Hey Hey
Gosh - what a busy day.... started off with the docs... 1" tummy cut and in goes the pellet gun - ugh - deep breathing, lotsa local!!! 3 butterfly stitches and not allowed to shower for a week

errrrrr no... so they gave me an rx for more dressings so I can at least shower!!!!!!!!!!! Blood tests - no wonder I am so peely wally - how much do they need? - 8 tubes!!!!
Anyhoo - it was all fine - still numb so no worries.

Not too bad for 12 months of no "girl problems"
Having the little fella here all day each day, am having to occupy to a point though he is very good and resourceful. So we've been doing photography (

) which has been great fun. Will post pics on t'other thread when I get a chance. It was good. He has really enjoyed playing around with my camera and taken some excellent shots. Bless.
Parents have been here changing an inward door to the garage to an outward door which should make life a whole easier - my hands had a problem opening it and then kept hitting the toots with it

. My mom is still NOT happy about me going away and such like and so forth - she doesn't mean to be negative about everything - she just is. S and I were in the garden playing with a frog etc.... well, I should be "weeding" or "pooper scooping" or.... anything other than what I was doing.
Don't get me wrong... Mom is a saint and wants to help me even though she now realises I am going to live life very differently now. She would do anything in the world for me.... but she also wants me to live her way...or black... well, she doesn't like me being on the internet, talking to people and least of all - not needing her to do everything for me. She shakes her head in disgust, literally, whenever S mentions me talking to people on the laptop!!!! Sheeeesh!
She is also a MARTYR!
R called (phone) here to talk to mom - he hasn't had a tutor for 3 days so has sat and done NOTHING!!! So, he asked to go to mom's for a coupla hours - which I now leave her to say either yes or no... so she tried to put him off and then said "yes" - and then says to me, "well, didn't he even ask to come to you" at which I go into immediate shutdown with her... and then had the lecture on how she wants to get him to come to see me etc. She won't leave it alone. I firmly said that R makes his choices now and I will no longer break my heart every day because he doesn't want me - I can't ...
but what I wanted to say was that R will never come to me whilst he has the chance to go to my parents - they live in the town where his friends are - I live in no-mans land. He's a teenager - he doesn't want to be with me, or here, and to be near me just makes it harder for him when he knows he's not living here - HIS CHOICES! I can live with it now. But Mom has let him stay all the time - will rarely say NO to him despite what I have said in the past, and now is pissy with me coz she just can't understand why, in her words "you just can't let him go like this"....
what the heck does she expect me to do about it?
So, then shutdown comes from me and it's all strained then - and she runs home and waits for R. Now if it were one of the other grandchildren - there are 5 of them... they would come and go too and no-one would say anything - but because it's R - I'm then told she's letting him go there so she can persuade him to come to me etc.... well, I DON'T WANT THAT - if he comes to see me it's because he chooses to - not because he is bribed my mother. How does she think that makes me feel. I don't want R here when he is being bribed to see me and he tells me he has come "only" because it's the only way Granny will let him stay. He then blames me for everything - so if mom does happen to say "no" to something/anything - he will call me and say I was the one who made her say "no" - when I have no knowledge of what has been spoken about.
oh - sorry - needed to vent. Am sick of hearing it. I said "if I can live with R's decision not to see me, then why can't you?"
Mom has choices - yet she'll have him, phone me and tell me every last thing he has done (I DON'T WANT TO KNOW....... IT HURTS MOM - DON'T TELL ME), complains about whatever he does as a teenager.... and then says she's only having him to
MAKE HIM COME BACK TO ME!!!! Last nite she phoned me at 8.30pm and said she was sitting in the car watching "your son playing football" etc.... I asked why she was sitting watching him play football...... "because I am picking him up and the House are going to collect him from home"...... FINE! AND!!!! I don't know what she expects me to say or do.
Right... vent over - DONE!
Oh gosh... as I've been writing y'all have turned up here - so sorry - all is really fine... really. Just I can't be on the laptop whilst the folks are here doing stuff round the house..... I can only cope with a couple of disgusted looks per day - not hours of them.
Peace at last!
Good grief - didn't intend on writing any of that....
Hey ho!