cjhsa wrote:candidone1 wrote:
Defend our flag to the last man?
Dude, that is some seriously funny ****. You're the guy who has threatened people on this website....American people. You wont' defend their right to free thought and free speech, but you will defend a flag to the last man?
You have some seriously f*cked up values man.
Bullshit. Pick your side. Defend it, or not. If you won't, I cannot defend you. Despite what you might think, our soldiers do not defend your right to denegrate the U.S. flag. In fact, most of them would be happy to kick ass or worse on those that do.
And there is the flaw in your thinking.
I am a retired marine, and when I enlisted the oath I swore included the words "to defend the constitution".
That includes defending the Bill of Rights.
On the BoR is the right to freedom of speech.
As a soldier, I swore to defend the right to free speech, even if I disagree with what is being said.
To say that I wont defend someones right to denigrate the flag shows that you dont know what the military really does, or the oath we take.
To paraphrase my mom..."I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I dont agree with many of the posters on this site, but I will never say they dont have the right to say something
As for "defending to the last man", that goes against all military tactics and against the UCMJ.
When there is no hope of winning and there is no chance of rescue, it is sound policy to surrender, especially if you have wounded.
That gets medical help for your wounded, and allows you to tie down enemy forces to guard you.
You are showing me that you have a serious lack of knowledge about how things are done.