The US is a great place to be anti-American

Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2007 03:01 pm
I was just watching Cheney threatening Iran. It reminded me that he requested and received six draft deferrals. Bush, who said he was a war president, basically deserted when in the Guard.

How can anyone consider them patriotic?
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Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2007 03:05 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
I just think the contrast between these two quotes (properly attributed to you) is interesting...

Foofie wrote:

They can marry up (rarely done in many countries) or marry anyone willing to marry them.


I have no objection to homosexuals having legal rights equal to heterosexuals in relationships, but "marriage" is between a male and female.

To the non-biased reader... these two statements might appear to contradict each other.

looks like that to me.

it's a opinion based on theocracy and not logic.

btw, russert interviewed stephen colbert on meet the press. it was hysterical.

asked about gay marriage, colbert replied (slightly paraphrased);

"not in favor of gay marriage. the only reason i got married was to rub it in gay men's faces".

it just occured to me that perhaps larry craig married what's-her-name for the same reason. keepin' it on the down low, ya know ?
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Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2007 03:22 pm
back on topic...

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."

"Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star", 149
May 7, 1918

from the mind of teddy roosevelt, well known anti-american...
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Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2007 03:51 pm
That's an important quote, which should be taught in every grade school.

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Reply Mon 22 Oct, 2007 11:46 pm
grade schools exist partially to indoctrinate people.

they're doing a fine job, leaving that bit out. but let's stand and worship the flag now, okay boys and girls?
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 08:05 am
Aside from the people that just complain/criticize, because it reflects the emotional need of their respective persona, "criticism" (constructive or otherwise), I believe, just reflects a person's value system.

I mean we don't hear atheists complaining that the U.S. should be officially designated as a "Christian nation." Nor, do we hear U.S. gays complaining that "gay rights" is offending conservative Christians. Nor, do we hear U.S. moslems complaining that the Palestinians should migrate to Europe and give up their political goals.

In other words, we are always promulgating a position that serves our own personal perspective. This sounds stupidly simple (aka, "Duh!"), but when a person gives his perspective, I suspect many do believe they will really get people to believe that they are NOT just promulgating a personal perspective, but a perspective that everyone should have. People are not that stupid. But, it does keep these forum websites alive.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 08:15 am
tinygiraffe wrote:
grade schools exist partially to indoctrinate people.

they're doing a fine job, leaving that bit out. but let's stand and worship the flag now, okay boys and girls?

Yes, the 3 R's (reading, (w)riting, and (a)rithmetic, plus get the little children to one day join the respective society they live in and function as contributing citizens. What's wrong with that???

And, no sarcasm needed, but some people do consider the U.S. flag akin to a holy document. So, why mock them? You are entitled to NOT worshiping the U.S. flag. Would you want to be mocked for any of your beliefs?
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ebrown p
Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 08:29 am
Foofie wrote:
tinygiraffe wrote:
grade schools exist partially to indoctrinate people.

they're doing a fine job, leaving that bit out. but let's stand and worship the flag now, okay boys and girls?

Yes, the 3 R's (reading, (w)riting, and (a)rithmetic, plus get the little children to one day join the respective society they live in and function as contributing citizens. What's wrong with that???

And, no sarcasm needed, but some people do consider the U.S. flag akin to a holy document. So, why mock them? You are entitled to NOT worshiping the U.S. flag. Would you want to be mocked for any of your beliefs?

The idea that U.S. flag is akin to a "holy document" is a very dangerous idea. Like any "holy" document... it suggests that people should turn off their minds, stop questioning and accept what they are told simply because it has the "official seal of holiness".

Blind worship for the US flag is used for all kinds of questionable causes... from punishing dissent to inspiring racial hatred. (I am not against the US flag as a symbol of Americans values-- I am against making it "holy" and unquestionable).

What you are calling "mockery" is really just free speech in defense of true American values.

When people are using the American flag to stifle dissent and rile up hatred, mockery is a completely appropriate response.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 09:00 am
No, more like some things are so obvious, it's just stupid to spin and attempt to complicate them because you hate the obvious and straightforward solutions to any issue.

epb is an attacker of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He wishes to confer these upon non-citizens, for free. He is an enemy of the Republic.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 09:35 am
Wow, paranoia mixed with heaps of ignorance plus guns = a disaster waiting to happen.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 10:17 am
Yes, ebp is a disaster waiting to happen. He is an architect of disaster.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 10:21 am
cjhsa wrote:
Yes, ebp is a disaster waiting to happen. He is an architect of disaster.

Crying or Very sad
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 11:35 am
Francis wrote:
Halfback wrote:
Besides, the Government is NOT responsible for citizen stupidity!

Yes but the other way around, that's true!

I have to disagree with that. The citizens ARE responsible for Government stupidity...... we (the people) let it happen!

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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 12:02 pm
The New Anarchist

Anarchy, according to Merriam-Webster on-line, is defined as follows:
a) absence of government.
b) a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.
c) a Utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.

It is clear that the words of the Sex Pistols classic Anarchy In The UK fit all three definitions above. When Johnny Rotten first belted out these words, I am sure he desired that all three would come to pass in his lifetime.

Ironically, at least here in the USA, these words have come true. While Sid Vicious is pushing up Poison Ivy, Johnny Rotten is definitely still alive and kicking, and he did get to see anarchy come into being. He just has to look to the US to see it. Even more ironically, the ones who have brought this state of governmental absence in the US aren't wearing torn jeans, gay cowboy T-shirts, and safety pins through the nose, ears, foreskin, or whatever.

As a matter of fact, the biggest anarchists in this country wear three-piece suits, black socks, wing-tip shoes, and ties. They drive around (or are driven around) in Hummers, Mercedes Benzes or Escalades. They are clean-shaven, have huge bank accounts, and social status. In other words, those who have brought real anarchy to the USA have only changed image and political parties. Their anti-governmental leanings are no less virulent, and no less caustic than the punks who defined a musical era. Their effectiveness; however, is far and away beyond anything any those of the punk era could have ever hoped to achieve. It's not perfect, minf you, but it is a lot better than other anarchists before them.

While the idea may seem rather surprising to some, if you look at the philosophy of the neo-cons, it is par for the course. Along with tax cuts, "smaller government," is also a big part of the right-winged ideological mantra. We have heard it for years, but how many have really put two and two together to figure out what "smaller government" really meant?

Few indeed. Of that, there can be no doubt.

To be sure, part of it means they think that a smaller bureaucracy is a good thing. However, the part of that ideology is quite literally the elimination of government. Since it is clear that the RepubliKKKans are the present masters of the art of political bullshit, would it not make sense that "smaller government," might be a euphemism for "no government", or maybe even complete anarchy?

Considering the political situation that has unfolded since the neo-cons took power, there should be little doubt that anarchy is part of what is preached by the neo-cons. Curiously, it's not complete anarchy. It's just enough anarchy to insure that there is no impediment to these people making as much money as they can with as few restrictions as possible. However, it's not enough anarchy to get rid of the police, prisons, or other means with which the less fortunate can be kept on a short leash, kept ignorant, and kept under the thumb of the anarchists.

The anarchy stops short of total only because there has to be a means to keep the common person down. Whether it's those who manufacture fear, or the jailers who keep us in line if fear doesn't work, the only parts of the government that have grown under the auspices of the DUBYA regime are the ones bent on social control.

Anything with a focus on stopping the rich from getting richer has been gutted. Anything focused on helping the common man has been decimated. Anything allied with the government doing the job it is supposed to do like forming a more perfect union, establishing justice, insuring domestic tranquility, promoting the general welfare and insuring the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity has been downsized, or completely eliminated.

The only part they seem to care about, providing for the common defense, is all fucked up as well. Yes, it's true. They can't even get the parts they like right. The morass that is the Iraq War stands as stark proof of this reality. The fact that Osama bin Laden is still running around on the Pakistani border with his faithful dialysis machine in tow is even further proof.

I said they were anarchists. I didn't say they were any good at it. While they have enough of whatever it takes to completely destroy our freedoms, thankfully, they really don't have enough to do the job completely.

The problem is they are being allowed to practice their art with complete impunity. There is very little doubt that DUBYA and is minions have committed numerous crimes. In the case of the Iraq war, they continue to literally get away with murder. Few have the courage to stand against the DUBYA regime. Those that do are slapped into the middle of next week.

-- opednews.com
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 02:05 pm
Foofie wrote:

And, no sarcasm needed, but some people do consider the U.S. flag akin to a holy document.

some do. however, it's empty idolatry when the basic things that it symbolizes are ignored and history rewritten.

in which case, it might as well be a hooters tee shirt on a broomstick.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 02:29 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
however, it's empty idolatry when the basic things that it symbolizes are ignored and history rewritten.

in which case, it might as well be a hooters tee shirt on a broomstick.
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 02:56 pm
Don't T.O.M.:

Now, in all honesty, when was the last time you heard our elected elite refer to themselves as "public servants"?

The problem in this country is that we have allowed our elected officials to ignore the "rank and file" Americans in favor of their "kow-towing" to the monied Lobbies and and "Special Interest Groups" (read: MONEY).

They throw bones and bread and circuses at the rest of us and continue their single minded pursuit of what is really important to them, power and self enrichment.

I say chuck 'em all out and start over with a new group, perhaps one with a little better capability to listen to the "little people".


P.S. 11% approval rate.....indeed!
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 03:01 pm
Halfback wrote:
Don't T.O.M.:

Now, in all honesty, when was the last time you heard our elected elite refer to themselves as "public servants"?

The problem in this country is that we have allowed our elected officials to ignore the "rank and file" Americans in favor of their "kow-towing" to the monied Lobbies and and "Special Interest Groups" (read: MONEY).

They throw bones and bread and circuses at the rest of us and continue their single minded pursuit of what is really important to them, power and self enrichment.

I say chuck 'em all out and start over with a new group, perhaps one with a little better capability to listen to the "little people".


P.S. 11% approval rate.....indeed!

It's one of the reasons I support mandatory public financing combined with severe restrictions on campaign funding. Get the money out of politics!

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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 05:27 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
It's one of the reasons I support mandatory public financing combined with severe restrictions on campaign funding. Get the money out of politics!


Uh, but they are in charge of the money.....

And public financing? Bullshit - then the most popular douchebag in the early running will always win. What you propose is not democracy, it's a popularity contest. I'm the lineman who tells the QB he's a douchbag....
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Reply Tue 23 Oct, 2007 05:29 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
It's one of the reasons I support mandatory public financing combined with severe restrictions on campaign funding. Get the money out of politics!


Uh, but they are in charge of the money.....

And public financing? Bullshit - then the most popular douchebag in the early running will always win. What you propose is not democracy, it's a popularity contest. I'm the lineman who tells the QB he's a douchbag....

You're not anyone at all, actually. Nobody at all. Not a person.

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