Hey folks....
Struggling a little today - had a terrible nite, broken dreams and nightmares - woke up feeling very heavy - just felt blue I'm afraid.
The pain is certainly bearable so that's not really a problem. Everything is such an effort but I know that's to be expected and it will get easier.
My little fella came and saw me - first time in nearly a week - he picked me beautiful mini daffodils from the garden and put them in a vase beside my bed. He sat outside the bathroom door whilst I had the best bath ever - always amusing when you're feet are hanging over the side

. Made me eat a chicken salad whilst he was here - then brought up icecream cones with sprinkles. Put my music on and whilst he danced in the wheelchair, I danced on the bed. Bless him - he's 10 and is such a little angel.
My eldest son will not acknowledge me which I know is hurting me and I can't shake it. I don't talk to my family about it coz that upsets them too. He went over to my Mom's today - but won't even talk about me - "he doesn't have a mother - why should he care if I've had an operation". Oh well - can't do much about that - but it pains a little.
It is, again, a fabulous day outside - just had deer running through the paddock and my little guy was so excited. There is a huge buzzard in the tree that is just sitting there biding his time. It's amazing to see. My son has gone now so I may go and try to sit outside for a while and soak up the beauty around me.
Been yabbering with a friend online who always perks me up and makes me laugh and I have friend coming to visit thisavo which will be nice.
Shouldn't be, but just feeling blue - I guess.
Oh - just wanted to say too that really, the heel and height thing izzn't an issue for me in that respect. Heels gave me confidence - that's just a self esteem thing with me and something I need to work on - I am very comfortable with who I am inside - to me: age, size, colour, creed, thin, not thin, tall, short, educated, not educated, poor, rich, all those things and more - that's actually, to me, just window dressing - the only thing I look for in a person is if their heart smiles and who they are inside - not outside. I would hate to be that fickle. (very rarely use the "H" word - not in my vocabulary unless absolutely necessary)!
Whoever a person is - that's what's important. I've learned a lot over the last few years when our world with my big boy came tumbling down - especially with how people are judged and mistreated - even by people who say they are close to you. I found out, my family found out, the hard way, that when the window dressing izzn't as perfect as it should be - that so called friends fall by the wayside and go look for another window to dress that izzn't quite as "imperfect".
I hope never to judge another person or look at the outside of a person and form an opinion - in some ways that is why A2K is good - because you see more of a person in their words - than you would ever see if you look them up and down - if you see what I mean.

(k - rambling again aren't I?)
So heels and height and all that - no worries.
Everyone who smiles inside is beautiful - that's all that matters.