Hello everyone -
Thanku for all thinking about me. I am now home and pleased to be here.
Can't remember too much about the op - know there were a few probs bringing me round

- but I'm here - so must've been fine in the end.
Wednesday was the worst day - the pain was unbearable and I wasn't too quiet about it. The surgeon believed that my lupus was playing me up a bit and that the nerve endings in my right foot were having a little objection to the wires that have been inserted through my toes. They cut off the plaster on Thursday morning and replastered a little looser to see if it made a difference - the only other option was to operate and remove the wires - but neither the surgeon or I thought that was a good option and that would have led to too many compications. The replastering appears to have lessened the pain a little and I am also taking some "horse pills" (they are mammoth) used for epilsepy of all things to try and control the spasms in my right foot. Good job really - any guy standing by my foot when it shot up in the air would be leaving the room with a high voice else!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with pain meds I hope to keep it all in check.
So - have left the confines of the hospital and back to my moors with my room with a view - sense of humour intact (I think). Got to go back into hospital again next Friday and be x-rayed and replastered again - but hopefully all will go smoothly.
Finding it hard to do anything - and I fall asleep at the drop of a hat - will try and catch up with the threads and see what everyone has been up to - just need to keep my eyes open for more than 15 mins! Hope everyone has been well and life has been treating you good.
I wouldn't have made it thru this without the A2K keeping my wits about me so I thanku all and for all the well wishes. You are stars