ossobuco wrote:
am not sure I understand why R boy isn't under psychiatric care
he is.
he won't engage tho - refuses to talk - they gave up when he turned 16. psychiatrist and psychologist - they still do the reports in the meetings - i have not been allowed copies despite parental responsibility and repeated requests...
i've asked
I've asked to talk with the psychologist
no - not allowed - R says so.
their letter says...
These reviews have been chaired by an Independent Reviewing Officer and copies of the plan have been given to R and to The House. R has asked that you were not invited to the meetings and that you did not receive a copy of the reports.
We agreed to his request, but in the light of this specific request from yourself to receive the reports I will ask Mr P to explain to R that the reports will have to be shared with you.
I called them on it, faking the "solicitor" talk - but it makes no difference, if R wishes to move out ... he can - he's old enough in years.
I've been asking for the reports and meeting minutes - I have been refused. R is in a 24/7 with this 'scaffold' around him - he is also over 16 and can ditate whether or not I am given any information. He'll now be going it alone.
It amazes me that this can happen - I can fight for his rights tho he doesn't know it, but no-one listens to my rights - I have none...
R made that decision
They never helped him psychologically - they say they do not think he will engage until he's 30 years old..
Meanwhile - sit back, wait and hope one day he will understand.
I have demanded that he receives some support - they say they may be able to fund his keyworker on a private basis post 18 for a few hours a week.
for now...
Dear MrsC
Yours Faithfully
he will take control of his life, be on his own...
and... what has been achieved in the last few years...
makes me feel sick.
not toppling - just tired - tired of it all.