I'm an Australian adult male. I'm employed as a writer/ audio producer/ recording engineer. My politics are weird but I guess I tend toward the liberal unless you're a liberal in which case I'm probably a fascist. I call myself a humanist. I'm an agnostic with strong tendencies towards atheism. I play a bunch of instruments, none terribly well. I studied science (biology and psychology) but work experience in a psych ward and an agricultural facility had me running for the hills and a life of rock and roll.
I'm here because people interest me, and I think people are themselves here more than they are anywhere else, even when they are playing at being someone else. I love to learn and I've learned a lot here, and I expect to learn a lot more.
My avatar is a surrealist self portrait oil-on-canvas. As an artist, I obviously work best with audio.
Tue 30 Apr, 2013 09:10 pm - Wow, we're still at this point all these years later?
Life continues through conception into offspring. It began a long time ago. The argument's a red herring. (view)
Mon 15 Apr, 2013 04:05 pm - Haven't been in for a while. Just wanted to see the Boston crew were all ok... not sure what to say except that I wish you all well today. (view)
Mon 8 Oct, 2012 07:06 am -
I feared this would happen when you googled "iPhone Sex Positions" on your Samsung phone. (view)
Sun 30 Sep, 2012 04:08 am - I think to enforce this, we'll need small local UN Peacekeeper team, that responds to any rumour of blasphemy, and takes immediate action. It could work just like the fire brigade...in... (view)
Sun 30 Sep, 2012 01:13 am - If you can stomach it, you ought to listen or read the so-called apology. He made plenty of reference to why he has all that frustration that lead him to do it... in other words, used the... (view)
Sun 30 Sep, 2012 01:04 am -
[b]Can we follow you to the Apple Store?[/b]
(Sorry, but someone had to)
Tue 17 Jul, 2012 10:22 pm - [img]http://www.newyorker.com/images/2012/07/23/p465/120723_contest_p465.jpg[/img]
"I think I deserve to be treated at least as equally as the others."
Mon 11 Jun, 2012 11:07 pm - [img]http://www.newyorker.com/images/2012/06/18/p465/120618_contest_p465.jpg[/img]
An ink shortage? Really? Did they say why?
Mon 11 Jun, 2012 11:05 pm - [img]http://www.newyorker.com/images/2012/06/18/p465/120618_contest_p465.jpg[/img]
They tried to tell me nothing's bigger than [i]Game of Thrones[/i] right now ... (view)