Elizabeth Edwards Confronts Ann Coulter

Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:02 pm
Precisely. Plus, if you're a good shot, you can shoot their heads off and preserve all that delicious ostrich meat and oh-so-valuable skin.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:17 pm
Ostrich is kinda dry. Not so much delicious.

The skin makes great handbags.

You're right, cjhsa. Ms. Coulter does look like an ostrich.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:19 pm
You're jealous of an ostrich?
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:41 pm
snood wrote:
I think that anyone who still tries to hide behind the " she's just sharing political wit and irony" line, as an excuse for continuing to pay attention to this soulless stick of a woman, has some real issues.

I think anyone with a shred of decency should distance themselves from this pathetic cadaverous harpy.

Is this hiding? She's amusing.

Not least of all because of the reactions she incites. Good Lord, you'd think she was Ilse Koch, Lucretia Borgia, Erzebet Bethory, Cruella de Vil, and Hilary Clinton all wrapped up into one by the way you folks carry on.

By the way, it's not very decent of you to ridicule her for the way she looks.

I presume you feel the same way about Bill Maher who made the original comment about Dick Cheney which Coulter played off of with hers about Edwards.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:42 pm
There was an intended comparison to Ms. Coulter and an ostrich, but I slipped gears, although there are ostriches in Australia (they are farmed for food, feathers and leather) and some have gotten loose and bred in the wild. Too late in the day at work and in a hurry to close. Actually, the eagle has stepped down as the National Bird of the US in favor of the ostrich.

Coulter is about as amusing as the proverbial barrel of dead babies (there we are on the babies again). Only she and the humor deficient think so.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:47 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
So I'm a troll because I disagree with the leftwing numbnuts of A2K?

Celebrate trolldom!!

No, you're a troll because you don't offer productive conversation - though you used to, more often - but instead focus on insults, as if it somehow mattered that you put someone down or made fun of them.

It's the same shtick with Coulter: personal attacks every now and then are a part of life, but when it's the only thing you've got, it's worse then lame. Right now, you're worse then lame.


Productive conversation like:

"How unsurprising that our resident trolls come out to support a very public troll."

"Your powers are weak, but a whisper of what they used to be... when your party wasn't getting f*cking trounced on each and every front.

But, keep pretending that you've still got what it takes; it makes for some entertaining posts, though in sort of a sad little doggie way."

"Coulter isn't a heckler, but a hateful bitch troll who is propped up by folks like you, McG. You spread her hate around because it provides you joy to see others get angry."
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 09:03 pm
Brand X wrote:
John Edwards is going on Hardball today to blast Ann some more after Ann asked his wife why he didn't ambush her yesterday instead of his wife.

If the Edwards' feel like they have to refute this wench....I don't need them as my presidential couple.

It is unseemly, isn't it?

Of course they don't really care all that much about what Coulter may or may not say about them. Afterall, Edwards is a successful plaintiffs' lawyer - how could could he possibly care what people think or say about him? They do, on the other hand, care about the money they can raise by going toe to toe with her in the public eye. I'm sure they hope she never stops making comments about Edwards.

There is a plaintiffs' lawyer in Mississippi named Dickie Scruggs who has been quite successful as well. He represented Trent Lott (his brother-in-law) in a suit against Lott's insurer relative to Katrina damage and he is quite strenuously attempting to score big against other insurers on other Kathrina claims. So strenuously, in fact, that a federal judge recently requested the US Attorney's office prosecute Dickie and his firm for criminal contempt.

In any case, Dickie is rather famous (or is that infamous) in legal circles for his observation that if you don't win it, spin it...

Not precisely what Edwards is up to but the schemes of plaintiffs' lawyers do tend to have a similar vein running through them.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 09:05 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
To those who stoop to calling people scumbags and whores, it says nothing about them and everything about you.

How about "Hateful bitch troll," and "Pathetic cadaverous harpy?"
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 09:27 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
that is very kind BBB, but my son has a congenital birth defect that is no one's fault. Believe me, if it were someones fault I'd have sued them into the ground years ago and would probably have hired John Edwards to do it, unless I could find a bigger shark. Just like any of these whining "John Edwards is a scummy trial lawyer ass hats would do." :wink:

There is a difference, of course, between the desire of the damaged to obtain compensation, and/or revenge and the desire of a lawyer to make an awful lot of money helping them.

If one's goal is to obtain retributional compensation (which is outside the scope of common law) and personal revenge, then yes one should hire the biggest baddest shark in the water - a John Edwards for instance. If, on the other hand one is seeking fair compensation within the intent of the law, then there are a great many decent lawyers who can ably provide representation. Not every one goes for the biggest scumbag, and you know what? The biggest scumbags will not take just anyone's case. If your case doesn't present them with a good chance of big dollars, chances are excellent they will not take it. It won't matter how aggrieved you are, or how righteous your anger.

I can understand the emotional forces that drive people to seek revenge, but in my experience the people who get wrapped up in litigation as a means of revenge are most often really looking for someone to assume or share their self-blame, and allow them to sleep at night.

Notwithstanding the motivation of plaintiffs, plaintiff lawyers like Edwards are hardly the White Knights of The People. If they were they would not be so selective in the cases they take, and they would not be taking such huge fees.

They are capitalists (perhaps of the worst kind) but the market seems to bear their costs even if society suffers as a result. Let's not kid ourselves though and buy their masquerade as defenders of the little guy and the down trodden. If they were really so altruistic, as Edwards would have you believe him to be, would he have charged the sort of fees he 's charged and that enabled this populist to live in a 20,000 foot manor in NC and spend $400 on haircuts?

(Actually I think he was charging those haircuts to his campaign so that tells you even more about him)
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 12:14 am
please Finn, don't filth up any genuine conversation regarding my son with your presence.
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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 04:47 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
To those who stoop to calling people scumbags and whores, it says nothing about them and everything about you.

For once, I agree with Roxxxanne.
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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 04:52 am
snood wrote:
This thread was started in response to Coulter's hatemongering - not Edwards' career as a class action lawyer, so your appearance here can only be construed to mean that you don't see Coulter's tactics as the miserable and wretched bile they are. And besides (since you want to make this about Edwards' legal cases), upon what are you basing your portrayal of him as an ambulance chaser, and not a hero to the injured poor - anecdotes you've heard?
I did my own research a while back, Snood, and I recommend you do the same. Hero of the injured poor? That's a hoot. How about hero to himself and a handful of others while screwing the multitudes?

Yeah we know thats what you think, but what about the first point Snood made here? I mean, the "and besides" part aside?
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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:03 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
So I'm a troll because I disagree with the leftwing numbnuts of A2K?

Celebrate trolldom!!

No, you're a troll because you don't offer productive conversation - though you used to, more often - but instead focus on insults, as if it somehow mattered that you put someone down or made fun of them.

It's the same shtick with Coulter: personal attacks every now and then are a part of life, but when it's the only thing you've got, it's worse then lame. Right now, you're worse then lame.


Productive conversation like:

"How unsurprising that our resident trolls come out to support a very public troll."

"Your powers are weak, but a whisper of what they used to be... when your party wasn't getting f*cking trounced on each and every front.

But, keep pretending that you've still got what it takes; it makes for some entertaining posts, though in sort of a sad little doggie way."

"Coulter isn't a heckler, but a hateful bitch troll who is propped up by folks like you, McG. You spread her hate around because it provides you joy to see others get angry."

Yes, that's right.

You find Coulter, and the reactions to her, Funny, for the same reason as McG: you are a bully who delights in seeing others get mad.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:13 am
New Coulter Column Has More Harsh Words For Elizabeth Edward
New Coulter Column Has More Harsh Words For Elizabeth Edwards
By E&P Staff
Published: June 29, 2007 11:06 AM ET

Ann Coulter, in her latest column, responded to being criticized by Elizabeth and John Edwards this week by offering more harsh words about the couple.

For instance, the conservative Universal Press Syndicate writer described as a "harangue" and "utterly dishonest" the words spoken by Elizabeth Edwards when she called the "Hardball" show Tuesday to ask Coulter to stop making personal attacks on her husband and others.

Coulter called Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot" in a March speech, and has also implied that John Edwards should die in a terrorist attack. Part of her quote: "If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."

The columnist claimed that her "terrorist assassination" remark was sort of a take-off on a comment by Bill Maher, who said the death of Vice President Dick Cheney (a prime architect of the Iraq War) would mean that more people would live.

In addition, Coulter has "joked" a number of times over the years about wishing for the deaths of various liberals, journalists, Muslims, and others.

Coulter, in her new column, had this to say about the several-minute "Hardball" call-in by Elizabeth Edwards, who's fighting breast cancer: "I think I may have tuned out at some point, so I can only speak to the first 45 minutes of Elizabeth Edwards' harangue, but it mostly consisted of utterly dishonest renditions of things... ."

One thing Elizabeth Edwards said to Coulter during the call-in: "I'm going to politely ask you again to stop using personal attacks as part of your dialogue." She also asked Coulter why she had lied and said her husband had a bumper sticker on his car that read, "Ask me about my dead son." Coulter replied: "That was three years ago." Edwards: "I'm the mother of the boy that died."

In the column, Coulter also criticized John Edwards for reacting to her insults again him and his wife with fundraising efforts.

Coulter concluded: "I'm a little tired of losers trying to raise campaign cash or TV ratings off of my coattails, particularly when they use their afflictions or bereavement schedules to try to silence the opposition... ."
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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:23 am
Ann Coulter and Paris Hilton
There's not much difference between Ann Coulter and Paris Hilton.

Coulter lives off the money she makes as a hate monger for hire, and is an expert and clever liar. She dresses in provocative dresses and constantly fondles her long blonde hair. She is not boring, but is narcissistic and has a large Adam's Apple.

Hilton lives off the money she inherited, and as a purveyor of her body. She dresses in provocative dresses but does not fondle her fake hair extensions. She is narcissistic and world class shallow, and extremely boring. She doesn't have an Adam's Apple, but walks in public like a model on a runway.

They are both pitiful.

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Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:40 am
Thank you for your opinion.

I am sure you have no flaws and therefore that allows you to comment on other's. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:44 am
McGentrix wrote:
Thank you for your opinion.

I am sure you have no flaws and therefore that allows you to comment on other's. Rolling Eyes

Oh, I have flaws, but they don't tend to harm other people unintentionally or for money.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:46 am
Both hot. Is that Anne or Bullet Girl?

0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 09:55 am
cjhsa wrote:
Both hot. Is that Anne or Bullet Girl?


it looks more like a 10 year old boy playing with his dad's gun and his mom's wig....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Jun, 2007 10:31 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You find Coulter, and the reactions to her, Funny, for the same reason as McG: you are a bully who delights in seeing others get mad.


The reason Ann makes you and most liberals so 'mad' (doesn't take much, I have to admit) is she exposes your hypocrisy.

You lefty trolls have no problem with the crap spewed by Maher, Franken, Rosie O, but let Ann make a point (and she did) about your double-standards and you're suddenly up in arms.

When is Lynn Cheney going to be invited on Matthews' show to ask Bill Maher (in southern-polite fashion) to stop saying vile things about her husband?
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