Thanku friends - as always you keep me on track - tomorrow is here - little fella is up and off to school. I have taken some "heavy duties" - hands swollen and sore, ankle collapsing at every turn, can't lift my arm. Oh so wanna cuss loudly - no doubt will...
Awaiting the phone call from The House - all quiet overnite with R - maybe today will be a good day - maybe today someone will listen to me forcefully saying something again.... it's his half term next week (not that he is doing education per se

they are assuming he is going to be with my mom - he is assuming he will be with my mom - my MaMa and PaPa will be helping me for a few hours each day - OMG - I cannot even imagine the fallout that's going to occur next week. I know - I can hear you all - think today, not next week, day at a time - it's just weighing heavily - I'm so excited - seems so wrong - little fella and I move to a new house - R is no part of our life..... OK this is bull - sitting here bubbling tears and what's the bloody point - isn't gonna change anything - so, I've made like a pair of curtains - pulling myself together.... and onwards...
Such a beautiful day outside - beautiful... blue skies, sun shining - guess that's making me feel quite mellow - ha - that or the morphine a?
kinda feel like I'm floating right - removals arriving lunchtime now - just got little fellas bookcase and drawers to pack up so then I'll be set for them to take stuff...
My beautiful desk goes today... it's only a piece of furniture - but it kinda means something to me. I can't get rid of Granny's Dresser - I've arranged for them to take it - but can't do it... its way too sentimental and, me being me, I can't let it go to someone who may not love it - stupid a - she died a few years back - the dresser isn't anything special to anyone but me - part of my childhood... so... gonna take it, put it...... no idea (won't fit in the new Chez Izzie) until I can be a little stronger on that. Just the way I am I guess. Pleased with my decision - it was a good decision.
Anyhoo - I spose I ought to go and get the little fellas bookcase sorted. This house is like a library - books, books and more books. Lots going to my school for the kids and some to Operation Sunshine.
BROOKE - all love and best wishes to you today in your exam - keep real focused - you are so close now - and you will soar through - I know it. Sending you all the posivibes - so, so, so close - just a couple more and you will DocBabbling

love you x