the Lady Diane goes back to the surgeon on monday to remove the stint that is draining something or other, he says it's a simple office procedure. we sat out on the patio this afternoon with incredible weather (72 degrees) and suddenly she just started crying about being so glad to be home (I told her I never liked her anyway so she went back to bed) anyway, she is doing very well now that I moved into the front bed-room and Sallydog and Dantecat can't jump on her belly as they usually do. Fred the parrot just keeps yelling because he/she isn't getting enough attention. Lady Diane spent an hour scrubbing the kitchen from mess's I made while she was gone. I bad.
Yep. It's good to be home.
My short bit of advise is this, don't get discouraged when you're still tired in the next several months. Major surgery does take time to heal, especially abdominal surgery. You may have had another such incident in your past, I don't know, but if you haven't, don't get discouraged. The strength and energy do finally return to normal, pre-surgery levels. Hang in.
Love, Jane
Diane wrote:Would someone please time dadpad to get that vegemite away from me, ugh! I know you were only trying to help, but that would have the effect of doing me in for good.
Are you trying to say you "never liked vegemite"
Glad your still kicking diane.
dadpad wrote:Diane wrote:Would someone please time dadpad to get that vegemite away from me, ugh! I know you were only trying to help, but that would have the effect of doing me in for good.
Are you trying to say you "never liked vegemite"
Of course she likes Vegemite - every sensible person does! She just doesn't know it yet!
Man am I learning to hate you guys.
I am so so so glad to hear you're finally home! WHEW!!!
Lola/Jane is right. It takes a long time to recover from abdominal surgery. I was in my 20s when I had an appendectomy, and it was a good month before I could walk standing up perfectly straight again. No telling how long it would take now that I'm...(ahem)...well, older than I was.
I will try to refrain from making too many jokes. I remember how cruel my friends were, sitting in my hospital room telling rapid-fire jokes, and I was afraid my insides were literally going to fall out from laughing. It helped to hold a pillow tightly to my stomach, even when walking at first. Try it if you haven't already.
Have I said yet how happy I am to hear you're home? Oh, yeah, I did. Well, I am.
Much as I love you aussies, keep that nasty stuff away from me.
Several years ago, after reading how this elixir was a cure for every illness, I actually tried some. ACK, YUCK! Margo, my dear, I choose to stay blissfully unaware that there might be something in that roofing tar that I would ever enjoy.
Jane and Eve, thanks for the reminder. I overdid it yesterday and am paying the price today. This is very hard to get used to--my natural energy comes charging up ready and able, yet without much strength, it is pretty helpless against the trauma.
Actually, I often think of Joe Nation and his road to the Marathon. It took time and dedication--but he did it!! He has become my inspiration.
Just not for running the marathon.
A laptop is definitely in the works when we can afford it. My computer chair is normally quite comfortable, but not now. The pillow is never very far away as Sally Dog and Dante the cat want lap space.
Now for some really good news--Bob is able to really sleep, for hours at a time. Whew!
Lola wrote:Quote:Now for some really good news--Bob is able to really sleep, for hours at a time. Whew!
Big sigh of relief.
I'm not sure how to take that comment. Do you mean that now that you are home, Dys is so bored that he falls asleep? :wink:
So noo. What's happening? How is Diane? How is Dys? The enquiring mind wants to know.
It's good to see that you're home and resting. You are resting aren't you??
Take care of yourself, that's an order!
What are you doing, sitting at the computer? GO!!! REST!!!
Haven't seen Diane or dys on this thread for a while, so I'm taking the liberty of reporting. Heard from Dys yesterday.
Diane is recovering--slowly. She's still weak.
Dys is fine.
I guess I didn't know that Diane was ill. I'll have to do some research here.
Get well, Diane, and I will try to send you some soup and possibly some saltine crackers.
Don't eat that, Diane. You don't know where it's been.
(Or what it's been, for that matter.

Nice of Gus to offer, though.