Father of a wonderful little girl
Professional Network Administrator
Business Owner
Amateur naturalist and astronomer
Tournament level, Tennis, Ping Pong, Racketball,
Student Pilot
Tue 24 Nov, 2020 02:29 pm - [quote="farmerman"]
Somebody said that gungasnake died. I shall miss him as he at least tried to make arguments ,even though quite flawed.
Gunga died? I hadn't heard... (view)
Thu 7 May, 2020 12:01 pm - The first three were good. The rest were crap, and they pretty much just keep getting crappier the more then go.
Once old Princess Leia flew through empty space like Mary Poppins it was all... (view)
Thu 23 Apr, 2020 10:18 am - [quote="Geirge"]We sometimes get into political disputes with others. I’m wondering if anyone has had success in convincing others.[/quote]
I don't think I've ever... (view)
Thu 16 Apr, 2020 01:25 pm - Your chances of surviving anything are better the more healthy you are.
The odd thing about Covid is the extreme variation in effect is has in the population.
But this could be just a... (view)
Thu 16 Apr, 2020 01:09 pm - [quote="Setanta"]I don't know if there is a god, I don't believe there is a god, [i]I don't care if there is a god[/i].[/quote]
I don't know if there are leprechauns,... (view)
Thu 9 Apr, 2020 02:52 pm - [quote="gollum"]So do I need to sign up with every service concurrently, in case one comes out with a movie I like?[/quote]
Basically, yes. Or you can wait until over time the movie you... (view)