wins, Obama cannot seal his nomination without the support of the party's superdelegates.

Clinton's decision, after winning in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island this week that she would not capitulate has opened up the first skirmishes in a looming Democratic civil war.

Already the intraparty battle -- described by the Boston Globe as "trench warfare" -- has cost the Democrats a whopping $275 million. The war has no end in sight and is shaping up to be a take-no-prisoner's battle.


Cash: Both sides are now swimming with the ammunition that politicians need to wage war. Obama announced this week that he raised a stunning $55 million in February. Clinton hasn't matched those numbers, but she is playing catch-up. Since Tuesday, she raked in a cool $3 million.

'Monster' Hillary: Obama foreign policy aide Samantha Power told Britain's Scotsman that Clinton is "a monster . . . she is stooping to anything" and described her circle as being on the "warpath."

Ken Starr: Clinton's campaign lashed out at Obama Thursday, accusing him of becoming another "Ken Starr" because he promised to be more criticial of his opponent. The Obama campaign has complained Clinton has dragged her feat in releasing her tax returns and her documents as first lady.

Florida and Michigan. Both the Obama and Clinton camps are deadlocked on the matter of the Florida and Michigan delegates. Party Chairman Howard Dean says he wants a new vote in those states but he won't use party money to pay for it. That benefits Obama, because Clinton would have likely won those states in a re-vote. If Dean and the Obama can keep the current slate of Florida and Michigan delegates off the convention floor, Clinton's position is further undermined.

Black Revolt: Influential African-Americans like Donna Brazile, Al Sharpton and former Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder are warning that the Democratic Party may be fractured and crippled if it does not abide by the will of the pledged delegates in picking the nominee.

Meanwhile, the fraternal struggle among Democrats may be netting Republicans support.

Former Bush strategist Karl Rove notes Thursday in The Wall Street Journal "the interesting electoral phenomenon is the emergence of the 'McCainicrats' -- Democrats backing Mr. McCain."

Rove continued: "In three recent polls, (Fox, LA Times/Bloomberg and Gallup), almost twice as many Democrats support Mr. McCain as Republicans support Mr. Obama. Three times as many Democrats support Mr. McCain as Republicans back Mrs. Clinton."

2008 Newsmax.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 11:47 am
How do you feel about Hillary Clinton's Super Delegate connection to Farrakhan?

Do you have similar vitirol for him? Should she denounce her Super Delegate for associating with Farrakhan?



April 15, 1997
Philadelphia Mayor Joins Farrakhan to Calm Ethnic Tensions


In a long church rally today, called to promote racial reconciliation after several recent high-profile crimes, Mayor Edward G. Rendell joined Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader, in challenging residents of Philadelphia and the nation to put aside ethnic differences.

Mr. Rendell became one of the few big-city mayors ever to share a podium with Mr. Farrakhan, a circumstance that was all the more unusual because Mr. Rendell is Jewish and Mr. Farrakhan is widely regarded as anti-Semitic. Representatives from the city's leading Jewish and Roman Catholic organizations were invited to participate in the rally, but all declined.

As the keynote speaker before an enthusiastic audience of more than 3,000 at the Tindley Temple United Methodist Church, h Mr. Farrakhan praised Mayor Rendell, a popular Democrat, for ''his courage and strength to rise above emotion and differences that might be between us or our communities.'' Mr. Farrakhan added: ''I believe, Mayor Rendell, that history will applaud your efforts.''

Mr. Rendell, whose speech preceded Mr. Farrakhan's, commended the Nation of Islam for its emphasis on family values and self-sufficiency.

He told the audience that many people had warned him against ''sharing a platform'' with a figure as controversial as Mr. Farrakhan.

But, he said, the incidents that prompted the rally -- the attack on a black woman, her son and nephew by a group of white men in February, and the fatal shooting of a white teen-ager by two black men in a robbery in the same neighborhood a month later -- have taken a toll on the city.

''The real risk would be not to be willing to talk about our differences,'' he said.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:10 pm
There is good in everyone, Mr Red makes even shiksa, roxxanne and okie seem rational.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:15 pm
well maybe not okie.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:47 pm
dyslexia wrote:
There is good in everyone, Mr Red makes even shiksa, roxxanne and okie seem rational.

Wow Dys did you learn to do the association game in day care today?

The square cube fits in the square hole...


Another unsubstantiated, unsupported and flagrant insult from Dyslexia the resident hate monger.

No links, no quotes from Dys, just insult.

Dys minus Idea
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:50 pm
And yet you skip over the post that did contain all that you complain his lack.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:52 pm
I know what you mean about dys. rolls in, makes a shitty remark and then rolls out. A real poopity head if there ever was one.

I like that.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 12:58 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
And yet you skip over the post that did contain all that you complain his lack.

What am I supposed to say about blacks rioting? IS THAT MY FAULT? There is more black on black crime too! ditto. I am not out there robbing my neighbor and listening to gangsta rap! Go pin the tail on some other ass. I spend my time quoting a book about a half black messiah named Jesus who preached PEACE on earth. What else do you expect me to do stand on my head and spit pickles? What type of pickles would you prefer me to spit? Kosher or dill?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:05 pm

You go on a tirade for dozens of pages about Obama's church and their association with Farrakhan, yet all you can say about a similar association of Clinton's Pennsylvania campaign coordinator is that it's just about black crime so no big deal?

What a hypocrit!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:05 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I know what you mean about dys. rolls in, makes a shitty remark and then rolls out. A real poopity head if there ever was one.

I like that.

Rolling Eyes

I could do the same in Dys' posts while he is excrementing his ideas to his goober friends but I am above that trivial tripe.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:07 pm
What else do you expect me to do stand on my head and spit pickles? What type of pickles would you prefer me to spit? Kosher or dill?

Which ever size you can fit in there... Standing on your head while doing it is probably a good idea too.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:10 pm
Butrflynet wrote:

You go on a tirade for dozens of pages about Obama's church and their association with Farrakhan, yet all you can say about a similar association of Clinton's Pennsylvania campaign coordinator is that it's just about black crime so no big deal?

What a hypocrit!

I'm not voting for Clinton either. You seem to miss the point. It is about racism period not who's white or black hand is involved.

We have gotten along so far, I like you and welcome your input. Do you really think Hillary hates white folk and would refer to them as "blue eyed devils" or wants to see Israel wiped off the face of the map?

Even the devil must maintain a system of order to his chaos.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:14 pm
What point is about racism? You've taken so many unrelated tangents on this thread that even you can't keep it straight.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:21 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
What point is about racism? You've taken so many unrelated tangents on this thread that even you can't keep it straight.

Racism is a problem in general.

But you are not going to convince me Hillary hates whites.. Is that a bit "unrelated"?

How Liberals Play Race Politics
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Posted: 03/07/2008

"All is race," wrote Benjamin Disraeli, "there is no other truth."

What Disraeli meant by race is what Winston Churchill meant when he spoke of "our island race" -- a tribe, an ethnic group, a people unique and separate from all others.

Disraeli saw the Irish in Britain as a breed apart, an alien race:

"This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry (i.e., Catholicism). Their history describes an unbroken circuitry of bigotry and blood."

And whose bigotry was on display here?

Recently, this writer cited a Foreign Affairs article titled, "Us and Them: The Enduring Power of Ethnic Nationalism." Professor Jerry Muller therein described what happened to Europe in the 20th century as the violent and bloody parturition of all the multi-ethnic nations and empires into homogeneous states where each "race" at last had its own country to secure its own separate and privileged existence and tribal interests.

Only then did peace come to the Old Continent.

The process may not be at an end. Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo wish to be with their kinsmen. Scots want out of Britain. Catalan and Basque seek independence from Spain.
Flemish and Walloon are suing for divorce in Belgium.

This tribalism is now bedeviling America and the presidential politics of this diverse nation, and roiling its most diverse party.

The dominant minorities in the Democratic coalition are blacks, Hispanics and Jews.
Though Obama began this campaign with under half of the black vote, African-Americans are now voting close to 90 percent for him. Dixiecrats called that the bloc vote. Ex-Goldwater Girl Hillary is now getting Goldwater's share of that vote.

African-Americans are rejecting the wife of our "first black president" -- for the real thing.
And though Latinos are similar in educational levels, incomes and political orientation to blacks, they seem as resistant to Barack's candidacy as white working men.

And where race and ethnic wedge-driving was thought to be the province of the Lee Atwater School of Republican Politics, liberals have shown themselves more than adept.

"I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim," said ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey, a Hillary backer, in Iowa. "I think it is a tremendous asset for him ... that he spent a little bit of time in a secular madrassa."

The day of South Carolina, Bill Clinton volunteered, "Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. ... Ran a good campaign." And what do Jesse and Barack have in common?

Portside columnist Richard Cohen was first to raise the issue of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack's spiritual mentor, whose magazine last year declared that Louis Farrakhan "epitomized greatness." Minister Farrakhan, Cohen reminded his readers, "has reviled Jews in a manner that brings Hitler to mind."

Cohen's call for Obama to renounce Farrakhan was echoed by Hillary in the last debate, and she further demanded that Barack "reject" him. A beleaguered Barack dutifully did.

This was the old one-two to the midsection. Publicizing the Wright-Farrakhan ties alarmed Jewish voters backing Barack, while African-Americans, many of whom admire Farrakhan as a defiant black man, saw Barack as dissing a brother on the orders of the white liberal establishment.

Last weekend, The New York Times gave page-one coverage to the Farrakhan-Wright matter and Jewish concerns about Obama's ties to Zbigniew Brzezinski, who, said the Times helpfully, is "loathed by many Jews."

The Times also regurgitated Barack's statement of last fall that "no one has suffered more than the Palestinians."

On March 5, the New York Post ran a page-one story with the banner, "Shady," and subhead, "Black Ops: Hill Ad 'Darkens' Obama." The story was based on a left-wing Website's claim that Clinton's campaign is "darkening the tone of Barack Obama's skin in a new TV attack ad."

Post columnist Amir Taheri drove the wedge deeper between Barack and Jews. Saying Barack should be proud of his middle name, "Hussein," Taheri then accused him of cutting Israel loose.

"In an important symbolic move designed to signal an end of the special relationship between Israel and America, Obama has become the first major presidential candidate in 25 years not to commit himself to transferring the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem."

Barack, said Taheri, is meeting the key demands of "all radical Islamist forces, Sunni and Shiite."

Usually Democrats play the ethnic card against Republicans. Al Gore said Bush revered a Constitution that declared blacks to be three-fifths of a person. The NAACP said Bush did not care about the dragging death of African-American James Byrd.

This time, the liberals are playing the race card on each other, and showing real proficiency.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:29 pm
I also posted a picture of the brown eyed white man James Dobson who has driven many homosexuals to suicide over his hate speech and bigotry. So my criticism has no color, gender, sexual preference, nor does it follow a certain party line.

Has Dobson counted how many teen homosexuals he has driven to their deaths by his hate speech and intolerance?

Jesus Christ would have been ostracized from his church being a 30 year old virgin.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:30 pm
Yes, a lot of white folks have problems with there being more than one race.

You have a double standard when it comes to condemning Obama and his church's association with Farrakhan and Hillary Clinton and her campaign coordinator's association with Farrakhan.

Have you figured out why?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:32 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
Yes, a lot of white folks have problems with there being more than one race.

You have a double standard when it comes to condemning Obama and his church's association with Farrakhan and Hillary Clinton and her campaign coordinator's association with Farrakhan.

Have you figured out why?

Are you building a case that Hillary is anti white folk?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2008 01:35 pm
No, I'm building a case that you have a double standard when it comes to people who have associated with Farrakhan.

Have you figured out why that is?
0 Replies

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