Fri 27 Apr, 2007 02:41 pm
We knew a bit ago that the company was open another office in India and now one in Texas. We know that some groups or portions of groups are moving to Texas and to India. What we don't know is who and how many. First indications it is not good news - the head of our area recently took a job elsewhere. The next indications are that the directors and above had a meeting at 3:00 - rumor has it is was in regard to these changes. They do not look happy.
My husband just a few weeks ago opened his own franchise. I cannot move out of state now! (Forget India).
I am stretched emotionally and physically between his new business and this going on. With his new business I need to rush out at 5:00, pick up the daughter by 6:00 and usually am getting in right around 9:00. I need to bring work home as I have a demanding job (more than the 9 - 5 hours permit). I get home and I don't stop working until 9:00 for home stuff - kid's homework, cleaning, cooking etc. We are strapped with money because of opening the business so I need to work plus I need the health insurance benefits.
I know I am rambling. We will probably hear on Monday (it was promised to us to hear by May 1st). My husband knows there is potential for this, but supposedly we will still be here no matter what for a year. I think I will wait until I know for sure before telling him - he doesn't need any more stress, but I needed to tell some one.
I hope you're borrowing trouble, but in this day and age....
When will you have firm information? Are other companies hiring in your area?
No one needs a mess like this in springtime.
Hold your dominion.
Keep us posted, Linkat. And what Noddy said.
((hugs)) Hang in there Linkat! Uncertain times make for lots of stress. Breath deep and take care of yourself and your family.
Linkat -- correct me if I'm wrong -- are you in IT?
If so, send me a PM, there might be something with my agency.
Oh, Linky!
Glad to see Jespah's post. I'd thought before I saw it, you should research locally over the weekend, if only for something to act out your stress.
OOof. Just generalized support, hope it works out. You made the jump from one company to another already, I bet you can do it again if need be.
Thanks all! Thanks Jespah - not IT, but financial side of mutual funds.
We also have an office in NH - the directors from the NH office are here today and they have been in meetings with our Boston office directors and above - perhaps it is a move to NH? Still with the business it is too far for me to commute/move.
I know sozobe - but I was planning on retiring here. I honestly don't want to move and this industry is getting smaller - a couple of companies here just merged so there are fewer and fewer places to work.
They had promised once this announcement was made (supposed to be by May 1st), that it would be a year before they made final moves. Hopefully so I can plan accordingly.
And of course, the higher level you are the more difficult to get that pay and level. On the positive side, I do have lots of friends that can look out for me.
At this point, I will just wait for the announcement and deal with it as I can. I know I could eventually find another job, but another company that I like? A good work/balance situation? It is one thing if you have no kids, etc. but there is more to a job for me than just pay.
Would you be offered a severance package if you can't make a move?
Chai wrote:Would you be offered a severance package if you can't make a move?
Not sure - but I have only worked here 3 years so I cannot imagine it would be huge. If the move is to NH since it isn't too far, I doubt they would give you anything. If it were to Texas I imagine they will and perhaps some sort of bonus to stay til the end so they have people here to work. That is my take any way.
So we get a division wide phone mail (from this high up exec) - basically saying we will hear over the next few days the new "Global site strategy". A rep from our group will either deliver one-on-one or in a group meeting the direct results of this (ie. move or no move) and then there will be other meetings and other meetings to discuss and question, etc.
And I really feel like completing my goals and my reports' goals right now too - along with merit that I need to complete today.
Ack, Linkat! I'm so sorry to hear this.
My only thought is that you should start letting your contacts know that you're looking asap. Even if they give you a year, I think it's better to start looking right away.
Yeah - you are right. I just don't want to think about it. You find a place you like and are happy for the most part and wham!
And the VP brought in home made cup cakes - I think we might need more to soften the blow.
So I have a meeting first thing tomorrow (even before start of business), with the Sr. VP, VP and director.
I feel ill.
drink some ginger ale, it'll settle your stomach.
its never easy when your employer starts making life-altering decisions for you...
Ooooh, the cupcakes are scary.
You can do this, Linkat. One way or another things will work out.
Thanks all - yes it is difficult when others are making big decisions that can change your life and life plans. And yes I know I will be o-k, it still is difficult, but I'll manage.
I still feel sick though.