Fri 6 Jul, 2007 04:19 pm
Well, we're at it again, my sister and I.
I have worked for my sister for almost 8 years as a nanny. At first I was full time, then half time, then full when she had a second child and finally, last year, 3/4 time. I have gotten a monthly salary that has changed according to how many hours I work per month. Traditionally, I've gotten 2-3 weeks vacation paid - they take lots of vacation time (but none this year, before this week). I usually look after the house while they're away. Sometimes that vacation time is for family time like xmas and thanksgiving.
Everyone says how lucky we are to have this arrangement. Unless they know me, then they don't. I have to fight for time to see a doctor or have time off while sick. My days can be 10-12 hours long. I often buy the kids lunch. The schedule is always up in the air. I know the employees she manages feel similarly frustrated with her, I've been friends with some of them.
Anyway, things have gotten better and worse over the years and everyone around us has wished we'd find other arrangements. I am in school to get my master's in elem ed. I do my practicum this fall and won't be working for them and I'll be looking for other work this winter. This is good. But, we still need to get through this summer.
There are 6.5 contested weeks starting from mid June.
Week 1 and 2: School let out mid-June and I started working for them full time for the summer.
Week 3: the week of the 4th of July, we all spent the week at our parents' place on Cape Cod.
Week 4 and 5: She signed up both kids to spend two weeks in camp for 2 weeks later in July. I won't need to work for them.
Week 6 (and a half): They are planning to go to Canada for 9-10 days in August.
A few months ago, Sis told me about the two camp weeks in July. A month later I asked her if she'd told me because she was planning to not pay me. She said she'd rather not pay me. Maybe I could find other work. She offered for my parents to pay me to work at their place, but hadn't asked them before hand. My parents are helping to support me through school and I felt this was unfair (I should be working for them for free). My mother has found some gardening work on the Cape and I have found some her in Cambridge.
I initiated two conversations while we were all on the cape about all this and we all got frustrated. My mother tried to get involved and just told me
that things worked out like x, y, z, but when I had left I thought things were worked out like a, b, c. She tells me they don't want to pay for the vacation time either.
So, how would anyone of you who are still reading work out the pay? Would you pay for the 2.5 weeks of vacation? Would you pay for nothing? Would you come up with another solution?
No are nanny's usually paid in these situations?
Slappy - Unfortunately, there is no regulation of any sort in the nanny world. Generally speaking (I think) you get raises (I haven't), you get bonuses (I do sometimes), you get more pay with more kids (I didn't), you get more pay with higher education (not yet so far). The hourly ranges from 10 to 20 bucks. Some places pay health care, some don't. Totally up in the air.
Is it a sleepaway camp or day camp? Will *anything* be needed? Pick-up, drop-off, etc.?
If absolutely nothing is needed, I guess I can't really see pay happening. I understand that paid vacation has been separate -- the 3/4 time thing complicates that though in terms of working world precedent, since usually there are only benefits for full time.
Will you be getting paid when they're in Canada?
(I'm so glad that this arrangement is nearing its end -- and I'm hoping you get something much better to replace it.)
Soz, I dunno if I'll be getting aid while they are in Canada. Nothing will be needed while they are in camp - it is not over night, but it is all day.
I found some results of a national nanny survey (small sample)
Quote:The average work week for a nanny was 45.5 hours. Generally live out salaries are higher than live in with the biggest difference found in the Midwest and East Coast SE. The difference was much less or almost none in the other regions. More detail by region follows. Benefits are fairly standard across the country. 95% of those surveyed receive paid vacation, most commonly 2 weeks. 92% receive paid holidays, 6-8 days. 85% of the nannies are paid 52 weeks out of the year whether their services are needed or not. 70% receive some paid sick days ranging from 3 to unlimited. And 50% of those surveyed receive an employer contribution to health insurance ranging from $50-$369 monthly. Most receiving health insurance contribution did not specify the amount. Most live in and some live out nannies had personal use of a car as benefit. Most nannies were reimbursed for mileage if using their own car to transport children. 20% of the nannies receive a performance or other type of bonus. This benefit had the most variation geographically with 50% of the California nannies receiving bonuses, 30% in the Midwest and 10% in the rest of the country.
The average live out rates are highest in MA, CT, and NY. I am prolly making about avergae for MA.
I say you tell her that whatever she wants to do is fine, deal with it, and then at the end of the summer it's all over and you won't have to have this fight ever again.
I know that's not the most logical well-thought out solution, but I don't think the fighting is worth the week or two of pay that you may or may not get out of this, especially since it will all be over, PERMANENTLY, in a couple months.
Let her be a Scrooge McDuck, take the high road, and kiss this whole problem goodbye in the fall.
Kicky - easier said than done - I'm talking about being able to afford food here!
I found the average pay for Boston.
Quote:Boston, MA - live out nannies make: (average / range) $610 / $300-900
I make less than the average.
There are two ways that I can see looking at it. One is as a straight business relationship and the other is because she's your sister.
From the straight business perspective, whatever agreement you had when you started the summer should hold. If she hired you for the summer at 3/4 time and the summer was defined as mid-June through late-August then she should pay you for that time. If the camp and vacation are afterthoughts then you shouldn't be penalized because she made other choices. If the arrangement was per-diem or on an as needed basis then I think she's right in not paying for the time off.
Things get dicey when it's family (as you well know). Kicky's idea of taking the high road is fine, but it doesn't pay your bills. Had you known about the per-diem aspect of her plans you might have made other arrangements for more consistent summertime employment. If you've found other work to cover part of the gap then I think you can let her know that you've done what you could to make up the difference but that you'd like her to cover the rest of what you would otherwise lose.
family will always let you down. take care of your finances....
JPB - yes, I have what I call aunt time and nanny time. Nannying is so complicated - business wise. I was just looking through a survey done recently. There is no one way to do the job, no one set of standards - not even a guideline! And no where is there anything that speaks to the concept of working with your own family.
No, there was no agreement before the summer started.
What about historically? Did you both assume that you would be paid a set salary for the time you were hired to work?
They have always paid me for time missed while they were on vacations. Otherwise, the double camp time has never come up before.
Then I think it's fair of you to assume you had employment for the full summer.
Do you think she'd go for splitting the difference by paying you what you can't otherwise replace?
I don't get that the long time nanny isn't taken care of during vacations.
She hasn't had to hire a new one, you are always there.
She is a cheap ****. That, as you know, is my long time opinion. Her hoityness has been obnoxious even from afar. I admit a certain proneness to resentment, but you can't count on that, I might come down on the other side. In this case I don't, I think she has long taken advantage in varied ways and yearn for you to be past all this.
I would consider going into debt to shine her on, but I suppose that is not an option. Hmm, anything to sell on ebay or craig's list? She is arguing on principle (whatever) and you are trying to make ends meet.
I dunno. Resentments last for decades. You will remember this stuff.
As to what to do within the decision you outline, I'm not even reading that.
I don't know. My mother got herself involved and either she misunderstood the pay scheme or she tilted it more in their favor. She suggested we email about it instead of trying to speak about it face to face. Unfortunately, I have tried to start the conversation 3 times (in writing and face to face) and it hasn't gotten very far. She'll tell them to send me an email. I won't hold my breath.
littlek wrote:She'll tell them to send me an email. I won't hold my breath.
Between this and tightywhitiesboy, the coming of fall will sure be cause for celebration...
Ah, Osso, you always crack me up on this subject. I know I shouldn't think this way, but given the amount of money the two of them earn, it's hard to be sympathetic to her side.
The ERIC database has the full survey findings. It is a very small sample and they are all members of the INA (a nanny association). The findings are probably skewed. But, people don't nanny for the same household for long. They don't tend to nanny for long period.
Them = sis and hubby. Apparently, they haven't had time to discuss this very much. Yet.
Yeah, the income disparity thing is... grating. It really seems like the situation would call for her to err on the side of generosity. All of these years of service, you're about to start on your teaching career, wrap things up in a pretty bow, you know? But I know that's extremely unlikely.
Sorry to hear about this, littlek. You have enough pressure on you at the moment, and you sure don't need this.
I haven't read the whole thread thoroughly, so this is just off the top of my head. Is that roommate of yours a real slob?
The reason I ask is, maybe you could have a meeting with him, and suggest that you'll do the clean up after he makes one of his famous meals or after he uses the bathroom (I know, eww!), if he's willing to pay a little extra on next month's rent.
It sounds like you wind up cleaning up after him most of the time anyway, so I thought you might as well profit from it!
Just tell him you'll take care of the housekeeping, if he'll pay more.