Right, that was my addendum last page.
sozobe wrote:Let me amend that -- in my husband's field, it's fine to apply for several jobs and accept the best one offered. It's just not cool to apply for a job, get an offer, and then turn down the offer in the absence of anything better.
Example -- E.G. had a multi-year postdoc position. He could keep that job until it was finished, but it was expected that as he started making a reputation he could apply for jobs well before his postdoc was completed. In the earliest years, he applied for one or two jobs, that was it. (You might remember when Madison was a distinct possibility, then I think Minneapolis was the next year.) He thought long and hard about applying for each one because he knew he would have to accept if he got the offer. (He didn't.)
Then towards the end of his postdoc, he started applying for faculty jobs in earnest; he applied for several jobs at once and got several offers, of which this one was the best. He turned down some offers in favor of this one, that was fine.
Anyway, didn't mean to go on about this at length -- my main point is that I know that it CAN be a problem to apply for (one) job and then, if it is offered, turn down the offer. I don't know if that is pertinent to Linkat's situation.