Hi Noddy
I certainly hope so. My foot is so deformed (ugh - dislike that word) and the bones which are all over the place - in the wrong places - are causing soft tissue damage. Once the foot is fused in place there will be no movement of the bones at all
...therefore, the pain should decrease. My rheumatoid is active right now and have a lot of rheumatoid nodules on my achilles's and under the heels and toes. Nothing they can do about them really - just keep taking the immuno-supressants and see if the little white blood cells will quieten down.
Rheumatoid has remission periods so......fingers crossed. One day I can be fine - the next I can't move - very unpredictable. I do take many painkillers and hopefully, with my feet, I will be in less pain.
Unfortunately - my whole body is potentially "cranky". Bits and pieces go out all the time - that is the hardest thing really. Not knowing which bit of me is going to sieze up. Hands are pretty good at the moment - good thing really - what would I do if I didn't have them for my laptop

Have had periods where I have been unable to move my arms and flares going on with the connective tissue. Should be used to it by now - was dx in 89 after returning from Australia. Had a year backpacking and when I returned - got so sick and spent a lot of time hospitalised. Guess I should have stayed in Oz!!!!
Fatigue is also an issue due to SLE. But, as I know - I am lucky compared to some - and fortunate for having support from my family.
My immunologist told me the other day that if my feet start doing what they should do - albeit fused - then the rest of my body may feel better. Walking in pain just takes so much energy. So will have to wait and see if he is right.
My body - though very petite as I am - is just a complete wreck. Looks no problem on the outside - but is a mass of nasty white cells inside.
Sorry for being such a whinger. Tired and sleep eludes me.
But hey - gotta smile
Lotsa positive thoughts in my head - just need to remind myself that POSITIVE is the only way.