Elizabeth Edwards Confronts Ann Coulter

Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 10:39 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
So I'm a troll because I disagree with the leftwing numbnuts of A2K?

Celebrate trolldom!!

No, you're a troll because you don't offer productive conversation - though you used to, more often - but instead focus on insults, as if it somehow mattered that you put someone down or made fun of them.

It's the same shtick with Coulter: personal attacks every now and then are a part of life, but when it's the only thing you've got, it's worse then lame. Right now, you're worse then lame.



I know you are, but what am I? Rolling Eyes

Can't you do better then this tripe? Please?


Are you really a 6 year old child?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 10:41 am
woiyo wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
So I'm a troll because I disagree with the leftwing numbnuts of A2K?

Celebrate trolldom!!

No, you're a troll because you don't offer productive conversation - though you used to, more often - but instead focus on insults, as if it somehow mattered that you put someone down or made fun of them.

It's the same shtick with Coulter: personal attacks every now and then are a part of life, but when it's the only thing you've got, it's worse then lame. Right now, you're worse then lame.



I know you are, but what am I? Rolling Eyes

Can't you do better then this tripe? Please?


Are you really a 6 year old child?

I guess you missed the sarcasm.

Don't get mixed in with a bad crowd, Woiyo, you still make sense most of the time.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 10:53 am
Yes Woiyo, don't get mixed in with folks who don't know when to use "than" instead of "then". You'll make more sense.
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Brand X
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 02:49 pm
John Edwards is going on Hardball today to blast Ann some more after Ann asked his wife why he didn't ambush her yesterday instead of his wife.

If the Edwards' feel like they have to refute this wench....I don't need them as my presidential couple.
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 02:52 pm
What kind of presidential candidate is it that can't handle a heckler?

Breck girl indeed.
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Brand X
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 02:53 pm
For real.
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 02:57 pm
Yeah, he was really counting on the votes from you two guys, dang. Guess he'll just have to throw in the towel.

Coulter isn't a heckler, but a hateful bitch troll who is propped up by folks like you, McG. You spread her hate around because it provides you joy to see others get angry.

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Brand X
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 03:13 pm
They really opened a can of worms now, Ann can go lower than they can afford to go, she'll never let up now.

They stated on MSNBC that her book sales soared over night, unbelievable.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 03:27 pm
Brand X wrote:
John Edwards is going on Hardball today to blast Ann some more after Ann asked his wife why he didn't ambush her yesterday instead of his wife.

If the Edwards' feel like they have to refute this wench....I don't need them as my presidential couple.

So I suppose you are supporting Hillary then?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 03:30 pm
To those who stoop to calling people scumbags and whores, it says nothing about them and everything about you.
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 10:12 pm
Please Roxy... the only way my statements might be unfairly offensive is perhaps to bags who through no fault of their own; happen to be full of scum. Edwards, on the other hand, is 100% at fault for his predicament. While Coulter may be the meanest at illuminating Edwards sordid past; she is by no means alone in wanting it illuminated. This man will not be my President, either.
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 10:36 pm
Defending Coulter - not good on you.
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Reply Wed 27 Jun, 2007 11:18 pm
As much as Edwards might like to spin it that way; Edwards bashing does not equal Coulter defending or hatemongering. The Edwards history of sucking money out of misery… and exploiting compassion for personal gain should and will be illuminated by someone, regardless.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 04:43 am
This thread was started in response to Coulter's hatemongering - not Edwards' career as a class action lawyer, so your appearance here can only be construed to mean that you don't see Coulter's tactics as the miserable and wretched bile they are. And besides (since you want to make this about Edwards' legal cases), upon what are you basing your portrayal of him as an ambulance chaser, and not a hero to the injured poor - anecdotes you've heard?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 06:02 am
Perhaps that the Edwards built a huge compound across from a old retired mechanic, and now they are forcing him to stop using his land as he sees fit? Perhaps because they are liberal, anti-gun/hunt pond scum elitists?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:07 am
John Edwards vs. Ann Coulter and 'The Crazies'
John Edwards vs. Ann Coulter and 'The Crazies'
By E&P Staff and The Associated Press
Published: June 27, 2007 11:55 PM ET

A day after his wife phoned in to challenge guest Ann Coulter on MSNBC's "Hardball," former Sen. John Edwards appeared on the same Chris Matthews show on Wednesday.

Sen. Edwards denounced columnist/author Coulter and twice referred to "the crazies" who support her or buy her books. Matthews seemed to back him fully -- a day after he had invited Coulter on the show knowing her reputation for outrageous comments (and her ability to earn him a ratings boost).

The Democratic presidential candidate said that Coulter's attacks are hurtful. His campaign used her remarks in an appeal for money.

His campaign cited her remarks in two e-mails to supporters for donations, with the fundraising deadline on Saturday.

It's not the first time Coulter has given the Edwards campaign a financial boost. In March, she called Edwards a ``faggot'' and the campaign used video of the comment to help raise $300,000 before the end of the first quarter.

In the e-mails, the campaign asked supporters to send donations to defy her remarks and help Edwards meet his goal of raising $9 million in the second quarter.

When Coulter appeared Tuesday on MSNBC's ``Hardball,'' Elizabeth Edwards called in to ask Coulter to stop making personal attacks on her husband. The exchanged deteriorated, with Coulter shouting over Mrs. Edwards and demanding that the campaign stop using her name to raise money if they want her to stop personal attacks. Response to the controversy was so large that it repeatedly crashed the server for MSNBC's political blog Wednesday.

Mrs. Edwards followed up with an e-mail to supporters Wednesday morning that included a clip of their exchange and a donation request. The campaign said they raised more money this week than from any previous e-mail campaign, but declined to give a total.

``I think when they engage in these attacks and use the language of hate, it's very important to stand up,'' Edwards said. ``What happens if you are silent when this kind of hateful language is used - not just by her, but by anyone - hate gets a foothold.''

Edwards pointed out that Coulter's attacks haven't been limited to him, but also included his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination. Coulter has made fun of Hillary Rodham Clinton's legs and compared Barack Obama to terrorists because his middle name is Hussein.

``What she said about Senator Clinton and Senator Obama is outrageous,'' Edwards said. ``And somebody has to stand up when she makes these kind of attacks.''
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:16 am
Edwards Urges Public Not To Buy Coulter's Books
Edwards Urges Public Not To Buy Coulter's Books
June 27, 2007

Presidential candidate John Edwards appeared on "Hardball" following his wife Elizabeth's phone-in confrontation with Ann Coulter. When asked by host Chris Matthews if Edwards thought people should buy Coulter's books, he offered a curt "No."
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:27 am
Matthews and Coulter: No Shame
Matthews and Coulter: No Shame
by Robert L. Borosage
Posted June 27, 2007

Desperate TV producers, caught in a competition for ratings, are clearly without shame.

Chris Matthews, a knowledgeable and experienced commentator, is under ratings pressure at MSNBC. The result is a descent into the foulest gutter available -- inviting on Tuesday the ignorant, vile, garbage-mouthed Ann Coulter for an interview.

Ann Coulter offers nothing -- no insight, no knowledge, no wit -- except vapid invective. She's a political Brittney Spears without the glimmer of talent -- an unhinged spectacle. When it comes to former Sen. John Edwards, she's simply deranged. She calls him a "faggot." She once said, "I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot." The tragic death of Edwards' teenage son elicits Coulter's scornful claim that he parades the death on a bumper sticker.

Matthews got the attention he craves. Elizabeth Edwards called in to challenge Coulter's "language of hate."

"I'm the mother of that boy who died," she said. "These young people behind you, you're asking them to participate in a dialogue that is based on hatefulness and ugliness instead of on the issues, and I don't think that's serving them or this country very well."

Great stuff. But Coulter is a windup defecating doll. The disservice to the country is done by those who give her a public stage to parade her infamies. Need a ratings boost? Focus on Paris Hilton, she's out of control. Ship in Ann Coulter, she's likely to say something obscene. There are no limits, no shame. OK. But lie in the bed you make.

Think of Chris Mathews and Ann Coulter as inextricably linked. And don't call it "Hardball." Hardball is played hard to win, but has rules and style. Call it "Animal House" or "Garbage Dump." At least, viewers would know what they are getting.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:35 am
Reading The Pictures: Leeching Chris Matthews
Reading The Pictures: Leeching Chris Matthews
by Michael Shaw
Posted June 27, 2007

I try very hard not to feed the vampire, except for the occasional psychological profile. In this case, however, I have to make an exception -- in order to highlight a classic image of media intimidation.

Leaving aside the argument why hyper-Chris would stoop to give troubled Ann a platform in the first place, I was interested in what happened in yesterday's so-called interview immediately after Elizabeth Edwards called in to confront AC.

Matthews must have been terrified after Edwards challenged Coulter for making hay off the death of her child. After Edwards hung up, a journalist with any real substance would have immediately taken on his dissembling invitee for using Edwards as a pin cushion. So, where did the Hardball king go instead?

Well why, Chris suddenly wanted to know, did mean ole Ann attack Hillary for having "chubby legs?"

It got even more pathetic than that, though. Not only did Chris drop the subject of Edwards, asking a 2008% weaker question than Edwards asked, he lost his nerve completely when Coulter played dumb and demanded he quote her the exact sentence he was referring to. (You can see in the screen shot how she got off on it.)

The image that will stick with me is that scene on the left half of the screen. There's the flustered, angry and intimidated Matthews (his head comically juxtaposed with the Hardball tag line "First Read") submissively thumbing through Coulter's latest hate manifesto to actually find the quote!

See video at thinkprogress.

For more of the visual, visit BAGnewsNotes.com.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 08:45 am
Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews is one of the worst, most pathetic talk show hosts. He is in love with the sound of his own voice. I suspect the percentage of time his guests actually get to speak is much less that the time consumed by Matthews' talking and self-promotion. I don't know why anyone would like to be a guest on Matthews' show when they are constantly interrupted by the rude host, preventing them from doing what they were supposedly invited on the show for. It has been reported that MSNBC frequently criticizes Matthews for his bad habit of interruption his guests, which Matthews has admitted. But he is so compulsive that he can't control his ego needs.

Matthews was on vacation for a week recently. His replacements were far better hosts and interviewers than the ego-driven Matthews. The guests were treated with respect and were actually allowed to express their thoughts.

If MSNBC is worried about Matthews' Hardball ratings, maybe they should think about replacing him with a talented interviewer. Then they wouldn't have to book the Ann Coulter types to boost their ratings.

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