On the edge and toppling off....

Mon 10 Mar, 2008 11:40 am
ehBeth wrote:

Everyone's got different approaches to what gets packed first/last, is unpacked first/last.

For me, the last thing packed and first thing unpacked is everything related to tea. Cup/pot/kettle/sugar/teas/my lucky spoon. .

Hey - that's me! Very Happy Then it would be my laptop and music!

ehBeth wrote:

I started off this morning with dumping some roll-on body glitter that'd gone clumpy. Found a few other things to toss from the same cabinet.

IHooray to clean-up/out incentives!

Did chuckle at that..... my bathroom cabinets will be a "wonder" to do. Pretty sure I have some 80's blue eyeshadows lurking in a corner or two Rolling Eyes Quite looking forward to that one.

Well - have had a productive clear-out splurge. Can say "RESULT" quite a few times.

OH - and guess where my shoes are going?


my wee school is having an auction at the end of March to try and raise funds for the school - and so I've donated all "SHOES" for the bidding. Hey, that's so happy Smile One of my colleagues is gonna come by and pick up some bits and pieces that can be used at the school (have got loads of arts and crafts stuff and such like) - so again, RESULT for me and RESULT for the school.


Thanking you Noddy and EBGirl (hey to HIM) Smile
0 Replies
Tue 11 Mar, 2008 05:03 pm

Just to say - house stuff fine Smile other stuff fine Smile feet k-ish

Had lots of visitors today Smile

All other joints - flaring.... : Sad

Tried to use crutches today - wrists and hands now so swollen and painful! Oh ................... bleuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhh <--------polite for......OUCH!)

Positive news is - in 2 weeks time I will be DE-WIRED! How happy is that Very Happy
0 Replies
Tue 11 Mar, 2008 05:24 pm
k'ish is definitely better than not k'ish

how's the blue eye shadow turfing going?

Weather changing? I find my joints are horrid then.
0 Replies
Tue 11 Mar, 2008 05:39 pm
Hey EBGirl

Turfing is "doing". Did lots of "getting rid of" yesterday so that was good.

Feet K-ish is definitely better than not k-ish. Really things haven't been too bad, the one in plaster is HOT - but bearable and musn't complain.

Just the hands and wrists are the main culprits right now - blasted arthritis - be gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poof - nope, doesn't work! Hoping they will feel better in the morning.

Honestly - on the whole - all is k. Don't like pain - always causes me to have a little whinge.

Only a little one tho. My head is straight - so Arrow moving forward. Smile

(hey to Setanta-Him)
0 Replies
Thu 13 Mar, 2008 09:58 pm

Thinking about you and hope you are taking time for you. I know you are a very busy lady. I am still getting rid of stuff. What a job !!
0 Replies
Sat 15 Mar, 2008 12:24 pm
Hey Izzie, I like your avatar...
0 Replies
Sat 15 Mar, 2008 07:01 pm
Thanku Smile

Pain whinge coming up - not the feet - they are k at the moment.

Joints real bad tho - hands so sore - main problem is my sternum - hurts just to breathe -

This condition moves around the body - never really know which bit is going to flare next. Will probably be fine in the morning - right now tho - really wanna swear Exclamation (and have - each time I move).

Hey ho - positive is - the packing is getting done. Very slowly - each time I potter into a room I open something - (usually something that has a lot of stuff in it) - take something out - either box it, chuck it - and sometimes put it back in. BUT - I am getting some done - so that's good. Fatigue is massive unfortunately and paperwork is piling again - gosh, the solicitors want to know so much stuff I just can't lay my hands on right now - like copies of the Tree Preservation Orders on the trees near the drive - did I ever have a copy? Who knows? Not me!

Will fire off some e-mails on Monday and see what gives. They even want to know about the installation of the septic tank - dates, guarantees blah blah blah - quite honestly - it's all a pile of cr*p - have told the buyers what they need to know - but ...... details a?

Nevermind - know the pain is getting the better of me so will finish the whinge now and Arrow

Happy day tomorrow - Tulip has my little fella for the nite and is coming over with the kids tomorrow to do boxes. So that's all good.

Hope everyone is well. Smile

(Noddy - thinking of you and hoping you are holding your dominion)
(Jodie - keep strong and try and do stuff for you)
(Urs - hope work is going well and that you aren't struggling with fatigue)
(EBGirl - hey to U and the Set! 15 things a day - I can do that Exclamation )
(JPB - (xox) always)
(those who are watching over me - thanku - can feel your strength)

0 Replies
Sat 15 Mar, 2008 07:06 pm
The boy and the pupsters and I are keeping an eye on you Cool

I've been working away at the 15 things a day pretty steadily here. A couple of spots are showing the effect - more work is needed in others. Which reminds me - I need to get working on the scarf I started last week - finally using up some yarn ends - it's looking funky and kinda cool. A scarf is better than a bag of yarn ends - even if I end up giving it to a street person after 1 or 2 wearings.
0 Replies
Sun 16 Mar, 2008 07:00 am


Sore sternums are hell. Sore sternums interfere with inconspicious norml breathing.

Box by box, room by room. All tiresome things come to more or less tidy ends.

0 Replies
Sun 16 Mar, 2008 07:36 am
I'm reading along, Izzie. Sorry about the pain (joints and butt from too many questions from too many directions).

I'm glad bt is spending today with you. It will be good for both of you.

I'm gonna be scarce for the next week. I'm heading back out to DC tomorrow but will have occasional internet access. I'll stay with you as best I can. Thanks for the hugs and right back at you!
0 Replies
Sun 16 Mar, 2008 11:19 am
Hey folks ~

Very little sleep last nite ...

Slowly...slowly....very slowly Exclamation

My sternum is hell - moving and breathing just darn well hurts Rolling Eyes

My best friends hubby (my kinda bro) and son came over this morning bringing me flowers and chocolate; just wonderful to see them.

Then Tulip came by with the kids - she was fab - got a lot of "stuff" packed up - she took down a photo wall for me (which, actually, I couldn't have done - bless her) - gosh, the house looks HORRIBLE now - 2 bookcases of books all packed up and bin liners full of "chucked tut" and clothes. The kids made popcorn then went into the toy-room - they made a mountain of all the toys in the middle of the floor - (they enjoyed that!!!!!!) and then we all sat and went thru it - Tulip was billiant and far braver than I would have been - loads went!

Mom and the BigBoy came over then - will leave that one just there right now!

Another girlie is coming across tonite - but I am too wasted to do any more packing and pain, again, is getting the better of me.

So, am lying in bed, breathing deep as much as I'm able, tea and chocolate to hand - chilled out music and resting up a while.

Am so tired - but I'm looking at the beautiful flowers in the window - red and yellow tulips - and how lovely they are. That, in itself, can make me smile - and hey ..... it doesn't hurt to smile Smile So that is happy.

Thanku all.

(JPB - hope all goes well in DC - lotsa love to K - and xox to you too)
0 Replies
Sun 16 Mar, 2008 02:54 pm
Unrelenting pain.

If Life were Fair, you'd be guaranteed at least three hours--all in a chunk--to be pain-free.

Life is not particularly Fair--but I'm sure your humor helps.

With luck, you'll have an easy night. Even without luck, you'll have a new sunrise.
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Sun 16 Mar, 2008 03:19 pm
Have a good night, Izzie.
0 Replies
Mon 17 Mar, 2008 01:26 pm

) whole world of hurt with them



K - bored with that now. They will not beat me! Nope. Won't. Not gonna do it!


The sun rose, the clouds were there, the sun went down - and now it's dark. Little fella came in having picked me daffodils from the garden. How lovely was that and how perfect they are. They are like sunshine - bless him.


Tomorrow is another day, and the sun will rise again.

Gonna do some reminiscing now of happy days 20 years ago! Am going to Oz!
0 Replies
Mon 17 Mar, 2008 03:04 pm

Your attitude is keyed to survival. Good for you.
0 Replies
Wed 19 Mar, 2008 02:39 pm

Thinking of you and hope everything is going OK. You are a very strong lady with a positive attitude. I am beginning to think of me more and looking forward to Spring. Sometimes I just need to be reminded that I need to take time for me. A mother is always doing something for someone else.
0 Replies
Wed 19 Mar, 2008 06:09 pm
Thanku Smile

Doing k. Still struggling with pain and fatigue but got a lot of "STUFF" done today.

Ex-hubby came round. We decided, having been thru divorce mediation, and all the STUFF these people come up with - that - we would just agree our own settlement and TELL the lawyers what we agreed. All has to be put in front of a court, as is the law here, to protect the children and ensure they are taken care of.

So we sat, had tea - ate choc cake - agreed - wrote it down - he's typing it up - we will sign it - give to lawyers - DONE, DUSTED!

Looks as though I'll be moving mid April now.

Off to hospital tomorrow - x-rays of the bionic toots to see if all is in the right place. Should all be fine. Confused

Gosh - tired. Tired.

This time next week will be in hospital - wires will have been removed.

Positive is - I get to sleep again next week under a general. Gotta laugh. No other way a? Smile
0 Replies
Thu 20 Mar, 2008 11:49 am
Hey Smile

Back from hospital. X-rays done and saw consultant. Gosh, you should see my X-rays - my bionic feet are remarkable - I have robot feet all put together with pins and screws. I'm like a mecanno skeleton.

All k-ish. Itty bitty slight complication - the 1st MTP joint has screws inserted which cross over - this ensures completion fusion. However, one screw is too long! On Tuesday, they will put me out - cut off plaster, do a bone imaging scan to check on the big toe fusion and all the other toots, remove the wires from all the toes (just a case of pulling them out - takes minutes at the most) and then do a little operation to remove the long screw. My surgeon doesn't know yet whether or not he will replaster the right foot for a further two weeks - all dependant on what the scan shows. No driving for a month tho!!!!!!!!!!!!! Walking hopefully (kinda proper walking) in 2 months-ish.

Anyhooooo - I guess no biggie. He thinks that the "dead" leg (right leg) which I keep getting will hopefully disappear when the cast is off and I start to move around a little more.

The rest of my joints - well, part and parcel of me - can't use the crutches coz of my hands, dodgy left hip from weight-bearing on left foot (and wearing one platform dancing shoe and one flat dancing shoe), sternum still sore - again can't use crutches coz of that - but that has improved lately fortunately. Fatigue - just......... stuff and me.

Possible completion move date of house on either 14th or 21st April. Spoke to my seller and he's good to go. Possible exchange date end March! OMGosh!!!!!!!!!

Divorce settlement sent to me by ex - he'd altered some stuff since yesterday, but we talked about it again, and I'm gonna stick with my "walk away" plan - he's not a bad person and we still care about each other. If I were to ever really struggle - I know he'd help me if he could. Strange, isn't it - now we are not together we have more clarity about each other and how we handle things. We just couldn't hold the marriage together because we were too far apart to see any clarity - and he couldn't hold his "temper". Now we are about to be divorced we can talk and care about each other - without the other cr*p getting in the way as we have completely separate lives and outlooks (he's a misery guts a lot of the time - Mr. Armageddon!) - but hey - he's about to move in with his girlfriend who's 20 years his junior, they are very happy together, he's gotta be doing something right. Shame it didn't work with us and that our family became broken - but then again - I wouldn't have met "J" and found that complete happiness and love (albeit in another world now) so, it was all meant to be.

Only thing ex-hubby and I fall out about is our BigBoy. Our eldest son has no part in my ex's life - has only ever met his girlfriend twice. It's like my ex has a put him in a box and parcelled him off. It's his way of survival - but it hurts me and my sons that he chooses no longer to "emotionally father" his child. He did for a while - he made the effort and they grew closer - but now, he has a new life, and my eldest son doesn't come into it. It's the only thing the ex and I ever fall out about. I won't judge him on his survival technique - it's all about survival - he does it his way - I do it mine. I nearly did the unimaginable - so I could never judge his way as being wrong or right. He see's me as a different person now and, like my parents, can't get his head around the Live Laugh Love motto - HA - you know, it feels good to be like that ……. Oh what am I doing …. Was just posting about my hospital visit and now I'm rambling on about a load of tosh as usual. Rolling Eyes

So … long and short - too long a screw, but that's typical for a person one often calls "a little screwy" - HA!!!!, not a problem - I just get to sleep for a little bit longer on Tuesday.

Stomp shuffle stomp shuffle stomp shuffle ….. off to make a cuppa Earl Grey. Anyone for tea? Smile
0 Replies
Thu 20 Mar, 2008 12:43 pm

Two steps forward, one step back.

Bad luck about the screw--but getting The Damn Move organized balances.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if your husband didn't want to Assert Himself. Well....as long as it doesn't frighten the horses.

With luck the spring sunshine will work wonders.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Mar, 2008 06:57 pm
Izzie -- you are a treasure!

Hugs to you and yours.
0 Replies

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