Thanks, fox! Can you see your owl now?! I hope you can.
I'm feeling just a bit more myself today. I fight between the fog of anxiety and the lovely skin crawly feeling that comes with it for me and being my real self. I'm trying my best to function and get things done despite myself. Hubby felt so bad for me he up & took me to Starbucks tonight!

It's gonna take time, but I love when I feel like I'm climbing up out of the hole rather than sliding back in. Funny how as a counselor-type person I expect myself to be this super human - when I know darn well I need to go through the process whether I like it or not!

Does that make any sense? So, I think it's pretty safe to say that some posi-vibes definitely made it here today, fox-, and I thank you.
... and I'm listening to you too, Iz-. Got an ear (or eye) here for you any & all of the time.