How can I deal with a boss that is unreasonable?

Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 12:16 pm
Tell him if he wants to call you after you have left that you would be happy to assist him, on your personal time away from your new job. Tell him you will get back to him on a fare rate to charge him for any calls, questions that he or his new staff take up your time with. If she requires assistance then he can bloody well pay you for it!
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 12:18 pm
Heeven wrote:
Tell him if he wants to call you after you have left that you would be happy to assist him, on your personal time away from your new job. Tell him you will get back to him on a fare rate to charge him for any calls, questions that he or his new staff take up your time with. If she requires assistance then he can bloody well pay you for it!

I couldn't of said it better myself!! I have too much knowledge just to give it away after someone treated me like a garbage can for over a good 6 months!
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 12:21 pm
BTW, my sister just went through this. She left her job of 15 years and they replaced her with an idiot. This new guy called her (in the 6 months since she had left) a total of 3 times a week on average - where's this, where's that, how do you do this, etc., etc. She was too nice to them and took the calls and helped out but finally she had to tell him that she had a new consulting job (he wanted her new work number) and she told him she would be travelling etc., and the only way to reach her would be by cell (she changed her number).

I obviously have a different personality. When an ex-employer of mine asked me to train someone on a computer system AFTER I had left, I said "Sure" and gave him an estimate of how much I would expect to be paid for my days training this new person. He nearly had a seizure but he had no option, either pay me or fly a professional from the maker of the computer program (from Sweden) over and pay them!

Karma is a beeyatch!
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 01:10 pm
Its funny because he just asked me to stay on with the company for a couple hours a week. Which means that he will leave all the **** they can't do for me. I am not sure what to think about that. If he wants to pay me a good flat rate a week for about 5 hours a week and I call the shots, then we shall see.

I really think I will just stay away but hey if I can milk him for a good rate to do stupid things that come natural to me......who knows. But he will have to change his ways and start showing me that ASAP.
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 02:49 pm
You take your current hourly rate (let's say it's fifteen bucks an hour), double it (double-time since it would be outside of your other job which is probably 40 hrs/week regular hours), then double that again (since he doesn't pay you benefits any longer - medical, dental, pension) and to include your travel time and other miscellaneous expenses, and that is your consulting fee. $60 an hour.

You have to declare this money on your tax return.

Yes it will give him a heart attack and he will call you all the names under the sun, but this is a fair price for doing something you really don't want to be doing. It is a way to stop him from calling you and nagging at you to help him/her/the business. Put it in business terms. Fix an outrageous amount of money for your expertise. He will not take you up on it, and you leave free and clear from any pesky phone calls. If he does call/pester you later, be firm about your fee of sixty bucks an hour and tell him you require payment in advance, BEFORE you respond to questions etc.
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 02:52 pm
AND tell him you learned everything you know about negotiating and handling a business from working for him! Tell him you appreciate the lessons learned. You now know your worth.
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Reply Fri 1 Feb, 2008 02:59 pm
I love your way of thinking. I just might do that!
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Reply Sat 2 Feb, 2008 12:36 am
Yeah, what Heeven said <waves to Heeven> :-D

If you decide not to do this for him HK, make sure you change your cell phone #. He had absolutely no right giving your # to anyone! This idiot obviously feels like he owns you!

I can't believe he had the nerve to ask for your work # so he could call you there! What a selfish idiot!

And if you do decide to help him out for a very generous fee, make sure your clear that unless you're treated with respect during this time, you're history!

You just may be able to rake in some decent cash from this fool Laughing
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Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2008 09:21 am
I will listen to what he has to offer but I was thinking this morning that the main reason he would be doing this is for a couple reasons that I am not happy about (the crazy things I think of in the shower and blow drying my hair!):

1. He cannot get set up with the main program when I leave. He will not have enough employees to make it work plus he must have someone with over 2 years experience in that program. He would keep me on just to benefit for that program...which is the one I tried to get him set up with when I first started so that I could benefit from it as well.

2. He would blame me for anything that she may screw up on OR wasn't done during my hour a day. I bet you he would leave me almost everything that he wouldn't want to do and what she couldn't (which is 90% of the job)

3. He would like to keep my referral base. I know that once I leave here that I really don't need my referral base because I am going into a different field, but he would profit off of my people. I have FRIENDS in this business that I could refer this people to. Not someone who has made me miserable for a long time.

4. He wouldn't want to explain why I left. How can he tell all these people that have known him for years that I left for a BETTER job?? Because his big thing has been...."you will never find a company any better to work for in this town making this amount of $$". I found the only other possible company that pays just as well. :wink: He's so full of himself!

5. Lastly, because he needs to understand that he drove the best thing he had away. I would NEVER of thought leaving here if I were treated right. He needs to realize that he can't do what he wants and just think people will put up with it.

I will listen to what he offers and who knows, I may be able to milk him for a lot, BUT it will be on MY TERMS! Not his! Which is what all of you are saying! Of course, I will keep you posted.

Oh and by the way, three of her tattoos are showing....he's gonna have a heart attack once he notices them! When he asks me about them....I will just say "Oh, I thought you saw them and were ok with it because I saw them the first day!!" Laughing

Ok, I feel better to get that off my chest....better go and make sure she didn't mess anything up!! Very Happy
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Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2008 01:26 pm
Good to see you smiling, HK.

Five more days and counting down!
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Reply Mon 4 Feb, 2008 01:41 pm
hellokittygirl777 wrote:
Next Friday is my last day!!!! Feels like forever away. I kind of wish it were Wednesday of next week because we are suppose to have a counseling sessions at some point with the people from hospice after my grandfather passed. My uncle and I are the worst ones and having trouble coping. So I gotta see what we can do about that. I would hate to leave middle of the work day and then come in after something like that.Of course we all know that he is not reasonable or understanding.....I will figure something out.

Perhaps you can call it a practice day for the new employee. You know, let her get a feel for what it'll be like on her own. So that she may realize how much she needs to learn before the weeks end.
This way you will not have to return at the end of the day.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 02:12 pm
Well all, I just wanted to inform you that my boss totally lost it and I am getting the much needed vacation before my new job starts!!!!

He wanted my husband to come back to work because he knows the new girl isn't worth crap...well my husband doesn't want to go back there. So we told him last night that he wasn't coming back. He begged me uncontrollably to have me stay and would match everything plus some. I told him I would think about it.

I called him 530 am to let him know that I wouldn't be in because I really need to think things over ( lots of chaos in the house right now with grandma, uncle---his wife just threw him out for no reason and just crap)
He was mad because I should of done it at 8 a.m.

But he called me while I was off to tell me that there was items missing and he was going to call the cops on me......I would never steal a thing. The pics in the office were mine and I took one out of there last night so I wouldn't have to do it all in one trip. I left all my other stuff though. He starts saying that there is tools missing from the garage....we went in there to get one item out that my husband had in there and my boss knew about it. But today he is missing tools.

Basically he was mad I called off and feels that we stole from him and we are rats and thieves. He said he bought the pics off my husband so I asked for the receipt or the cancelled check....he doesn't have proof of it. So he told me to come in, get my stuff and go.

While my uncle and I were in there, we said in front of the new girl....that I was planning on staying after he and I talked (I wasn't) and that my uncle talked me into it. I said I was staying because you were so in need and knew Melissa wouldn't of made it. He was stunned......

So he let me go and told me that I am a rat and a thieve and he was more than fair to me. My uncle reminded him about how he treated me after my grandfather passed and he said he was more than supportive.

I guess this is all past me now......just some more crap to add to the stress pile.
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Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 03:03 pm
Enjoy your time off and thinking of your new much less stressful job.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 01:13 am
Best of luck in your new job and future HK. You done good :-D
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 04:50 am
Thanks all. I just can't help feel like crap though. I have never been treated that way before. I have good morals and work ethic. I just don't understand why he felt it necessary to do that to me. I have never been so embarrassed or hurt.

Trying to enjoy the time off, just really stinks how it had to happen. Sad
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 05:24 am
You have this time, now, to recover a bit from his abuse and to remind yourself that it's not your fault, you're not a bad person and he's a jerk on wheels. Time to let it go.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 08:37 am
HK, you can look at yourself in the mirror and know that the person looking back is a honest, supportive, warm, caring, loving individual. There are many who cannot say the same.

Go find a mirror and smile at the person looking back.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 08:56 am
Kitty, I am very happy that you're out of that poisonous environment.
Do not feel bad for the excentricities of this weak man. Weak people do such things. He probably could have told you instead that he actually liked you and valued you, but weak people are not capable to say that. Instead, they will try to make you feel awful and blame you so that they hurt you for leaving them. They are usually self-absorbed pricks that wallow in self-pity... Let them. None of this is your fault and there's not reason why you should share in this weakling's misery. Maybe he'll learn something.
Good riddance and best of luck with a brand new shiny happy healthy job!
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 04:25 pm

You have come so far,
endured so much,
and are still doing what you feel is right.

It is also good to hear that you are trying to understand your xbosses' imbecility rather than just hating him. It is softer on your heart to feel sorry for him than to hate him. Choosing wisdom and kindness over ignorance and bitterness.

I am so happy for you Very Happy

:wink: Good luck to you
with your family, and your future job.
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Reply Wed 6 Feb, 2008 08:20 pm
I am glad to hear that there is so many people who support me. I will smile at the girl in the mirror because she needs it.

Good things have to start coming my way. I will just enjoy my time off and remind myself of what you all say to me.

Very Happy
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