Diest TKO wrote:RexRed wrote:I am saying the left in America are enablers for this type of hate.
You also think the statue of liberty is holding a bible so your opinion comes with more than a grain of salt, it comes with a brick.
The right is where the hate originates fromin my opinion, and they do more than enable. They act in hate.
Standing with the left Deist you really have a monopoly on hate. My response is only a metered reaction to such hate and disregard to a free society. The Masons who built the statue of liberty were (at least on the surface)Christians.
James 2:12
So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the
law of liberty.
Comment: Lady liberty is holding a law tablet in her hand yet her name is liberty. The first book in the world to contain the phrase "LAW OF LIBERTY" was the (New Testament) Holy Bible.
Thus the Statue of Liberty is a Christian and not a pagan monument.
Sorry if my post on the Statue of Liberty misled you. With that post I was thinking as I went along.
Eventually I figured out Lady Liberty's charms and mystery as I do with many things when much thought is applied. Read on in that post on the statue of liberty/law and things will become clear.